Please Help Me Convince My Wife

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Dec 9, 2013
I have been vaping since July 2013 and I am really into it and my wife was happy to see me kick the habit but now whe thinks that I just replace one bad habit with another. She is glad I do not smell like a bum and not spending $30 a week on smoking but she still has issues with me vaping. She swears it's still just as bad and won't let me vape in the house (which I do if she's not home hehe). My cousins husband opened up a shop down the street from my house, which is where I get my liquid from, and I get it free because I do graphic work for them and I'm building their website and she still manages to find an issue with me doing it. I have showed her articles, videos, news clips, just about anything I can find that supports it but she will not budge. She has recently eased up since I have been so passionate about it and have talked to her about mixing my own liquids but I want her to be on board 100%. Has anyone ran into any static from loved ones for vaping and were able to convince them it is safe. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!


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Feb 17, 2012
South Florida
All I can say is I'm glad I'm divorced. LOL! I was and have been crazy over vaping for almost 3 years now. I can't imagine how difficult it would be to try and sneak and hide my obsession. I don't believe I could do it. I've never been good at lieing or sneaking. I'm 50 years old and my mom and older brothers, sisters-in-law, etc., are happy that I no longer smoke and they also accept that I use an ecig (Provari with RDA) around them. Although I know they probably look at it and have a hard time understanding it, even though all of them used to smoke but have quit smoking altogether. Honestly though, I'm at the point that I just don't care and have to do what I have to do. I know being married isn't as easy though. I feel for ya, man. Best of luck to you! I don't know if you can get someone to be on board 100% if they just aren't.


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Jan 15, 2011
CASAA has a lot of printable material.

CASAA Printable Material

People that don't smoke really can't relate. If she understands that most people are unsuccessful quitting smoking long term and most are successful that transition from smoking to vaping she might be a bit more understanding.
Worth a shot.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2011
A few people have run into similar situations with friends/ family and posted about it here. I think all you can do is remind her that you are not smoking analogs which are certainly much worse for you and ask her to support your choice as she would want you to do.

I have only heard one negative comment in real life and it was not towards me. A friend of ours started vaping after seeing hubby's e-cig.
He and another friend both agreed that they would stop smoking. The one went cold turkey about three years ago.
But the other uses his e-cig. The one who went cold turkey said to me that he does not feel that "Mike" quit or held up his end of the deal because he is using an e-cig.
So I had to explain to him that Mike did in fact quit smoking! That an e-cig is not smoking. It does not have all the horrible chemicals that analogs have and it is very possible that Mike is using 0 nicotine and just enjoys vaping and the hand/mouth movement. He chilled out after that.


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Jan 4, 2010
San Antonio, TX
I wish you the best of luck in convincing your wife. I did not have that problem. My wife was a long time smoker herself and we quit on the same day when I brought home an ego battery topped with a Kanger T3. She wanted a setup of her own. We are now at almost ten months smoke free. She is still happy with the ego/T3 combo while I have pursued APV's and rebuildables and DIY juice. We are both happy with our decisions.

Your wife needs to see vaping, not as a replacement of one bad habit with another, rather as your taking up a new rather inexpensive (comparatively) habit. It is not smoking in disguise. It is a good clean activity that just happens to satisfy many of the same things that smoking did.

Hang in there. Hopefully she will come around as the long term benefits begin to show up.


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My wife is all for the PV over the stinkies. She even once said, "I don't care how much we need to spend on e-cigs as long as there aren't any cigarettes." My wife has never been a smoker in her life and now she wants to vape 0 nic because she likes the smells and flavors.

Could be worse, you could have put down the cigarettes and picked up the crack pipe.


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Nov 12, 2013
Central CT
I don't understand the problem even if you aren't going to quit vaping. You aren't harming anyone, not even yourself anymore, so what's wrong with a hobby/pasttime that makes you happy?

Personally, I never got any crap from my family and friends for smoking so they're sure not bugging me about this. The only comments I've gotten are they're happy with no smoke now and asking me what I'm having for dessert (my after dinner vapes change every night - do I want blueberry struedel, key lime pie,... decisions, decisions) they think that bit is hilarious :laugh:


Ultra Member
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Feb 17, 2012
South Florida
I have an idea, if you don't like watching sports all day on Sunday, tell her at least you don't make her watch sports all day Sunday, etc. LOL! I'd much rather have a hubby vape than have to watch sports all day Sunday. Just saying. hehe...Well, you get the picture. Insert whatever she would dislike in the above sentence so she can think about how lucky she is you only vape.


Ultra Member
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Jun 30, 2012
The Woodlands, TX, USA
This is going to be petty, but you'll get the idea...

Ask her

1) How much she spends on hair stylist, colorist, haircuts, etc., each month.
2) How much she spends on clothes.
3) How much she spends on shoes.

If she comes back and says that all of that expense is to look attractive for you, then come back and say, well I appreciate it and I want to vape so I can live a long time to enjoy it for many years to come.

PS: 4) How much she spends on manicures/pedicures.
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