New coils for protank 2 dont last long enough

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ECF Guru
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Aug 5, 2013
In the Mountains
Sorry Katya, the OP is probably correct, but paying too much, as Kanger’s coils of late have been terrible.

Discount Vapers seems to have the best prices on them, and they are genuine whether in a black box or white from them, but the manufacturing of late has gone down the toilet. Do not toss them, save them for when you learn how to rebuild. There was a thread about how bad they’ve become but I can’t find it, maybe somebody else can.

I used them exclusively for at least six months and had one short and another that was a bit funky, other than that they have worked flawlessly. Lately at least one per box is a dud, and several only last a day or two and the rest not much longer. I haven’t changed the juice (okay, I lowered the nic), battery or topper in over six months. Hopefully Kanger will rectify the problem soon.

Did I mention not to throw away the heads and learn how to rebuild?


ECF Guru
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Feb 23, 2010
Thanks Flamingo! I didn't know--I haven't bought any lately.

I get my coils from Sun Vapers and LiteCigUSA and never had a problem. That's awful, but I'm not surprised, really. Kanger has gone mad with all the innovations and "improvements" and redesigning every single coil. Seems like every month there is a new Kanger clearo being introduced--I just saw a thread about eVods D or something...:facepalm:

They really need to slow down and start paying attention to QC instead. It is a mess.


ECF Guru
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Aug 5, 2013
In the Mountains
Thanks Flamingo! I didn't know--I haven't bought any lately.

I get my coils from Sun Vapers and LiteCigUSA and never had a problem. That's awful, but I'm not surprised, really. Kanger has gone mad with all the innovations and "improvements" and redesigning every single coil. Seems like every month there is a new Kanger clearo being introduced--I just saw a thread about eVods D or something...:facepalm:

They really need to slow down and start paying attention to QC instead. It is a mess.

I hope they do. Especially considering all the new and proposed legislation, some people are trying to stock up. At least heads can be rebuilt. It is a shame since it was such a reliable product.


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Sep 29, 2013
Near Austin, Texas
Once ordered a knock off coil and had the same results. Every kanger coil I have had has been great. The real kanger ones have the plastic front with the foil seal on the back, should have kanger printed on the foil as well

And the real ones have the ohms etched into the base of the coil. You need a magnifier to see it, but it's there.
Study up on organic cotton.

I really hated the ProTank when I first got it, then I spend some time with it and what I do now is to take the brand-new heads out of the box, pull the silica out and replace it with cotton. I have since bought two more of them and like them very much indeed.

That way they don't leak, gurgle, flood or give you dry hits anymore from anything 70PG/30VG to 100% VG, you'll have more flavor and you can just pull out the cotton, rinse and dryburn the coil, and rewick the head with new cotton when it goes bad. You can rewick the stock coils about three times until the cotton gets baked onto the coil and gets damaged when you pull it out.

It saves you the hassle of building micro coils for the time being, but you can rewick the 30GA Kanthal microcoils more easily and a lot more often. But the stock coils with cotton vape great already, the micro coil just takes it onto another level.
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Id want to believe they are real Kanger coils because the vendor i got it from (Beyond Vape) is probably the most reputable one within 15 miles of my house. I did go from 2.2 Ohm to the 1.8 Ohm resistance, but i never go above 3.9 volts, usually ranging from 3.5-3.7
I tried yet another coil from my new pack yesterday.. got about 20 vapes from it. Im going to try rebuilding i suppose. Just a pain since my original coils lasted so long.

Mark Anthony

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Oct 4, 2013
Scranton, Pa USA
If they are cheap knock off coils.... it's probably the wicks. When I used protanks.... I tried a pack of coils from China. I knew something was bad from the get go. Nasty taste. I pulled out the wicks and put in my own cotton. Problem solved. Even with kanger coils.... I still used cotton. It solves a lot of issues and tastes better than the silica they come with. Try it!

This exactly^^^^^ You can get those coils on line at Hoosier Vapes or Discount Vapers for about $5 - $6 a 5 pack.... use them until they are no longer any good then rebuild them with organic cotton. Remove the silica wick, dry burn the coil, rinse and insert a cotton wick. Good to go and cheap and easy to rebuild!!
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