More addicted???

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 20, 2013
Pago Pago, AS, USA
And, by the way, nicotine may be addictive but it's not a terribly dangerous chemical.

I agree with most of your statements, but I think this one needs to be qualified. While nicotine is a naturally occuring substance in many foods and low levels are deemed relatively "safe", pure nicotine is an extremely hazardous substance. This is only a consideration if you're going to get into DIY juice mixing, so it's not an issue for most of us, but it does need to be pointed out.
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Ultra Member
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Mar 4, 2013
Austin, TX
I agree with most of your statements, but I think this one needs to be qualified. While nicotine is a naturally occuring substance in many foods and low levels are deemed relatively "safe", pure nicotine is an extremely hazardous substance. This is only a consideration if you're going to get into DIY juice mixing, so it's not an issue for most of us, but it does need to be pointed out.

True, true. Then again, anything in too large a quantity can be extremely dangerous. Ask anybody that's been in a major flood. :)

Bill's Magic Vapor

Vaping Master
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Feb 8, 2013
I think I have become MORE addicted to nicotine now that I vape instead of smoke. I smoked a pack of Newport 100's a day. Sometimes I could go 3 hours or so without having a craving. Ever since I started vaping I just can't seem to put my PV down. I vape 24/mg juice. I seem to constantly be sucking on my PV. I don't really have what I'd call cravings or nicotine fits, but feel like I might be more addicted to my PV than I ever was to analogs. Is this just me or does anyone else feel like this. Any suggestions on how to cut down the vaping? (Not that its such a bad thing)

It can seem like a greater addiction to vaping, but it's not, nor is it even possible due to the difference in the mechanism of action and the effect on the behavioral reinforcement response. We vape more, i.e., more puffs, but we don't get more nicotine absorption for several reasons:

1. Nicotine with analogs is absorbed with much smaller particulate compounds through the lungs. This nicotine hits the brain in 5 - 10 seconds and causes a very nice dopamine/serotonin dump. That's the "Wow" feeling of "satisfaction" we get from smoking.
2. Nicotine with vaping is much larger particles and absorbs through the mouth and nasal passages. This is a more indirect delivery system, and hits the brain in 30 seconds, or so.
3. Of the 599 chemical additives in analogs, more than 100 are for the purpose of increasing nicotine uptake in the body, i.e., to force as much nicotine into the cardiovascular system, and into the brain, as chemistry can possibly achieve. Some of these 100 do other things, as well, but uptake is several magnitudes higher than vaping, and it's by plan (BT).
4. Because we don't get the same dopamine/serotonin dump with vaping, our intensity of affect is lessened, which, in time, reduces the addiction potential. It DOES NOT INCREASE THE ADDICTION POTENTIAL.
5. Evidence of this has been studied to a great a degree with nicotine absorption both transdermally with the patch, as well as orally using the gum and lozenge and spray. Interestingly enough, transdermal nicotine absorption is not considered addictive at prescribed levels by science.

Here's an interesting article that touches on some of these points. The good news is the vaping is certainly less addictive than smoking and far more healthy:

Best to you in your vaping! Fear're doing the right thing, and in time, your dependency on nicotine will be greatly reduced, and far easier to quit, if you so choose. Good Luck, Power Up and Vape On!
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