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Struggling with loneliness

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Dec 22, 2012
Finch, I do think you had an inkling this was a Christian something, but you have not been offensive. All I ask, is that you read the rules found as a 'Sticky' above and comply. This room is what is considered a private area, but our door is open as long as the rules are kept. It's as easy as that! :)

I honestly had no idea I was posting to a Christian thread. As I said before, I use Tapatalk on my phone, and this thread was simply listed under "trending" so I wanted to offer the op some advice as well. It wasn't until I came BACK to see how the op was doing that I noticed the -literally- tiny print at the top listing the thread's actual location that I realized it was a Christian thread.

One I suppose COULD argue that I should have noticed all the replies being religious in nature, but that would be nothing more than an uninformed assumption. I live in the Bible Belt region of Texas, where it's not uncommon at all for me to be the only person in a large group with my personal beliefs, so I truly thought nothing of it. It's daily life for me.

As I started before, I had nothing but good intentions by my original post, but I'm not one to cause trouble, especially among my fellow vapors, and if anyone thinks the post is going to cause any trouble, I'll gladly remove it so as not to offend or anger anyone :)


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Dec 22, 2012
Ladies and gents, this is what I mean about the Tapatalk app on my phone. I first saw this thread under "Trending" which as you can see in the first image, does NOT list thread location.

And the 2nd image shows what I mean about the thread location being tiny, and easily overlooked once you're reading the actual thread. I'm not posting these saying it was my right to post here by any means, simply trying to show where the confusion came in.



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
  • Nov 22, 2012
    No you can't
    Ladies and gents, this is what I mean about the Tapatalk app on my phone. I first saw this thread under "Trending" which as you can see in the first image, does NOT list thread location.

    Good morning FinchX.

    You don't have to explain to me. So far, you've proven to be a perfect gentleman and did a better job at it then I ever could and I still like you.

    Though you do realize we talk an awful lot about God, Jesus, Bible, prayer, and Christian teaching and if you have any questions, I would try to answer them if possible.


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    Dec 22, 2012
    Good morning FinchX.

    You don't have to explain to me. So far, you've proven to be a perfect gentleman and did a better job at it then I ever could and I still like you.

    Though you do realize we talk an awful lot about God, Jesus, Bible, prayer, and Christian teaching and if you have any questions, I would try to answer them if possible.

    Good morning to you as well!

    I was simply trying to explain I meant no harm, disrespect, nor did I mean to infringe upon anyone, it was in fact an honest mistake.

    None of the aforementioned you listed bothers me. I actually get along quite well with most Christians if they're willing to give me the chance to clarify I have no intentions of disrespecting their beliefs.

    And I do really appreciate the offer to answer any questions I might have regarding Christianity. Believe it or not I'm very highly educated in a biblical sense. Like I said, I believe in my original post, I'm actually rather envious of the faith Christians are capable of. I've spoken with many youth leaders when I was younger, as well as quite a few preachers in my adult years, as well as studied much of the bible, and unfortunately as I've stated, I simply don't seem to have the capacity for such faith. It's my personal belief that the concept of a deity watching over us, as well as an afterlife are both very fine things.

    My mental ailments more or less force me to be driven highly by logic and scrutinizing analysis. Which, for me anyway, seem to make faith a difficult thing to achieve. As mentioned before, I don't typically bring them up, but I know Christians to be very understanding and sympathetic, and from what I've seen in this thread alone it holds true even here on ECF. But I am in fact a diagnosed psychopath.

    That doesn't mean I'm going to kill people or any other stereotype associated with the illness. It simply means my thought processes and the way my brain handles typical human emotion are different.

    I've been through my fair share of difficult times in my 31 years here, and having a deity to look up to, speak to, and ask for help from could have been very useful, hence the reason I tried so hard to reach that point up until about the age of 25 or 26 if I'm not mistaken. And it was a quest I chased after my entire life to that point. When I was 5 the Sunday school teacher literally asked my grandparents (who raised me after my parents divorced and bailed) to please either sit down and have a long discussion with me, or at the very least, request that I stopped asking so many questions (mostly about the Old Testament) because I was "raising doubt in the other children by doing so." lol... So like I said, it was a rather long journey that I simply couldn't arrive at personally.


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    Jul 24, 2010
    In all honesty, Finch, I had no idea how Tap A Talk worked. Thank you for taking the time for clarification.

    I appreciate the fact that you are upfront concerning your mental condition. Many of us have physical conditions plus some ocassional mental, i.e. depression and clinical depression, which is different from each other. It's mainly from having to deal with pain everyday.....different pain levels on any given day. One day the pain level can be a 4. The next day could be 8.....or it could change to a 10 within the same day. We don't look for sympathy or empathy. We do ask for prayer and we do have some mighty prayer warriors! We believe in miracles. Since you do have Christian knowledge, I believe this to a logical statement since this is a Christian site. We don't deal in pretense. We deal with what 'is,' according to Scripture. We believe in the Bible being the inerrant Word of God. Granted, going back to the original Word or text can enhance the meaning....case in point.....the Ten Commandments say 'Thou shalt not kill.' The word used for 'kill' actually means murder, which enhances the meaning. Our resident researcher is mightymen. I refer to him as MM. We do not debate nor defend our beliefs. If someone is searching for answers, we do our best to clarify, not debate. Faith is not tangible. You can see the evidence and the difference of faith in someone's life, but you can't hold it in your hand like a coffee cup.

    Let me say this one other thing. What might be considered logical to you may not be logical to a Christian. And, what I mean by Christian is a 'blood bought born again' beliver, not just one who professes to be one. Whether you or someone else joins in, and doesn't adhere to the rules that are posted, then they hear from me. So far, you have adhered. Who knows, we might learn from each other. :)


    Ultra Member
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  • Nov 22, 2012
    No you can't
    I cut your post down to the parts I feel needs addressing, I've bold type certain key points.
    And I do really appreciate the offer to answer any questions I might have regarding Christianity. Believe it or not I'm very highly educated in a biblical sense. Like I said, I believe in my original post, I'm actually rather envious of the faith Christians are capable of. I've spoken with many youth leaders when I was younger, as well as quite a few preachers in my adult years, as well as studied much of the bible, and unfortunately as I've stated, I simply don't seem to have the capacity for such faith. It's my personal belief that the concept of a deity watching over us, as well as an afterlife are both very fine things.
    Actual I've discovered many Atheist can quote Scripture very well, so you being educated and studying the Bible doesn't surprise me at all. But understanding doesn't come from the words by them self, but by revelation from the Holy Spirit. Reading Scripture with humanist thoughts can only reveal humanist teaching being God is a Spirit He speaks to me in spiritual language that the Holy Spirit reveals to me this way I get knowledge that gives understanding then I'm giving a choice with Wisdom, it takes more then just listing here, Wisdom must be used to have an effect.

    My mental ailments more or less force me to be driven highly by logic and scrutinizing analysis. Which, for me anyway, seem to make faith a difficult thing to achieve.
    According to the Scripture Jesus said every man is given a measure of faith. IMO: this means we all start out with the same amount otherwise Jesus would have said some get this much and others get that much. I believe that you have the same amount of faith that was given me, the only logical difference I can see is that I used mine and it grew while you haven't used yours yet though still have it.

    We all are given the same amount of faith. I asked God to forgive me by faith and from that little bit of faith it has grown.
    It simply means my thought processes and the way my brain handles typical human emotion are different.

    I stopped asking so many questions (mostly about the Old Testament) because I was "raising doubt in the other children by doing so." lol... So like I said, it was a rather long journey that I simply couldn't arrive at personally.

    Like I said I'm willing to give it a go though I don't guarantee I'll have all the answers and each of us might see it differently, but my hearts in it and with the Lord as my guide, I have faith we both will make progress drawing closer to God.

    If you prefer privacy, you can PM me. :)
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    Super Member
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    Jun 22, 2014
    By the way, I didn't notice this was a Christian section of the forums until a few hours after posting my thoughts. (Like I said I browse ECF using Tapatalk on my phone, it doesn't show the thread location except very small at the top.

    I still think some of my suggestions could be useful to the op. But I understand if I'm not welcome to share here. Just let me know and I'll remove my posts, no problem :)

    There is a book that I recommend for you. It's called, "People of the Lie", by M. Scott Peck. He is a clinical Psychiatrist and had like 20 years experience before he wrote the book. He was an atheist for most of his life before he realized that there was something else going on. I loaned my copy to someone and never got it back, so I bought another copy on ebay last night for less than $10 including shipping.
    I must warn you that this book is not for the squeamish. It has some very shocking stories of real life cases that he had.

    Of course the most important book is The Holy Bible. I recommend beginning with the Gospels. Also, The Holy Bible is not a novel and shouldn't be read like a novel - Gods' Word requires study. So get a good study Bible and a Strong's Concordance. I recommend the Key Word Study Bible by Spiros Zodhiates. It is a King James version Bible and has great Study Helps and Lexical Aids.


    Ultra Member
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    Jul 24, 2010
    There is a book that I recommend for you. It's called, "People of the Lie", by M. Scott Peck. He is a clinical Psychiatrist and had like 20 years experience before he wrote the book. He was an atheist for most of his life before he realized that there was something else going on. I loaned my copy to someone and never got it back, so I bought another copy on ebay last night for less than $10 including shipping.
    I must warn you that this book is not for the squeamish. It has some very shocking stories of real life cases that he had.

    Of course the most important book is The Holy Bible. I recommend beginning with the Gospels. Also, The Holy Bible is not a novel and shouldn't be read like a novel - Gods' Word requires study. So get a good study Bible and a Strong's Concordance. I recommend the Key Word Study Bible by Spiros Zodhiates. It is a King James version Bible and has great Study Helps and Lexical Aids.

    Welcome to the board C3po! We love having new members join us! All I'll ask is that you read the rules and regs and comply. It's as easy as that! It's the 4th down Sticky Note at the top of the page.:)
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    Arnie H

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    Jun 25, 2013
    Greensboro, NC, USA
    I know I am never alone with my savior by my side, but I have been struggling desperately with loneliness this week. I miss my husband, I do not understand why it is so hard just to give me a call, or send me a text. We can go days without speaking to one another unless I initiate it. I invited him to dinner tonight because I know he is low on money and has even said he is having a hard time buying pet food for our dog that lives with him and the cats that live with him. I don't ask much from him, not near what the LORD requires of him as a husband. He barely said a few words to me tonight. I am so lonely, I miss his companionship, and I am just so, so sad. No one should be sad and lonely on their birthday, but I know I will be tomorrow. Please pray for me, I am in a dark place. Struggling with pain this week, both physical and emotional.


    I'm a little confused Missy, are you seperated or divorced or do you and your husband just live apart?

    I am always comforted by this biblical passage (even though I am not a "Christian"), and they were in a really "dark place":

    And we indeed are suffering justly, for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong." And he was saying, "Jesus, remember me when You come in Your kingdom!" And He said to him, "Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise." Luke 23:41-43


    Ultra Member
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    Jul 24, 2010
    I'm a little confused Missy, are you seperated or divorced or do you and your husband just live apart?

    I am always comforted by this biblical passage (even though I am not a "Christian"), and they were in a really "dark place":

    Welcome to Christian Vapors, Arnie! Please read Sticky 4.....4th from the top. Those are our rules and the Sticky is from the one who started this corner of the board. Again, Welcome!

    I love that Scripture, Arnie. If that doesn't prove what happens to a Christian upon death, nothing will. It was that easy for the thief on the right. It just took a split second, and yes, that is very comforting. :)


    Super Member
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    Jun 22, 2014
    Welcome to the board C3po! We love having new members join us! All I'll ask is that you read the rules and regs and comply. It's as easy as that! It's the 4th down Sticky Note at the top of the page.:)

    Hi Saintscruiser, I pray you get to feeling better. I read the sticky note. I've been a Christian since childhood and have debated atheists all my life. I've found that many times the best thing is for them to hear from Christians that were atheists for most of their life.:)

    Arnie H

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    Jun 25, 2013
    Greensboro, NC, USA
    Welcome to Christian Vapors, Arnie! Please read Sticky 4.....4th from the top. Those are our rules and the Sticky is from the one who started this corner of the board. Again, Welcome!

    I love that Scripture, Arnie. If that doesn't prove what happens to a Christian upon death, nothing will. It was that easy for the thief on the right. It just took a split second, and yes, that is very comforting. :)

    Thanks for the welcome. I am still confused as to Missy's post though. As for me, while I don't consider myself a "Christian" I do believe in Jesus (Yeshua) and his message and deeds I am also a historian whose majors in college were history, ancient history, classical studies (including the Latin and Greek languages), archaeology, and so forth. As such, the search for the historical Jesus is very important to me. To me there is a difference between the "Jesus of Myth" and the core historical Aramaic speaking Jewish "Yeshua".


    Ultra Member
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  • Nov 22, 2012
    No you can't
    Thanks for the welcome. I am still confused as to Missy's post though. As for me, while I don't consider myself a "Christian" I do believe in Jesus (Yeshua) and his message and deeds I am also a historian whose majors in college were history, ancient history, classical studies (including the Latin and Greek languages), archaeology, and so forth. As such, the search for the historical Jesus is very important to me. To me there is a difference between the "Jesus of Myth" and the core historical Aramaic speaking Jewish "Yeshua".

    I understand what your saying "That you don't consider yourself a Christian" yet say you "believe in Jesus (Yeshua) and his message and deeds" and then go and claim a historical Jesus and then say His a Myth.

    Not trying to get into an argument with you but you have made multiple contradiction, for Jesus is a Myth or His not, He can't be both.

    The New Testament Bible Claims He died for our sins and the only way for us to be forgiven of them is by the righteous deed of Jesus death. The New Testament Bible is true or not can't have it both ways.

    There is no archaeology proof that Jesus walked on this earth but there is proof that His teachings were recorded as far back as the 1st century and they do not contraction the KJV New Testament Bible.

    You bring up Aramaic speaking Jewish "Yeshua" and yet leave out that Jesus spoke only to Jews not Gentiles and would have spoken to them in their native Hebrew language.

    Searching for historical Jesus. IMO: Proof will never be found other then a man who died, Only proof that can be given is from God to those who accept the free gift of forgiveness that God provided us with.

    Jesus is no Myth.
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    Super Member
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    Jun 22, 2014
    One of the best proofs for the fact that Jesus Christ rose from the tomb are the disciples themselves. It's highly unlikely that those men would have gone to different parts of the world and giving their lives never backing down from the story, for a lie.
    Proving that Jesus Christ lived and was crucified is one of the easiest things to prove. Even Tacitus the heathen historian admits that.


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
  • Nov 22, 2012
    No you can't
    One of the best proofs for the fact that Jesus Christ rose from the tomb are the disciples themselves. It's highly unlikely that those men would have gone to different parts of the world and giving their lives never backing down from the story, for a lie.
    Proving that Jesus Christ lived and was crucified is one of the easiest things to prove. Even Tacitus the heathen historian admits that.
    New Testament Bible say’s “without faith it is impossible to please God

    There is no record other then the New Testament Bible that the disciples ever existed though we have fragments referring to them by name. We could search out for Paul though it would be impossible to prove he's the one referred to in the New Testament Bible.

    Tacitus was born around 56, it would have been impossible for him to give a firsthand account of Jesus, thereby any historical record would have been best a 2nd or 3rd hand hearsay that would have favored the Roman Empire.

    There has been much scholarly discussion about Tacitus' "neutrality". Throughout his writing, he is preoccupied with the balance of power between the Senate and the Emperors, and the increasing corruption of the governing classes of Rome as they adjusted to the ever-growing wealth and power of the empire. In Tacitus's view, Senators squandered their cultural inheritance—that of free speech—to placate their (rarely benign) emperor. Tacitus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Don't get me wrong.
    I know Jesus came in the flesh and the New Testament Bible is true, though the proof given to me is only for me, that same proof is available to anyone one who desires forgiveness from they heart and turns to God.
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    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jul 24, 2010
    Hi Saintscruiser, I pray you get to feeling better. I read the sticky note. I've been a Christian since childhood and have debated atheists all my life. I've found that many times the best thing is for them to hear from Christians that were atheists for most of their life.:)

    I am one who thought they were 'saved' until I met Jesus. I was in church all my childhood years to adult and knew Who He was, but it wasn't until 17 years later that the knowledge burst in my heart. I had met Jesus. My whole life changed and that was 150 years ago! :laugh:

    BTW, thanks for the prayers! I am greatly improved! Husband is having some rough days, though. If it's not one thing, it's another. Regardless, we are blessed and under Grace!:)
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