New 4nine clone!

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Jan 24, 2014
Infinite 4Nine clone from
I'm so excited!! this thing hits like a TRAIN! over nic'd after 10 hits of 3mg (I usually vape 6 or 12mg on other devices at .7 to 1.4 ohms).
I've always liked this mod, but couldn't afford the authentic. I saw RubyRoo's and VapingWithTwisted420's review and had to get one...

I also picked up a CLT - but havent cleaned and built it yet.
Tobh atty built with 2 1.35-1.4ohm coils (.7ohm) with 28ga kanthal on a 5/64 drill bit. vaping Not Too Shabby Like a Sir.

2014-08-06 16.07.59.jpg
Left to Right: SmokTech SiD with KFL+ clone, NEW 4nine clone with tobh clone, Cana Mod with Trident RDA clone

Its a nice little clone. The seams disappear nicely, though not completely (if your looking at it a foot from your face).
The button is crunchy as all get out until you figure out how to press it down evenly - I've been firing it with the "cali claw", pressing the button in the center with my middle finger. hopefully that crunchy-ness will wear over time... Anyone have any advice for how to lube that up? when i go to change the battery I'll check for machining defects, but the device is clean, so I assume those are non existent.
The battery rattle is not terrible but a little obnoxious, but it seems more like the device is wider than the battery - i may try to solve that with a piece of electrical tape. This is my first mech - so I'm not sure how it compares to other mechs... but its not like the thing is slamming around in there.

I love that there is no locking ring to mess with.
I love the hybrid topcap to make the mod shorter.
I love that there is no things to fiddle with inside to the mod to adjust battery rattle and such.
I think this thing looks slick and overall am really happy with this purchase (after an hour of having it.. LOL)

I also got a CLT to play with, but need to clean it before I build it. (i got the package an hour ago!)

My ONLY regret is that I didn't get the 26650 version (the 2six) instead :) I think thats next! A little hesitant though because there isn't much info on that version.

now just waiting for my Japanese cotton to get in......


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Jan 24, 2014
1) Nice mod choice - congrats! Love using mine***

2) Tobh is doing the Deed - 4Nine is just supplying the power:)

3) Do a Good polish on the switch and that crunchy feel should go away.

Enjoy the new toy :D

*You should see it in 18350 with a Magma ;)

Tobh was getting it done, but it got hot FAST! The atty not the mod... Put the CLT on it and that seems to work better, looks slick too, having the same finish. Both coiled the same, dual totaling .7ohms. CLT doesn't hit as hard as tobh, maybe my the way I wicked it or where I have the coils set, or maybe build quality of the atty, dunno, I'll play with it next rebuild... Working good enough for now! Plenty of flavor and vapor.

Thanks for the advice on the button, I'll play with it when I go to change the battery.

I hope all is well!
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Dec 23, 2009
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Just received my 4Nine from Fastteck....

So far, I love it!

The seams disappear completely... even with the mod right in front of your face, with good lighting!

Button works well.. a little crunchy, but not bad at all.

I also purchased the Stingray X clone, which arrived two days ago.

Between the two of them, I prefer the 4Nine at the moment. The button on the Stingray X sticks on occasion, which keeps the atty firing. That makes me a little paranoid, and I'm constantly pulling the button down after firing it, to make sure it doesn't stick.

No such problems on the 4Nine, and the seams, again, are invisible! Not so on the Stingray although you do have to kind of look for them.


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Who made your 4nine clone?
My button has stuck once or twice, but I noticed it right off as I felt it catch the inside of the mod at an angle, was quick to fix.

I believe it's an Infinite, but again, it came from Fasttech and they didn't say who made it.

Came in a black box, with the word "Mod" on other wording or paperwork.

Came with a spare magnet.... strange that your Infinite button is crunchy and mine seems to work alright.... could be a different batch, or it could be that mine aren't Infinite....

Anyone care to suggest what battery to use on the 4nine, in the 18490 mode? I'm vapping a Squape R with a .9 ohm build.



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May 26, 2012
Spartanburg, SC
Well color ME the shade of an idiot. Whatever that might be.

Got my own 4Nine clone today from Artemus ( and immediately created a hard short when I screwed on my KFL. I'm pretty sure I had backed out the 510 connector on the KFL deck too far. As soon as I pressed the switch, I saw a spark and the mod began to get REALLY hot REALLY quick. I had the wherewithal to yank the battery really fast. That was a HOT ....! I guess I'm glad I'm not "that idiot" on the news.

Only problem now is that the magnet in the delrin disk seems....well, dead. I've never run into this before.

And truth be told, I'm extremely embarrassed to even post this. I expect derision and stern admonishments. I deserve it.



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Jan 24, 2014
Well color ME the shade of an idiot. Whatever that might be.

Got my own 4Nine clone today from Artemus ( and immediately created a hard short when I screwed on my KFL. I'm pretty sure I had backed out the 510 connector on the KFL deck too far. As soon as I pressed the switch, I saw a spark and the mod began to get REALLY hot REALLY quick. I had the wherewithal to yank the battery really fast. That was a HOT ....! I guess I'm glad I'm not "that idiot" on the news.

Only problem now is that the magnet in the delrin disk seems....well, dead. I've never run into this before.

And truth be told, I'm extremely embarrassed to even post this. I expect derision and stern admonishments. I deserve it.


At lest you caught it.
I did a ton of research, and only as I was getting it did I notice people saying the hybrid top cap could cause a short with attys where the pin doesn't protrude past the base of the connection.

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May 26, 2012
Spartanburg, SC
Uh-oh. Wait. I've been reading everything wrong then. The 510 pin needs to extend well PAST the base of the connector? In other words, I shorted it because I didn't have the pin wound out far enough?

Sorry if I'm being dense. I want to make sure I don't make the same mistake twice.

the hybrid top cap could cause a short with attys where the pin doesn't protrude past the base of the connection.


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May 26, 2012
Spartanburg, SC
Yep. I am exactly that unskilled user. This is the first time I've dealt with this kind of connection.
I thought I was paying attention. I clearly was not. No one to blame but mahself.

Hybrid Cap does NOT cause Shorts.

It simply allows an Unskilled User to screw up. :D


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Jan 24, 2014
Uh-oh. Wait. I've been reading everything wrong then. The 510 pin needs to extend well PAST the base of the connector? In other words, I shorted it because I didn't have the pin wound out far enough?

Sorry if I'm being dense. I want to make sure I don't make the same mistake twice.

Positive post from the atty should touch the battery, negative part (threaded, surrounding the positive pin) should make connection with the body ONLY.

It is a circuit. With the negative part touching the battery you are short circuiting the atty. no juice going to the atty so it's just trying to dump full battery through the mod instead of into the atty.

The body of the mech connects to the body if the atty.
The positive post on the atty connects to the positive side of the battery. The circuit should be complete by the coil.. And that is where the heat should come from.

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May 26, 2012
Spartanburg, SC
Thanks a HEAP-ton for breaking this down for me. I was basically thinking about this in ENTIRELY the wrong way. I was treating the hybrid connector just like any other 510 connection. I had it ALL WRONG. My fault. I thought I knew more than I did. Everything you've just written makes sense and I now know exactly how I screwed up!

Now....I guess I need to see if I can get a replacement magnet/disk (I don't know what to call this part.....the little delrin disk with the magnet in the center that sits on top of the button itself) to get this beauty working. It's like both sides of the magnet attract, and won't repel anything. I need to Science! up on magnets. I did not know they could go all wonky like this.

I guess I'M the village idiot today. S'okay, won't be the first time. Won't be the last. ;)

Positive post from the atty should touch the battery, negative part (threaded, surrounding the positive pin) should make connection with the body ONLY.


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Jan 24, 2014
I meatiness the electricity or heat jacked up the magnet.

You can find the same magnets on amazon or at michaels (or so I've heard)... The magnet name starts with an N, but I can't think of it off the top of my head - do a search for rare earth magnets. The ones in the mod should just pop out, but I haven't tried.

Good luck! Glad I could help!

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Jan 24, 2014
just checking back in...

After a few days of use:
a vtc5 lasts me about 24 hours of vaping on a .7ohm dual coil. I've been using it primarily, though not exclusively. I change out the battery before it hits 3.3v (some where between 3.30 and 3.40)
Ive been swapping my attys with my flavors - tobh with like a sir, and CLT with a local fog juice (Electric Ember - Sonic Chill - mentholated strawberry)
both attys at .7 dual coil, both juices at .3 nic (usually vape 6) getting a bit overnic'd with big hits and a fresh battery (until it drops to like 3.9 or 4v).

the button has seemed to smooth out on its own - maybe from use wearing down any machining imperfections, though i'm leaning more toward it being due to the fact that I'm more used to using the device and hitting the button correctly :)
I looked at the button and where the button sits and i didn't see any machining imperfections, nor did I feel them when I rubbed my finger around the button and the inside of the bottom of the tube where the button sits and moves.
I did notices that it looks like the switch is really 3 magnets. 1 in the button itself, 1 in the delrin piece that attaches to the battery, and an additional one on the bottom of the one that connects to the battery. I think this is to keep the button throw shorter, but like the rest of this, its all speculation :)

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