Question about vivi nova

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Full Member
Mar 25, 2013
Upland, CA, USA
Update on the capeyson adventure in getting off stinkies, and a new noob question.

After reading so much about the Vivi Nova and it's awesomeness, I decided I had to get one. But instead of ordering one from the apollo website, I went to this place near where I live, called the Vapour Lounge (gotta love the British spelling), and bought one along with some 24mg fruit fluid of some sort. I didn't really care what the flavor was - the service guy let me vape it and it tasted fine, and it was all they had anyway.

Now, I asked him for a vivi nova and I was surprised when he brought out a metallic tank. In other words, it was not transparent. On the apollo site, it is transparent. I thought VNs were clearomizers and they were transparent; by contrast I thought cartos were the ones that were non-transparent. So I was (still am) confused.

I'm not displeased with it at all. The draw is very smooth - much smoother than with my CE4 clearo - and the throat hit isn't as punishing. Relying on it yeaterday I had 1.5 cigarettes, my lowest amount yet. Today I'm going to see how difficult it is to have zero; so far I'm alright - the craving is there, but it's not overly intense. I just pick up the VN and vape the 24mg fruit concoction for ten minutes and I'm more or less alright.

Anyway, my question concerns the VN I purchased. Can someone explain to me what I got? There's no brand, as far as I can see - the package just says, "Vivi Nova." Is there a reason why my VN is not transparent? Does it matter?


Full Member
Mar 25, 2013
Upland, CA, USA
Nah, it wasn't overly pricey; like 18$ or something.

It did come with two replacement heads.

And overall it works just fine; I have no complaints, except when I fill it up the metal tank makes it dark and hard to see. I overfilled it yesterday. Minor hassle.

Otherwise I was just curious about any nuanced performance differences between a clear/metal VN, which many of you helpfully clarified. I still want to know the difference between a clearo and a carto though. I've done the reading, and I'm still confused. Let me explain why.

I bought an apollo with a CE4 clearo. Very clearly in the order and on the first page of the instructions it calls the thing a clearomizer. But two pages later in the instructions, it refers to the clearomizer, apparently without the drip tip, as a cartomizer! So that made me think there was no difference, but I know full well there is. The instructions definitely implied that a cartomizer is just a clearomizer without a drip tip, which seems ridiculous.

Then I thought cartos tended to be non-transparent, which I read. But VN's are supposed to be clearomizers, right? So what's up with the non-clear VN? Is it a still a clearomizer? Or what?

So baffled.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 23, 2013
Lexington, KY
There are many knock-off vivi's. It's possible that you bought one of them. There isn't necessarily anything wrong with them if that is what you actually have. I am using a knock off full size vivi from DV and it is awesome.

To help you get off the cigs, I would try some of the tobacco flavored juices. Some of them are pretty strong and might satisfy your desire for a smoke a little better.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 26, 2011
des moines IA
Just make sure you buy the parts from the same vendor (if you decide to get anymore) because if they happen to break the parts aren't interchangeable between knock off and real Vivi's; I learned that one the hard way a few days ago.....A local vendor sold me one and told me it was authentic, when tank broke bought a metal tube from a Verified Vendor (in which I was purchasing goods from anyways). Didn't work, I had to spend hours thinking of ways to modify it to get it to work. Think I wasted probably close to 6ml of juice and just figured out how to fix it this morning.( I think)
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