Out of the mouth of my nephew

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Evening all,

I went to pick my 5 yr old nephew up from pre-k this afternoon, when we got to his house we were sitting outside talking about his day and without thinking about it I pulled out my e-cig and started vaping.

I had to try really hard to keep from laughing as his eyes got HUGE and he asked me what is that. I told him I was quitting smoking and would be using this from now on and he goes good for you now show me again please. I of course did and then got to explain that it's only for adults as he wanted to try it!!

When my sis got home he made me show her and then tell her everything I told him. He even told her I said it's only for adults, he got this really serious look on his little face walked over to my sis and calmly stated: "It's for adults only mom so you can't try it or Aunty will ground you from the xbox!"

We about died trying not to laugh and then attempted to explain that my sis is an adult but he just wouldn't hear of it and kept replying No, she's my mom.

It took us about an hour to get him to understand that while yes she is his mom she's also an adult and he finally looked at me and said make her try it then it doesn't stink like hers does and stomped off.

She did ask me to email her some links so she can read up on it so I'll be doing that tonight and I told her she's more than welcome to try mine anytime she wants but she can't have it :)


Vaping Master
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Jan 30, 2012
United States
all my nieces and nephews want to know what all my cool gadgets are too. It doesnt help that Im so young and I get down on the floor and play with them like I'm a kid, so they want to try it thinking its OK. Plus it smells like candy half the time! But I have told them Its my quit smoking aid, Ive told them its got medicine in it, Ive said em all. lol.
Thanks all,

It's been a stressful few days here lately and him making us laugh like that was really good for us.

Plumes, I'm not that young anymore but I do still get down in the floor with him for tickle fests and such. His oldest brother is all into my electronic gadgets so I've started teaching him how to use the pc to research information on the games he wants and whatever "item" he's interested in that month, last month it was all about bats (the flying bats not baseball bats) this month it's June bugs lol. The other one is really an outdoorsy type but does like science experiments we've started researching ones we can do over the summer together that wont cost much.

Chimney, I am keeping them crossed for sure! I know she asked about how my lungs feel so far (I'm an asthmatic who's smoked for 30 yrs) and I was honest with her, I still cough in the morning but not near as bad but best of all so far...I don't feel as though I have a brick sitting on top of my lungs and can actually breathe easier. Therefore to me vaping is much better for me than smoking and would be for her an the littlest one as well.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 15, 2013
Alabama, United States
That is a wonderful story, thank you so much for sharing that with us! I sure hope you can get your sister interested in vaping, especially for her little one. He could keep his mommy so much longer. I have COPD and vaping has been so good for me and my breathing is much improved. Yours will improve even more I'm sure, as long as you just keep on vaping. Hang in there and keep the wonderful stories coming.


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Dec 1, 2012
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Chimney, I am keeping them crossed for sure! I know she asked about how my lungs feel so far (I'm an asthmatic who's smoked for 30 yrs) and I was honest with her, I still cough in the morning but not near as bad but best of all so far...I don't feel as though I have a brick sitting on top of my lungs and can actually breathe easier. Therefore to me vaping is much better for me than smoking and would be for her an the littlest one as well.

Hope your stress level gets better! Stick with it & that heavy feeling in your chest will start to diminish too! I found myself running while walking the dog today! I think I wear him out now with the walks lol! Anyway, he saw that we were almost home & took off running & instead of trying to slow him down I somehow ended up running. When I made it to the door I thought to myself 'I ran & I'm not trying to catch my breath!' I can't remember when the last time was that I've done that! Before I was breathing hard just walking around the apartment complex! :shock:


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Jun 21, 2011
Southern Maine
kids are hilarious.. my 8 year old pulls some zingers that make me cry laughing. so darn honest too!

I love the story.. and I see two important things that happened- your sister is taking vaping into consideration, and it was made clear to a child that vaping is for adults only and what it is for.

enjoy those kids! grow up too fast.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010

She did ask me to email her some links so she can read up on it so I'll be doing that tonight and I told her she's more than welcome to try mine anytime she wants but she can't have it :)

A Great Tale...

I hope one of the Links you send out is for the ECF.


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Apr 8, 2013
Monterey, California
Great story.

I always wondered how kids would react, me and the wife don't have any yet. I never once tried my parents' cigarettes until I was 17, so I guess it's possible lol. But me and my sister were plenty curious about other things, I cut my hands up playing with my dad's pocket knife, and my sister got a hold of my dad's razor when she was 3 and shaved off her eye brows (she still has little scars). Guess I'll just have to keep a close eye when the time comes lol.


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Oct 23, 2011
Washington, In
lol my nephew is used to seeing mine by now, and any time i get a new flavor in he wants to smell the flavor, the 555 i usually vape he's called my pancake cigarette and told his mom he wants one when he's older. she told him that they were for adults and he said that he couldnt wait to be an adult so he could have one and also play games that adults get to play on the playstation
Crash, I was the same way with my son when he was young and I always told him there's an old saying my dad use to tell me it's "Do as I say, not as I do" but I never got his point till I was older then I knew he was trying to tell me to be better than he was I'd then go on to tell my son I knew for a fact that he could be better than I was. It must have worked, he's 20 now and doesn't smoke nor does he drink. I let him try a sip of a very mild rum and coke when he turned 16 and he hated it (he actually spit it out right there in the living room lol) and still to this day hates it. Yes honesty and being straight up with all the facts is best.

zoiDman, of course! It was the first link in the email :)

Jimmy, just wait...you tell the kid the stove's hot over and over then one day you tell him see the orange glow on the burner (electric stove) it's HOT and will burn you so don't touch it. Turn around to get plates out of the cabinet only to hear him scream as he places his hand flat on the burner you JUST told him not to touch...Or tell them no jumping on the bed what seems like 500 times in one week only to have him fall off the bed while jumping on it and break his wrist in 3 places. I think I'd have had to have 4 sets of eye's to keep up with him when he was younger lol.

Kids will be kids but I've found that being completely honest and giving them facts instead of just saying dont ever do such and such works best (Plus that way they dont come back and say well why shouldn't I do it...smokers lungs aren't very nice looking even to a 14/15 yr old boy much less a girl).

Night all,

Stay safe and stay vaping :)
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