Plastic Bottles & E-Liquid

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My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
OMG!!! Isn't the polyfill in my cartomizers made of plastic too?!?! And the clearos I use are plastic and the tips too!! Jeez! I look at it this way....I am already poisoning myself with nicotine and drinking bottled water (yes, plastic bottles) oh and that film that gets on the inside of your windshield from your new car is coming from the PVC plastic dashboard that gives off a vapor. Get over it.:2c:

So your say'n that people Shouldn't be Concerned that Some Plastics are Not Considered Safe to store e-liquids?


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Dec 28, 2012
Hamilton, MS
So your say'n that people Shouldn't be Concerned that Some Plastics are Not Considered Safe to store e-liquids?

Almost.......I am saying that all plastics are bad for the human population. They have not yet proven that nothing leaches out of or for that matter back into plastics. If you have a juice that dissolves plastic, it's more of a hazard to your health to keep the stuff in a glass container and keep vaping it. If I found that I had a juice that dissolves the plastic bottle it's in, I would get rid of it and find a juice that won't. As I previously mentioned, it's not just the plastic bottle it's dissolving. If the juice is so strong it's dissolving plastic, best to not vape it at all. Plastics are all around us. If I worried about all the harm plastics are doing to my health (not to mention my own vices) I'd be a wreck.......use common sense. Unless you can do something about the Juice that is causing this problem or have the means to investigate and publish said findings on the matter, then forward findings to the FDA, then notify all users of problems with that juice melting plastic....etc, so on, ad nauseum........again, get over it.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 14, 2012
I'm not happy any longer with what I'm seeing when I look at the plastic bottles that vendors are using to send us our juice in. When I look into an empty 15ml-30ml plastic bottle the inside looks like it has been melted. This isn't with just one vendor or one juice but with pretty much all of them, accept the ones who are using glass or the harder PTE plastic bottles The used bottle when I look at it just isnt the same as a new bottle, it looks like it is lightly melting on the inside. This means the plastic is leaching into the juice. I think we need to take a closer look at this and switch the bottles where using ASAP and either go to Glass or the harder PTE Bottles they sell, these softer LDPE & HDPE bottles which I think is what there using are just not cutting it any longer. I've been transferring everything I get to glass bottles right away especially all of my nic and pretty much anything I can, but when it comes to buying juice and seeing the inside of the bottle and it leached into my juice this isn't making me to happy and I'm not gonna keep quite about this any longer. Juice suppliers should step up and start using glass to send us our juice in, there making enough profit to do so. If I cant buy this way or in a safer bottle that doesn't leach I'm simply gonna stop buying from that supplier any longer. I think many of the vapors out there should look at there plastic bottles and think about this and what it could do long term vaping juice that has plastic leached into it.

My plastic bottles dont look like your ''melted'' bottles,maybe your vendor is using cheaper bottle material than other vendors,im not saying plastic still dont leach bout toothpaste,thats is plastic tubes?
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Ultra Member
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Feb 22, 2012
Buffalo NY
They havent proven that nothing leaches into or out of plastics? Ok, so you are living under a rock?

Im sorry I even have to use this as an example but all those school children that were poisoned in India a few weeks ago.... they were poisoned because the cooking oil used to make their food had been stored in a plastic container that had been cleaned and repurposed to store the oil. It previously was used to store pestacides.

BPA was also proved by the FDA to leech out of plastics. As well as many other solids and chemicals.

Now these are all obviously dependent on the type of plastic and what that plastic is exposed to. But to simply say "get over it" with a who cares kind of attitude.... tell that to those schoolkids. So you go ahead and use those plastics. Some of us know better, actually do care about health, and are concerned with limiting exposure.

(used in general terms) "Ignorance is bliss but it breeds stupidity".
- Martin Luther King

Almost.......I am saying that all plastics are bad for the human population. They have not yet proven that nothing leaches out of or for that matter back into plastics. If you have a juice that dissolves plastic, it's more of a hazard to your health to keep the stuff in a glass container and keep vaping it. If I found that I had a juice that dissolves the plastic bottle it's in, I would get rid of it and find a juice that won't. As I previously mentioned, it's not just the plastic bottle it's dissolving. If the juice is so strong it's dissolving plastic, best to not vape it at all. Plastics are all around us. If I worried about all the harm plastics are doing to my health (not to mention my own vices) I'd be a wreck.......use common sense. Unless you can do something about the Juice that is causing this problem or have the means to investigate and publish said findings on the matter, then forward findings to the FDA, then notify all users of problems with that juice melting plastic....etc, so on, ad nauseum........again, get over it.


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Dec 27, 2011
Austin, TX
Here's my take.

I've already screwed up my lungs badly enough after many years of smoking, and try to do whatever is reasonably easy to do to minimize further harm to them. Note I said minimize, not eliminate.

I'm also a chemist, although not of the polymer variety. I do know, however, that glass is resistant to just about all chemicals. Plastics are more complicated. Different types interact differently with different chemicals at different rates, and I'm just not gonna study all that. It's much easier to just use glass.

Still feel this way, but to each his own.

And now we have glass clearo tanks - yeah!!!


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May 24, 2013
When it comes to flavor, liquids stored in glass taste much better. I like to drink Apple Cider Vinegar and initially got them in plastic containers. I ran out and tried their glass bottled ACV and wow the difference. Same with bottled soda drinks versus aluminium cans. I'm curious now if glass bottled ejuice taste better.


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Dec 28, 2012
Hamilton, MS
They havent proven that nothing leaches into or out of plastics? Ok, so you are living under a rock?

Im sorry I even have to use this as an example but all those school children that were poisoned in India a few weeks ago.... they were poisoned because the cooking oil used to make their food had been stored in a plastic container that had been cleaned and repurposed to store the oil. It previously was used to store pestacides.

BPA was also proved by the FDA to leech out of plastics. As well as many other solids and chemicals.

Now these are all obviously dependent on the type of plastic and what that plastic is exposed to. But to simply say "get over it" with a who cares kind of attitude.... tell that to those schoolkids. So you go ahead and use those plastics. Some of us know better, actually do care about health, and are concerned with limiting exposure.

(used in general terms) "Ignorance is bliss but it breeds stupidity".
- Martin Luther King

Jeez, going off on a tangent with the India thing, eh? I should tell it to all those schoolchildren? Did I poison them? Now I'm ignorant and Stupid? Fine by me. I should have just said that I Don't care... Get over it. I have.


Ultra Member
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Feb 22, 2012
Buffalo NY
Wasnt a tangent. Sometimes extreme examples are needed to point out how some of us overlook the obvious. You were the one that stated it hasnt been proven. I just pointed out it has, repeatedly.

Some people do care. You coming into the thread to poke at it and discredit it without proper knowledge or understanding irked me. No one should adcocate the opinion you have proposed. Maybe you are satisfied doing more damage after smoking cause "jeez nothing else could be as bad so why bother", but its your body. Do as you like and be blissfully unaware without thought, or information. As others have said to each their own.

My juices keep better in glass, taste better in glass, and I have one less series of contaminants to worry about putting in my body. +1 for my health, God willing.

Jeez, going off on a tangent with the India thing, eh? I should tell it to all those schoolchildren? Did I poison them? Now I'm ignorant and Stupid? Fine by me. I should have just said that I Don't care... Get over it. I have.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
I have Never Understood the Mentality of some people that Because they have Done Something Hazardous in the Past, that Doing something Less Hazardous Now is OK.

It's kinda like Say'n that I Shot myself 4 Times in the Leg and Lived. So Shooting myself 3 Times is OK.

Shouldn't they be Striving for Not Shooting themselves at All? Or at Least trying to Minimize the Times they Shoot themselves?


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Jun 1, 2013
Springfield, IL
I just saw this thread today and I'm going to spend some time this evening searching for some glass bottles to store my juices in. Better to use them and not need them than it is to need them and not use them.

I have a couple of questions for anyone who cares to answer:

1. The very brief searching that I've done so far has turned up bottles that are glass but have plastic drippers. I would like to find some bottles that eliminate plastic altogether. Does anything like this exist?

2. When using the plastic bottles that I currently use I load my cartos and tanks straight from the plastic bottles by giving them a light squeeze. I can't squeeze glass. How does one go about loading juice from a glass bottle?


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010

2. When using the plastic bottles that I currently use I load my cartos and tanks straight from the plastic bottles by giving them a light squeeze. I can't squeeze glass. How does one go about loading juice from a glass bottle?



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Dec 19, 2012
Madison, AL
1. The very brief searching that I've done so far has turned up bottles that are glass but have plastic drippers. I would like to find some bottles that eliminate plastic altogether. Does anything like this exist?

2. When using the plastic bottles that I currently use I load my cartos and tanks straight from the plastic bottles by giving them a light squeeze. I can't squeeze glass. How does one go about loading juice from a glass bottle?

I ordered a bunch of 1/2 oz (15ml) and a few 1oz dripper bottles from Specialty Bottle. Their drippers feel like glass to me. I love the bottles, but don't know if they're better or worse than any others.
As for filling tanks, that's what the dripper is for. Not sure I understand your question there. Instead of squeezing a plastic bottle, you squeeze a rubber bulb. The rubber bulb, by the way, need never touch the juice.
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Jan 27, 2013
Wichita, KS
I think part of the point in all this is, like any other new and growing industry, a new and fairly untested product is created. It's a process of learning from mistakes and failures. We started with plastic bottles, we may find they're not the best choice and move to glass. We may find that the fill in the cartos isn't safest and move to something else. You can't start out at 100%.
Remember that smoking used to be recommended as therapeutic?
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Jun 1, 2013
Springfield, IL

I ordered a bunch of 1/2 oz (15ml) and a few 1oz dripper bottles from Specialty Bottle. Their drippers feel like glass to me. I love the bottles, but don't know if they're better or worse than any others.
As for filling tanks, that's what the dripper is for. Not sure I understand your question there. Instead of squeezing a plastic bottle, you squeeze a rubber bulb. The rubber bulb, by the way, need never touch the juice.

Thank you both. Those look like something I can use. I think I'll order a bunch of them.

tmoore, The drippers I was referring to were like the drippers on the Euro Dropper bottles in your link. I had only done minimal searching at the time and those were all I saw. The Boston Round bottles look great and about $.80 each is a pretty reasonable price. Thanks for the link.:thumb:


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Nov 5, 2009
Georgia, USA
Sure glass bottles are preferred, but you shouldnt worry about ejuice in PET or LDPE bottles. Definitely if the company makes their juice fresh. Now if you plan to buy a juice and let it sit for 4+ months, that is a different story.

The USPS is pretty crappy these days and ive actually had 2 different glass ejuice orders bust during shipment. Both form different companies. Juices were wrapped just fine in bubble wrap. I also like to store my juice in glass bottles if I know it will sit around for awhile but dont care if I order a juice thats in a plastic or glass bottle unless I know the company makes their juices prior and has them sitting on shelves.

Also know of a ejuice vendor who just switched to plastic bottles from glass because of USPS busting too many of the bottles during shipment.

Again, not saying plastic is perfectly safe, but if you order a juice made fresh and know itll be gone in a couple months, you probably have nothing to worry about.
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