Poldiac Clone

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State O' Flux

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Jul 17, 2013
This? "New product "Poldiac mod"

I don't know of anyone who has one yet. Some think the photos are photo-shopped, as there are no real, in focus - disassembled photos. Maybe they can make them, maybe if someone places a large order they will make them.
Many are concerned that is won't be a 1:1 copy of the Poldiac's button... while some are concerned that it will be, but of lower quality materials.

I guess well find out eventually. :)

State O' Flux

Vaping Master
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Jul 17, 2013
Ya' know... those don't appear to be the same Poldiac clone. Quality on the FT mech in their photos is (about $24 worth judging from the close-ups) only tolerable, but I suspect actually an example of what you get.

The ones from Vapetech appear to have a different button, and appear (ha ha ha... might be real'ish Poldiacs in the photos) to be available with "shirt and pants" options, while the FT ones do not.
I have yet to see anyone review a Vapetech product, so not a clue as to quality. Hopefully (or not depending on your views of clones), the quality (of the VT) is better than the piece shown in the FT photos.
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