Tonight on Click, Bang!

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Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Show suggestion...

How do we get the vaping world informed, motivated, active, and prepared to fight the increasing number of battles on all fronts?
Big Pharma has been after us, the alphabet groups have been after us, the FDA has been after us, and now Big tobacco is joining the fray.

We need to find the best strategy for getting massive involvement from the vaping community.
And I have never seen a show on such a topic that I can remember.

Suggested guests to discuss such strategies...
--Bill Godshall
--CASAA board members
--Prominent vendors

If you are paying attention, they are escalating their efforts to stop us, and using every strategy in the book.
It seems to me our best way to fight back is with increasing numbers of informed vapers, and we need to grow those numbers effectively, and quickly.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 22, 2010
Show suggestion...

How do we get the vaping world informed, motivated, active, and prepared to fight the increasing number of battles on all fronts?
Big Pharma has been after us, the alphabet groups have been after us, the FDA has been after us, and now Big Tobacco is joining the fray.

I agree. I covered the examples that you gave, the FDA and Big Tobacco, on the last episode of Click, Bang!

We need to find the best strategy for getting massive involvement from the vaping community.
And I have never seen a show on such a topic that I can remember.

I haven't either. Mass involvement from the community is definitely a goal worth pursuing. I realize that it's a small drop in the bucket, but I have been selling Click, Bang! tshirts and giving 10% of the proceeds to CASAA. This has resulted in "free money" for CASAA. You can buy the tshirts here:

Mens: Click, Bang! tshirt - Mens from

Womens: Click, Bang! tshirt - Womens from

This is a good small start, but I agree that a larger scale mass effort is needed. I'm certainly open to ideas on how to accomplish that.

Suggested guests to discuss such strategies...
--Bill Godshall
--CASAA board members
--Prominent vendors

I have indeed been doing that, along with the rest of the shows on the VP Live Network. On the last show that I posted above, I talked at length with Greg Conley from CASAA about fighting back against FDA and Big Tobacco. Bringing prominent vendors into the discussion is a great idea, one that I will pursue.

If you are paying attention, they are escalating their efforts to stop us, and using every strategy in the book.
It seems to me our best way to fight back is with increasing numbers of informed vapers, and we need to grow those numbers effectively, and quickly.

Your feedback is much appreciated. Please continue to give suggestions, I think the ideas you stated are excellent.


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
I covered the examples that you gave, the FDA and Big Tobacco, on the last episode of Click, Bang!
On the last show that I posted above, I talked at length with Greg Conley from CASAA about fighting back against FDA and Big Tobacco.
The link to that show wasn't working for me the other day, but it is working for me now.
I'm looking forward to giving it a listen.


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ECF Veteran
Aug 22, 2010
Tonight on Click, Bang!

Allegations have been made by a group of vapers that a person in our community who runs co-ops, Carolyn Carter (aka Vape Deals on facebook), supported a child ...... and is spreading homophobic rhetoric.

These allegations have resulted in a wave of outrage from vapers on both sides of the debate that has continued for days.

Tonight's program will explore this issue in depth. All voices on either side of the debate can call in and express their opinions. If you would like to state your opinion on this matter, the call-in number is 347-308-8329.

This rates to be very explosive content, NSFW, and certainly not to be listened to around children or adults who are easily offended.


Vapers Place - VP Live Podcast

listen on your mobile device: VP-LIVE View


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ECF Veteran
Aug 22, 2010
The replay from last night's episode of Click, Bang! is up:

Is Carolyn Carter Defending A Child Molester And Gay-Bashing?

Is Carolyn Carter Defending A Child Molester And Gay-Bashing? by VP Live on SoundCloud - Hear the world

direct mp3 download:

This episode features some very heated fights and much foul language. NSFW.

The accusations made by Rainbow Vapers of Carolyn Carter regarding defending a child-molester and spreading homophobia are discussed. Carolyn calls in to defend herself, and to apologize(?). Very heated debate ensues, and resolves(?).

After the fight, Russ defends(?) Carolyn.

Lexi Contest submissions due April 16th!

Vapers Forum

The Click, Bang! Facebook fan page:

Everything you wanted to know about bitcoin but really had no interest in. You should…

You can buy electronic cigarettes with bitcoins here:

VapeBash playlists for your travels will be posted here on Wednesday night: - I'm pleased to be including a special super-heavy special playlist made by Troy!

Here's the deal with Poker at Vapebash - updates available here during VapeBash:

Click, Bang! stickers for inappropriate places on inappropriate women

Rand Paul and Lightning Bolt cut and paste

Music in after-hours features Firebug, Juliette's band. She's a bad ..., freedom-loving, all around awesomesauce twitterstar!

FireBug: home


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 22, 2010
I made three playlists for you to listen to on your VapeBash travels.

VapeBash 2 - Rock

streaming: VapeBash 2 - Rock by VP Live on SoundCloud - Hear the world


direct mp3 download:

A mix of Classic and Alternative Rock ft. ZZ Topp, Queens of the Stone Age, Black Sabbath, Nirvana, The Breeders, and At The Drive-in

VapeBash 2 - Agony

streaming: VapeBash 2 - Agony by VP Live on SoundCloud - Hear the world


direct mp3 download:

I'm really excited about this playlist. I didn't pick any of these songs - my man Troy did. Here is his facebook page:

Troy often requests songs during after-hours on Click, Bang! They are usually bands I have never heard of. Very very heavy stuff.

I asked Troy to make a super heavy playlist. He did not disappoint.

I'd list some of the artists, but there are few anyone would even recognize.

Most of these songs make Slayer feel like Hall & Oates. This is an absolutely brutal sonic assault of demonic proportions.

Troy hit it out of the park. Turn it up. I'm not responsible for any hearing loss that you may suffer.

VapeBash 2 - Candy!

streaming: VapeBash 2 - Candy! by VP Live on SoundCloud - Hear the world


direct mp3 download:

This is a super-girly mix of pop, electronica and '80s cheese ft. Icona Pop, Katy Perry, The Bangles, Liz Phair, and George Michael.

It's really fun to listen to, kinda like that old saying about riding a moped.

I'll see you in Chicago!



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 22, 2010
The replay of last night's episode of Click, Bang! is up:

The Manhattan Project

The Manhattan Project by VP Live on SoundCloud - Hear the world

direct mp3 download:

The Manhattan Project

Karen and Molly from reddit call in and talk about new events and a RBA workshop in NYC. These girls are on a mission to rebuild the vaper scene in NYC - follow the NY Vapers group on reddit here:

Vapers video chat and poker for vapers on reddit!

Esther calls in and talks about her first experience with vaping activism at the recent NYC Health Committee Hearing.

The world's first talking electronic cigarette might have some bugs...

A 3D Printed eGo charger:

A 3D Printed Handgun:

WikiWep DevBlog.


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Okay, after listening to the rest of the broadcast...

I am a firm believer in attacking your enemies from all sides.
And that includes having at least one person willing and able to rip into them.

I think that guy going first may well have softened them up.
And I wish he wasn't so apologetic about doing so.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 22, 2010
Tonight on Click, Bang!

The Religion Debate

Russ and Father Jack Kearney, a Catholic Priest, put on the gloves and square off

The legendary modder Mamu will be my guest to announce the winner of the Lexi contest and talk shop about modding with the DNA20 and The Nivel Chip


Vapers Place - VP Live Podcast

listen on your mobile device: VP-LIVE View


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 22, 2010
The replay of last night's episode of Click, Bang! is up:

The Secret Killer In The Vaping Community Is Hiding In Plain Sight

The Secret Killer In The Vaping Community Is Hiding In Plain Sight by VP Live on SoundCloud - Hear the world

afterhours: The Secret Killer In The Vaping Community Is Hiding In Plain Sight (afterhours) by VP Live on SoundCloud - Hear the world


The VP Live Network is giving away $10,000 worth of vaping equipment courtesy of - details on how to win the contest are explained in this broadcast

Safety concerns with sub-ohm vaping

Courtney Love messes up her plug

Electronic cigarette market share statistics:

Electronic Cigarette Statistics | Statistic Brain

Dimitris' iTaste VV/VW review: The iTaste VV/VW V3.0 by INNOKIN - YouTube

Kevin's excellent "Top 10" show that convinced me that immoral marketing needed further discussion:

The Top 10 Most Influential Vapers in the US Show by VP Live on SoundCloud - Hear the world

ecigmedia and what they believe in is discussed:

Advertisers | ecigmedia

Linc calls in to add to the bad affiliate ecig discussion

Damien from ElectroCiggy calls in to defend using bad affiliate ecig companies

18650 Battery Wars video relevant again?

18650 Battery Wars! - YouTube

School says deaf students sign language for his name looks too much like a gun, asks him to change name:

France is in trouble:

French Researchers Recommend Stopping E-Cigarette Use in Public - Bloomberg

They Hypocrisy of Memorial Day

Armed Chinese Troops In Texas

The relevance of Julia Barnes' t**s and p***y were the subject of much discussion, photo courtesy of spinfuel. Kensington Kenny calls in to defend Julia's virtues.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 22, 2010
The replay of last night's episode of Click, Bang! is up:

The ........ Fasttech controversy

This turned into a HUGE brawl! A fistfight for the ages. NSFW.

The VaperJoe Fasttech Controversy by VP Live on SoundCloud - Hear the world

afterhours: The VaperJoe Fasttech Controversy (afterhours) by VP Live on SoundCloud - Hear the world


A full blown fistfight erupts on the air. Lovers and haters of VaperJoe call in to weigh in on this extremely controversial topic. Bedlam ensues as the airwaves go donnybrook.

Smoktek groove recall:

Smoktech Groove RECALL | Guide To Vaping

Details and clue for the VP Live Network $10,000 ecigarette giveaway

War With Spinfuel!

Vaping With Julia

Details on the Julia Barnes photoshop contest are in the broadcast. Photoshop this image, be as nasty as u wanna b. Winner gets an Innokin iTaste v3.0 VV/VW. Email entries to clickbangradio at gmail

Here are the types of stellar reviews for rubbish product you can find on Spinfuel:

5 star rating for White Cloud

SmokenJoey Video Review! All White Cloud Starter Kits! | Spinfuel Magazine

South Beach Smoke:

In the News: Spinfuel Names South Beach Smoke the “Best!” | South Beach Smoke Blog

NSA collecting phone records of millions of verizon customers

NSA collecting phone records of millions of Verizon customers daily | World news | The Guardian

Snowden reveals himself:

Edward Snowden: the whistleblower behind the NSA surveillance revelations | World news | The Guardian

Boundless Informant, The NSA Global (and domestic) Datamining Tool:

Boundless Informant: the NSA's secret tool to track global surveillance data | World news |

ACLU files lawsuit - constitutional challenge to the NSA surveillance program

ACLU Files Lawsuit Challenging Constitutionality of NSA Phone Spying Program | American Civil Liberties Union

Obama in 2008: No warrantless wiretaps


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 22, 2010
Tonight on Click, Bang!

Chaos In The Community

Vapers are getting ripped off left and right. I will be covering several stories including...

The Wild Valley Ecigs/IHybrid IHybrid Mods debacle, Credit Card Theft, Project Vape-A-Soldier and more


Vapers Place - VP Live Podcast

listen on your mobile device: VP-LIVE View


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 22, 2010
The replay of last night's episode of Click, Bang! is up:

Fight! The Wild Valley - IHybrid Mods Blowout

Fight! The Wild Valley - IHbyrid Mods Blowout by VP Live on SoundCloud - Hear the world


after-hours: Fight! The Wild Valley - IHbyrid Mods Blowout (afterhours) by VP Live on SoundCloud - Hear the world

Fight! The Wild Valley - IHybrid Mods Blowout

Another week, another epic fist-fight - This one might even be more explosive than the one that took place on last week's episode with VaperJoe.

JC West and from Parker from Wild Valley Ecigs put on the gloves and go toe to toe in an epic fight on the air. One for the ages.

Other chaos in the community was reviewed including…

Credit Card theft through online ecig purchases - Dimitris calls in and helps inform vapers on how to protect themselves

War with Spinfuel is over as Julia waves the white flag:

So, this is the last Newsletter. Now Let Me Tell You Why - Spinfuel Newsletter | Spinfuel Newsletter

Kevin calls in to review the Project Vape-A-Soldier scandal

Vapers and vendors, please start using DWOLLA!

The worst ecig company to ever exist is Smoke Smart

Bozo the clown calls in for some much needed comic relief at the end of the show

Another clue is given for the VP Live Network $10,000 giveaway

Edward Snowden: American Hero

NYC Meetup on June 27th at The Whiskey Ward on the lower east side, details here:

The Whiskey Ward - Lower East Side - New York, NY

The Wild Valley/IHybrid Mods conversation continues during afterhours when Cisco calls in and gives his two cents on Parked and JD calls in to talk about the state of the community
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