Stockpiling for 2 years. What do I need for parts? Ego-T

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Jan 2, 2011
Derry NH
Today is day 5 completely off analogs. I feel sooo good.

I've been reading all the posts about the fda and seizing shipments, fight the nyc ban which I sent in the letters for also, and I've got to say it makes me kind of nervous that I may not be able to buy e-cig supplies in the near future. I can definitely see this happening from what's been going on.

Then yesterday did it for me when I went to the Ovale site to order the tank kit and found a message on their front page stating they cannot sell to anyone in the us at the moment because paypal limited their account because they sell e-cigarettes.

I won't go into details but I've tried everything to quit and nothing worked, this is it for me. From day 1 of vaping I was hooked and I know if e-cig supplies are not available I will go right back to smoking.

So my plan is to enjoy vaping (I'm loving it) with my current nic level (24mg) for a WHILE. Could be a couple of months could be a year. Then to go off nic so slowly I won't notice like 23mg for a week, then 22mg the next, etc continuing to drop only 1mg every week or so. It'll take 6 months but I'm hoping it'll be so slight I won't notice.

I don't want to have to worry about not being able to find supplies or thinking I may go back to analogs someday, so I want to get enough supplies to last me 2 years.

I know a lot of you will think this is completely stupid but I've decided! If I like the tank system when it gets here, and I think I will.. I want to get enough batteries, t-attys and tanks to last for 2 years. As I am new to vaping and haven't had to replace any parts yet I'm having a hard time figuring it out.

If you vaped 3-4 ml a day of 80pg/20vg diy liquid with 20% flavor on the ego tank system. How many batteries, attys and tanks would you get?

Should I also get a couple of chargers in case mine die? Don't know if they seem to last forever or not?

Since I've got a feeling this may be really silly to do, I'm not really looking for opinions on that like should I or shouldn't I, but more what do I need regardless?



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Oct 18, 2009
Las Colinas, TX
If I were to stockpile, I would choose something that used batts that aren't proprietary, like a mod. That way, the only thing you have to really stockpile is nic juice and atomizers or cartomizers.

Nic juice does expire, so I would wait until there was actually a ban going into effect and then buy as much as I could.


Super Member
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Jan 19, 2011
in here somewhere USA


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Dec 29, 2010
Guthrie, OK
Agree also, get as far away from any proprietary units. Something you can replace the batteries easily and common size atomizers and cartomizers.

Order in bulk from royalsmokers or boge in lots of 100 for the cartomizers and atomizers. Nicotine for DIY juice is also a major concern, Voidmist sells that cheap as can be when on sale.


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Oct 5, 2010
North Central Mass
It sounds like you know, deep down, that going with a proprietary unit isn't the best way to go if you're looking at stockpiling. A sturdy 510 mod will keep you more Vapocalypse proof - and save you some money over the long haul.

With that said, 6 eGo batts should keep you safe for about 2 years, keeping 2 in rotation at a time. I don't think there's enough data available on the T system to accurately say how much hardware you'd need to last that long.

I would buy 500 mls of 60mg nic juice and immediately start dropping the nic concentration down from 24mg. Flavors, VG, & PG will be easy to purchase even after a ban.


Super Member
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Jan 2, 2011
Derry NH
Thank you all for your input. I did plan on getting a reo mini anyway, so would that be good for a long term mod?

So if I go 510 atty's would a bulk order of 100 be good? It would average to a new one every 7 days so with some lasting a while and some being duds I'm thinking that would be fine. Maybe even only 75?

I already diy juice from 100ml and have figured out how much I need to wean myself down over two years. Good to know I don't have to order all the vg, pg and flavor now. So basically a good mod, 100 attys and 2years nic juice?

Maybe I should get two reo's just in case something goes wrong with one, or I lose it!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 19, 2011
in here somewhere USA
I generally keep about 60 to 80 attys, 2 or three chargers, 20 or so batteries, and about 2500ml of juice in stock. I have also built up a stockpile of DIY supplies. I only buy when the items I need are on sale. I hate paying full retail. Thanks for the post.

:ohmy: So, if doomsday comes will you be our "speakeasy" set up? :p

I agree with a 5 Provari's, 3 Provapes; maybe 2 Precise. (Now I have to get one of those at least.)
Where do you get 100 attys, etc...?


Full Member
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Dec 7, 2010
I've been checking around worried about the ban, as I am sure most are. I just got an email today from GourmetVapor saying over the next few weeks they will be selling their 500ml (PG or VG) 36mg bottles for under $30 (normally $56.95). They appear to be in glass bottles, which based on the info here, is better for long(ish) term storage.

I am not affiliated with GourmetVapor in any way, have only purchased from them once and stand to gain nothing from sharing this info. :)
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Super Member
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Oct 5, 2010
North Central Mass
Thank you all for your input. I did plan on getting a reo mini anyway, so would that be good for a long term mod?

So if I go 510 atty's would a bulk order of 100 be good? It would average to a new one every 7 days so with some lasting a while and some being duds I'm thinking that would be fine. Maybe even only 75?

I already diy juice from 100ml and have figured out how much I need to wean myself down over two years. Good to know I don't have to order all the vg, pg and flavor now. So basically a good mod, 100 attys and 2years nic juice?

Maybe I should get two reo's just in case something goes wrong with one, or I lose it!

From what I know about the reo, it should be a great choice. Simple design, user serviceable, built like a tank.

100 decent atties would probably last me about 8 years, but if you can get 'em cheap, go for it. I'm stocking up on Boge 2.0Ω cartos - I use them up at an average rate of 1 every 2 weeks.


Senior Member
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Oct 15, 2010
Grand Rapids, MI
I generally keep about 60 to 80 attys, 2 or three chargers, 20 or so batteries, and about 2500ml of juice in stock. I have also built up a stockpile of DIY supplies. I only buy when the items I need are on sale. I hate paying full retail. Thanks for the post.
Best post I have read in a while.
Banjo- How long do you feel these would last you? Not including the batteries?


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Oct 5, 2010
Silicon Valley, CA
I am sure talks of a "Ban" will make some vendors see lots of extra $ signs. I wouldn't worry at all. I've posted before, DIY liquid can be acheived at home. As well, people can make their own attys (i.e. genesis) although not easy, but still. And the community of DIYers use products that would never be banned, like PG, VG, and food flavorings. I am confident if a serious ban ever came, the community would stand together, start producing DIY juices, and easier methods for DIY attys would come to light. Necessity is the mother of...well, you all know the rest.

Just one man's opinion :p



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2011
ICE, I'm also not too worried about the ban since e-cigs are so popular worldwide, an underground will develop. China will send them as flash lights, personal water filters, or something that will get through customs. There does seems to be a lot of stockpiling going on, which explains all the out of stock parts right now. Vendors must love this.

Nic juice I can somewhat understand, but what happens if the atomizer/ cartomizer technology changes in a few months? You will be sitting on 100s of old ones that nobody wants and you know you'll want to use the latest and greatest.

Batteries surely won't be banned, so I figure I'll learn to mod if push comes to shove.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2010
Don't want to be a Debbie Downer, but I'd wait before buying that many supplies if I were you.

It seems alot of new vapers, myself included, get a week or two 'honeymoon phase' where we swear we will never smoke another 'analogue' etc and we feel uber healthy etc and then it wears off and you do smoke again.

Ok, it's probably almost halved my cig intake which is a good thing and YMMV of course and I'm sure some people DO never smoke again....


Senior Member
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Jan 7, 2011
Don't want to be a Debbie Downer, but I'd wait before buying that many supplies if I were you.

It seems alot of new vapers, myself included, get a week or two 'honeymoon phase' where we swear we will never smoke another 'analogue' etc and we feel uber healthy etc and then it wears off and you do smoke again.

Ok, it's probably almost halved my cig intake which is a good thing and YMMV of course and I'm sure some people DO never smoke again....

i attempted smoking ONCE since i started vaping..tasted like 24mg of liquid donkey dong and i put it out..never looked back.
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