Provari or......????

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Mar 15, 2013
In the Mist
Ok I am ready to take the plunge for quality. This due to the failure of one of my MVP's after only 6 weeks. I know there is always a failure rate for electronic equipment. But I just don't want to be going through dying mods every few months and end up with a drawer full of paperweights.

So instead of spending $30-$50 every few months I was thinking about just going straight to the top. First on my list is obviously the Provari. The quality and longevity is well documented. But I am open to other suggestions as well. Thought about a mech with a kick but I have crossed that off the list.


And please let's keep the Provari fanboy and anti-provari propaganda out of this. I don't want it to turn into a debate. I know what the Provari is all about so I really don't need to be sold on it. But if I am missing other viable options I am all ears.

Elizabeth Baldwin

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Feb 2, 2014
Lexington, Kentucky, United States
I have a Provari. I've never had an issue and it has a warranty. I have several mods and variable voltage devices, but 99% of the time I use my ProVari because it hits great and is reliable. It's a great, reliable device that lasts and lasts. Knowing it is guaranteed helps.


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Mar 15, 2013
In the Mist
I have a Provari. I've never had an issue and it has a warranty. I have several mods and variable voltage devices, but 99% of the time I use my ProVari because it hits great and is reliable. It's a great, reliable device that lasts and lasts. Knowing it is guaranteed helps.

The quality, warranty and support after the warranty are the biggest appeals to me.


Vaping Master
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Mar 31, 2013
United States
Because I got into vaping for the long haul like you I decided on the Provari due to it's warranty and after warranty repair service. As far as I know it's the only U.S.A. made tubular mod that has this type of service plan. It's my go to device when I go out and about because I know it's a no hassle and easy to use.

:) Reo's are very nice indeed!


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Mar 15, 2013
In the Mist
Do you rebuild your own coils? if you do a Reo Grand & RM2 is also a good choice Rob give great after sales service! it's American made and will last for a long time together they will cost you just under 200.00 money well spent IMO

I rebuild my own cols for PTII coils. Does that count??? LOL

Haven't explored those as I was wanting a tube mod. But I will look into them. I know what a Reo is but what is an RM2???


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Jan 13, 2014
Just to give you a comparison the picture is of a Provari mini and a Kayfun lite + with an 18350 battery and the Reo Grand with a Cyclone it has an 18650 battery in it a Cyclone is very similar to an RM2 a little more money but not really worth spending The Rm2 is just as good as the cyclone :)


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Apr 10, 2013
I've owned a Provari for over a year. Yeah, it's a great mod. Excellent quality. But I have to agree with Steamer861. I bought my first reo about a week ago, I loved it! I'm expecting my second in vape mail tomorrow. Not that I needed another one, I just loved it and wanted an extra one. There is clearly a night and day diffrence. Their two very diffrent beast. But after being a die hard Provari fan, my suggestion is, get a reo. Either way you can't go wrong.

Gato del Jugo

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Dec 24, 2013
US o' A
I dig my full-size ProVari in 18650 mode, but have never used a Reo before (have thought about getting one in the past, but eventually decided that vape style wasn't totally my scene)..

If you're looking to drop like $160-$215, then you probably can't go wrong with either.. Both are known for their quality, durability & longevity.. They are different beasts, so it all comes down to how you want to vape...

I don't think I've ever heard a ProVari owner say, I don't like my ProVari..

Likewise, I don't think I've ever heard a Reo owner say, I don't like my Reo..

I've also seen plenty of people here own both -- and they typically love both (though may lean more towards one or the other)

Finally, many in either camp usually end up owning more than one..

I think that says a lot...


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Aug 24, 2010
Coral Springs FL
To be perfectly honest, I think you have one of two options at this point.

1. REO. They are nearly indestructible. They are not regulated so there's nothing to burn out or fail. They have awesome flavor because they give you the intensity of a dripping RDA without the hassle of dripping. Of course you have to learn how to "squonk" and it's a learned thing. some people pick it right up, some people get frustrated from flooding it, or not squonking it enough. YMMV. You can use something other than a bottom feeding RBA, but what's the point? Your buying the REO specifically so that you can "squonk" it. If you are going to primarily use any other tank, there's really no reason to get the REO over any other mechanical. Since it is a mech mod, you can sub-ohm to your hearts content, but you will experience the drop in voltage during the discharge cycle like all non regulated mods. Also, you're wattage is entirely dependent on the resistance of your coil. If you build coil and it hits too hot....rebuild the coil. If it's not hot enough...rebuild the coil.

2. ProVari: It too is nearly indestructible, but because it does have 'lectronics in it, it's not as bullet proof as a REO. The ProVari provides you the convenience of being able to adjust voltage to your taste without building a new coil. It outputs it's set voltage out regardless of the battery discharge state. This means your first draw tastes like your last draw. It has fantastic warranty and post warranty support. The most expensive repair on an out of warranty ProVari is the control board itself at $65.00. This means if something does go wrong with it, you can get it repaired quickly and relatively inexpensively. The low points of the ProVari is that as part of it's regulation you can't exceed 3.5 amps. It also has a 15 watt limitation which basically eliminates the ability to sub-ohm with it. You are also limited to using button top batteries due to the internal design.

As you know, there are no "one size fits all" mods out there. In fact the ProVari and REO are polar opposites of each other which is why many REO owners own ProVari's and vice versa. Most of the REO's strengths and weakness stem from the fact that it is NOT regulated, just as most of the ProVari's strengths and weaknesses stem from the fact that it IS regulated. This kind of makes you decide what type of vaper are you?

You can't go wrong with either. If you don't like one or the other, you can sell either one in the classies practically before you hit the "post thread" button.

Personally my desire for the consistency of vape throughout the discharge cycle overrides my desire for high wattage vaping.

The newer DNA 20/30 and Sigelei 20W and other "high wattage" regulated mods are attempting to bridge the gap to make a true "one mod to rule them all", but none of them have the track record. I know my dunk test would have killed a DNA 20 flat out, probably should have killed my ProVari (but I read similar stories of accidental submersion, so I wasn't THAT worried), and would not have affected a REO in any way.

My advice to you. decide what type of vaper you are primarily, and then choose the device that fits that profile. For me, it's the ProVari. For you it might be something different.

But whatever you choose, the REO and the ProVari are the only two that I consider as having the proven track record of durability that is your primary concern at this point
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Jan 13, 2014
The 20 watt is new but from the same manufactures So probably the same quality all thou I can't say for sure :)

Looks like the Provari and REO are the best options. Kinda wanted a tube but I am open.

Any thoughts on the Sigelei 20w? Or would I be in the same boat.

Tap'd from my LG G2

Funk Dracula

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Jun 7, 2013
Reo + Kick2

If you must...


The Kick2 actually out-specs the Provari in the 15W category, with double the amp limit, and unlike the DNA steps down voltage if you insist on vaping air. :p

Get an LP Grand with a Kick2, and you can stick whatever regular tank you wanted to on top of the Reo (but why???) and pretend it's a boxy Provari, or an indestructible MVP on steroids.

That would be nonsense though...

The thing is, there's a very good chance you'll come to realize you just don't need the regulation with a properly set-up RM2 and on-demand juice. With a micro coil all you have to do is build once; then dry burn, rinse under water, and re-wick. There's a micro coil in one of my RM2s that's still going like new since December. Also, wrapping and installing a coil for an RM2 is infinitely easier than a Pro Tank.

Another thing not mentioned so far is the Reo does have a 1 year warranty, and you could send it in whenever beyond that to the modmaster for a spa treatment. But you won't be needing to... ever.

If you're straight up looking for nothing but a regulated device there are better things out there at insanely reasonable prices. In my opinion, you buy bullet proof mechanicals that can be somewhat modular with the times (accepts drop in module like a Kick), buying regulated devices will only box you in. I'd never buy a regulated device and expect not to replace it at least within a year for better technology, but that's just me actually seeing the forest for the trees.
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