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Struggling with loneliness

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ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2010
Thanks for the welcome. I am still confused as to Missy's post though. As for me, while I don't consider myself a "Christian" I do believe in Jesus (Yeshua) and his message and deeds I am also a historian whose majors in college were history, ancient history, classical studies (including the Latin and Greek languages), archaeology, and so forth. As such, the search for the historical Jesus is very important to me. To me there is a difference between the "Jesus of Myth" and the core historical Aramaic speaking Jewish "Yeshua".

Arnie, what fascinates you so much about Jesus? Since you have a science, historical, geological background, how have you gone about studying Yeshua? I honestly don't think you're going to find an artifact.....like a sandal, robe, the holy grail, or a tomb since He rose on the 3rd day. Plus, it was a favor from Joseph of Armithea, since it was his tomb on loan for a few days. What is your drive?

He was documented by Josephus in his writings, and other sources, like Roman accounts, if you can locate true archives. Let's not forget also, that He was seen by over 500 people during, I think, a 40 day stay before He ascended to God the Father and sat at His right hand. When people sit, their job/task/mission is completed. It was then that the Holy Spirit, the 3rd in the Trinity, descended to all those who accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. I probably confused you on that one.

You know, keep at it and you will probably meet Him. :)


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ECF Veteran
Jun 22, 2014
I didn't say he had a first-hand account. But he was close enough to maybe see records that were kept of crucifixions and things. I'm no expert on history though.
But I don't see how anyone could see the battle of good and evil going on and believe that there is no God or the devil. Even as a child, I was smart enough to see it.
I think that most people that claim to be atheists are not being honest with themselves. And some actually worship satan, they just don't admit it.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2010
I didn't say he had a first-hand account. But he was close enough to maybe see records that were kept of crucifixions and things. I'm no expert on history though.
But I don't see how anyone could see the battle of good and evil going on and believe that there is no God or the devil. Even as a child, I was smart enough to see it.
I think that most people that claim to be atheists are not being honest with themselves. And some actually worship satan, they just don't admit it.

Jesus said in Matthew:

Matthew 12:30 King James Version (KJV)

30 He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.

That is self-explanatory. Of course, people would blast you over that verse, but its in Scripture in black and white. And yes, Antoine Levay is a high priest for the church of satan. He wrote the satanic bible and a really odd duck. We live in the United States and they are allowed to worship as they please. I just pray that all who don't believe will one day believe. :closedeyes:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2010
An atheist claims to not believe in satan either. People get mad at me sometimes when I tell them that if they don't serve Jesus Christ, then they are serving satan, whether they know it or not. Oh well, let them blast away; they don't scare me.

They don't scare me either. My heart is saddened. You are correct in stating that they don't believe in anything. Without their knowledge, they are supporting satan.

I watched a documentary on the Codex Gigas.....translated, the devil's bible. I do not capitalize anything having to do with him, including his name. It was penned by a monk (legend) who was facing being walled up alive in this monastery because he broke his monastery vows. He supposedly told his superiors that he could pen a bible within 24 hours. Back then, since the scribes were careful in their caligraphy penmanship, it would take someone 20 years. He made a pact with satan and I am really not sure if he got a reprieve or not, as the experts have determined that it was all from one monk and quill. It was done in the late 14th century. It was penned in Latin and had all kinds of additions to it, like a drawing of what looked to be a Chinese dragon rip-off. All I know, is that it couldn't be the devil because he was beautiful and surrounded by light.....now I'm sure his evil has warped his looks, but he doesn't look like a Chinese dragon. The book is 36 inches long and weighs 160 lbs. I don't know why it hasn't been burned, to be honest, but they didn't ask me.

Now, here's my question. If someone has 'sold' their soul to satan, I believe that person can still be saved by Jesus Christ! The power of Almighty God, trumps satan's. satan was created by Almighty God and the created cannot be greater than the Creator! If someone is not a born-again Christian, they are satan's anyway. Why the 'drama' of selling your soul to the devil????!!!! I mean really???????? The power of Jesus Christ can break anything! Other Christian opinions anyone? :2c:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
  • Nov 22, 2012
    No you can't
    Now, here's my question. If someone has 'sold' their soul to satan, I believe that person can still be saved by Jesus Christ! The power of Almighty God, trumps satan's. satan was created by Almighty God and the created cannot be greater than the Creator! If someone is not a born-again Christian, they are satan's anyway. Why the 'drama' of selling your soul to the devil????!!!! I mean really???????? The power of Jesus Christ can break anything! Other Christian opinions anyone? :2c:

    I was reading your post and a light went off, of cause the Bible doesn't say one can sell their soul to the devil because you can't, it's not ours to sell or give away, God is the owner.

    Appealing to humanist nature and greed, that devil has promote another lie and promotes it in fables, stories and movies that one can gain something of their own choosing by selling something that we don't own, our soul belongs to God.

    we can't sell or give away what's not ours!!!

    Ezekiel 18:4 Behold, all souls are mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is mine: the soul who sins shall die.


    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jun 22, 2014
    I agree with both of you. I've never heard about that book. Many people will repent before it's too late. After the 2 witnesses of God fulfill their ministry, the unbelievers and satanists will have no excuse. And if they take the mark of the beast then they are doomed, no matter what they claim to be.

    @Saintscruiser: I don't capitalize satan's name either or anything to do with him and evil! Sometimes word spell tries to capitalize it and I go back and fix it.


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jul 24, 2010
    I agree with both of you. I've never heard about that book. Many people will repent before it's too late. After the 2 witnesses of God fulfill their ministry, the unbelievers and satanists will have no excuse. And if they take the mark of the beast then they are doomed, no matter what they claim to be.

    @Saintscruiser: I don't capitalize satan's name either or anything to do with him and evil! Sometimes word spell tries to capitalize it and I go back and fix it.

    Thank you, MM for finding that Scripture! That just proves what my spirit has always believed!

    My sister laughs at me, rc3po, because I make stuffed eggs not deviled eggs, chocolate cake not devil's food, and won't have a Dirt devil in my home! I have an Eureka! Don't really care how many people chiggle (that's a chuckle and giggle) at me about it. I have not changed my mind in 29 years. My sister's stepson remembers that about me. Glad it stuck with someone! :laugh:


    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jun 22, 2014
    Thank you, MM for finding that Scripture! That just proves what my spirit has always believed!

    My sister laughs at me, rc3po, because I make stuffed eggs not deviled eggs, chocolate cake not devil's food, and won't have a Dirt devil in my home! I have an Eureka! Don't really care how many people chiggle (that's a chuckle and giggle) at me about it. I have not changed my mind in 29 years. My sister's stepson remembers that about me. Glad it stuck with someone! :laugh:

    Yeah, I'm pretty much the same way. I don't buy any "diablo" mods or products either no matter what the language is - it still means devil. We just have to remember that most people really don't believe that devil exists. They just do that stuff to get back at Christians. Of course they don't realize that a lot of people who claim to be Christians, really are not. But instead of searching Scriptures and finding the truth for themselves, they just hate us all. There are Scriptures about the false prophets and kooks that give God a bad name. Most of them on TV are false prophets and kooks. They care more about their attendance and offerings than the truth. And it's no mystery - God says that they will heap to themselves preachers having itching ears...


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jul 24, 2010
    Yeah, I'm pretty much the same way. I don't buy any "diablo" mods or products either no matter what the language is - it still means devil. We just have to remember that most people really don't believe that devil exists. They just do that stuff to get back at Christians. Of course they don't realize that a lot of people who claim to be Christians, really are not. But instead of searching Scriptures and finding the truth for themselves, they just hate us all. There are Scriptures about the false prophets and kooks that give God a bad name. Most of them on TV are false prophets and kooks. They care more about their attendance and offerings than the truth. And it's no mystery - God says that they will heap to themselves preachers having itching ears...

    So glad you've decided to hang with us, 3po! We have many visitors that we would love to have them stay, but I feel we are not their cup of tea. Unless the Holy Spirit guides them, they come and go quickly. They seem to be really nice people, but Almighty God is in control of all of that. Maybe they will come back again and stay! We aren't pushy as they have free will, but they have the final choice.'Where two or more are gathered in My Name'.........:) Plus, unless they shut down the entire website, we're here to stay!:D


    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jun 22, 2014
    So glad you've decided to hang with us, 3po! We have many visitors that we would love to have them stay, but I feel we are not their cup of tea. Unless the Holy Spirit guides them, they come and go quickly. They seem to be really nice people, but Almighty God is in control of all of that. Maybe they will come back again and stay! We aren't pushy as they have free will, but they have the final choice.'Where two or more are gathered in My Name'.........:) Plus, unless they shut down the entire website, we're here to stay!:D

    There are very few true Christians, although there are many who claim to be.


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jul 24, 2010
    I wonder what happened to Missy? I offered to send her a nice Zmax to help her out and she hasn't said anything in a long time.

    I sent her a pm about 2 weeks ago, and I've never heard back. I called her about a month ago and she never returned my call. Let's remember her in our prayers. :closedeyes:
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