Tank keeps flooding every time I refill - Lava Vape Pen -

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New Member
Sep 20, 2014
Hello, I am new and I am desperately looking for a place to have my question answered.

So I bought this vape pen and the name brand is Lava and it sort of looks like this here > tumblr_inline_mu7vk8WyhH1sowxv8.jpg

The tank consists of a mouth piece, a screw on top, a spring that goes onto the coil , a dual coil and the part that screws onto the battery.
When I attach the top screw on piece to the tank, it compresses the spring and then I go to take a hit and.... FLOODED. Every single time this happens no matter how much or how little E liquid I am putting into the tank.

I have tightened the coil down because it was loose and I have rebuilt the entire thing over and over again to make sure everything was correct.
This is my second vape pen, and I used to own a Orbit... and this LAVA pen has been a NIGHTMARE.

I hope someone can help me out, I bought this off a friend and I don't want to pay them if this thing is garbage.

Again thank you everyone and I hope I posted in the right spot.


ECF Guru
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Aug 5, 2013
In the Mountains
Perhaps you are drawing on it too hard? It's a common problem. I've been vaping almost two years and still sometimes revert to drawing like it's a cigarette. Other thing is, have you tried a different coil? Nonetheless, bumping to see if someone else has a better idea. I'm not familiar with the Lava.


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May 6, 2011
Panama city
Try searching for Ego-T "B tank" (there is an A and B type tank for that ecig)

It looks alot like a B type. Some of the leaking problems with the older versions were because of a plastic cap on the tanks. If you switched to silicone it would help but not totally fix the issue. I think it is simply a flawed design and wouldn't spending that much time (or money) on them considering all the other great non-leaking options available today.
Sorry bout that... just my opinion.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
I agree. Those were used three years ago and are way old technology. Return that to your friend, you can find way better devices than that.

I recommend getting a variable voltage eGo battery and modern clearomizer for the tank. You can find a great starter setup like the one in this link:

A Good Starter Setup for a Beginner Vaper


You will need to purchase replacement coils for whatever tank you order ($3 each); replace the coils when you get a burnt taste, usually every 10 - 20 days. Replacement coils are specific to the model you get; they are not intercompatible with other models.

Use a long, gentle draw when you vape. Pulling to hard on your draw technique will pull more e-liquid to the coil than it can vaporize at one time, leading to flooding. Should the tank flood anyway, remove the tank and blow through the tank into a paper towel.
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