Mini Vivi Nova Leaks

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The Ocelot

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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
I love my mini, but it doesn't like my cinnamon-based vape. The tank is fine, but I noticed that when I unscrew the top to add juice the threads are melting. I don't know whether the top is a different material than the tank, or if it's because of the way it's milled. Currently, it's like fine "hair-like" pieces of plastic coming away. I wipe it down and rinse the cap off before I reattach it, but I'm sure there's a leak in my future. It won't stop me from using them, but I'm looking for a glass/pyrex for my cinnamon.

The Ocelot

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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
I want a glass slim one, about the same size as a mini, so it's stream-lined with my eGo. Another member suggested IBTanked. I sent them as email earlier to ask if they have a slim tank, but I haven't heard back from them yet. I think I will have to buy a whole tank set up, I haven't heard of a just a glass tube for the mini. gotvapes has metal ones, but I'm watching the threads to see what other people have experienced using them.
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Full Member
Aug 20, 2012
I have four Mini Vivi Nova's. I purchased one Ego, and one 510, I have had no problems with either, but I do tighten the base before filling, and clean it off after filling.
I ordered two more after the first night of vaping, the flavor of my e-juice was so much more pronounced, I didn't want to be without them in the event one of them dropped and broke. I also purchased two additional tank bodies and atomizer heads, just to be ahead of a problem.
I have been using the Mini Vivi Nova for two months now, and they are working as well as they did when I bought them, and I still have all my replacement parts !

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X P3 Flight Engineer

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Feb 27, 2012
Moncton, N.B. Canada
While refilling juice from the top falls into the threads then as you screw the top back on most of the juice is pushed out but it seems like a little oozes out after a little while. IMO

BINGO! ...

When you take the top cap off you have to wipe the inside of it dry, otherwise, as psauf (if that is their real name. Lol) said, the juice runs into the threads and down the side. The Vivi Nova doesn't do this because the threads are inside the tube. They should have done the same with the Mini.


X P3 Flight Engineer

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Feb 27, 2012
Moncton, N.B. Canada
I hate to double post, but here goes.

To address the juice consumption of the Mini; anything that produces a lot of vapor uses more juice. The other consideration is that the tank holds a lot less juice than advertised.

Granted, the wicks hold a lot of juice, so when it is initially filled it takes more juice than the refills. Try measuring a refill. drain the tank, leave the wicks wet and measure how much you can add. I get around 1.5 ml. Considering it produces a lot of vapor, it's reasonable that it doesn't seem to last long. It doesn't last long!

I find the Vivi Nova holds a bit more juice than I like of one flavor at a time, and the Mini holds a bit less than I would like. If it held 2.0 ml like they say, It would be just about perfect for me. Right now it is the best gear that I have found!

I am Relaxing and Enjoying!


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ECF Veteran
Apr 25, 2012
Washington State
I love my mini, but it doesn't like my cinnamon-based vape. The tank is fine, but I noticed that when I unscrew the top to add juice the threads are melting. I don't know whether the top is a different material than the tank, or if it's because of the way it's milled. Currently, it's like fine "hair-like" pieces of plastic coming away. I wipe it down and rinse the cap off before I reattach it, but I'm sure there's a leak in my future. It won't stop me from using them, but I'm looking for a glass/pyrex for my cinnamon.

It isn't glass but here are some of the metal tanks for the mini 2.5ml Metal Tube for Mini Vivi Nova Tank Clearomizer [D-A7 Vivi nova Metal tube] - $1.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail


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Sep 10, 2012
Oakley, Ca.
Waiting on my 2nd Mini Vivi Nova from gotvapes. My last one was delightful until about three weeks in it started to leak slightly from the tank bottom. It wasent very noticable but left the tank and battery greasy. Then it started getting worse so i put plumbers tape over the tank, half on the tank half on the metal bottom post. It was leaching up from one area making staining the tape. I feel thouse little clearish white o-rings on top and bottom of tank are suspect. So I ordered a new smokey color plastic tank shell and hoped it was the o-rings and threads of the first tank leaking. The new tank arrived with nice clean threads and I assembled the unit. Same problem! I loved that tank when it was working so I gave in and ordered a whole new tank. I hear that the Vivi tank series has a 2.5 that eliminates juice leaching and gotvapes claims to have it. Also, surevapes carries the 2.5 version. Fingers are crossed.


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Sep 30, 2012
South Carolina
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