Trouble Sleeping....Weird Vivid Dreams

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No Brag

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2010
I agree completely with you Maisri. Chantix is worthless. :evil: It made my wife so mad that I didn't quit smoking with it after spending all that money for it. :( It didn't do anything it said it would and I didn't even get to enjoy any dreams with it.:confused: At least you got some dreams for the money you spent on that worthless stuff. I don't see how they can stay in business with all that false advertisement.:confused::vapor:
Been vaping 3 mos. Haven't noticed the dreams yet. It can't be any worse than the dreams I had on the Chantix. The drug was useless, but the dreams were very entertaining!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 31, 2010
Sacramento CA
I love meeting other nightmare lovers!

Not to bogart the thread, but I had this one where I was in Las Vegas when people started becoming zombies... at the end of the dream I was trapped on a tiny balcony with the undead breaking down the door to my hotel room and watching hundreds and hundreds of zombie brides running amok in the streets below me. It was awesome!

That's one freaking awesome nightmare. Dreams like that are the best!


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ECF Veteran
Dec 14, 2010
Raleigh, NC
Heh, I had a very vivid sexual dream with someone I work with the other night. The alarm interrupted it so I remember most of it.

Chantix dreams, wow they were weird. None of mine were scary, but one I was in the movie Aliens and Segorney Weaver kept telling me my Mom was not my biological mom and being a total ..... to me. I somehow knew how to fly the ship though, which was very cool.

Chantix did help me not to smoke, but when I came off it I felt crazy rage and then went back to smoking because I am normally a very happy-go-lucky-guy and didn't like the "new me" at all!

SFodor, I did have trouble sleeping at the start too. I think I was vaping too much before bed or just from quitting cigarettes. I went back to normal after a week or so.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 22, 2010
The Internet
I found many things when I began researching the move to vaping. Nightmares/strange dreams/more dreams can be caused by:
Withdrawal symptoms from quitting smoking.
Change in diet. (Resulting from quitting?)
Higher or lower levels of nicotine in your system.
Dehydration. (Make sure to bump your water intake when beginning vaping.)
Stress or anxiety about anything, but probably related to your new non-smoking/vaping experience.

There are a few more that don't really stand out in my mind right now, but that should give you enough of an idea that you will most likely be fine with adding a little extra water to your diet and waiting out the adjustment period. I would suggest that you talk to a doctor if things don't change after a couple weeks just to make sure there is nothing that you are allergic to, or if you are taking medications that stopping smoking can interfere with, etc.

Welcome to ECF, and enjoy your new journey. After the initial bumps, it gets sooooo much better! :)


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I didn't associate the nightmares with vaping. hmmm

I had one last night that three of my teeth fell out and I had to go to the dentist to have them sewn back in. He said I was lucky because it was Sunday and it wouldn't have worked if it was another day. I guess Teeth can only be sewn in on Sundays now... geez

Annie Miller

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2010
haha I get those dreams from to much caffeine before bed, I always called them the caffeine dreams.
oh and then there is the video game dreams. pulled and all nighter playing left 4 dead (a zombie video game) and dreamed that I was stuck on the island from lost when everyone started to turn into zombies, I woke up screeming ZOMBIE!!!!! hubby (who was up all night with me playing the same game) woke up a second later saying where?! where?!!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 18, 2010
Beaverton, Oregon!
haha I get those dreams from to much caffeine before bed, I always called them the caffeine dreams.
oh and then there is the video game dreams. pulled and all nighter playing left 4 dead (a zombie video game) and dreamed that I was stuck on the island from lost when everyone started to turn into zombies, I woke up screeming ZOMBIE!!!!! hubby (who was up all night with me playing the same game) woke up a second later saying where?! where?!!

LOL! that's hilarious!!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 5, 2010
Silicon Valley, CA
The vivid dreams are indeed from the Nic...happens to me often when I bang on 36mg before bed. A long time ago when I tried nico patches, the intructions said to put the patch on early in the day, as the nicotine WILL cause vivid dreams. I didn't heed the warning and one night woke up SCREAMING. Another night I woke yelling and punched the wall! LOL I then started using them earlier and it helped. BTW, not all of my dreams were nightmares, had some really, really awesome ones too....but they seemed too real for my comfort. Nicotine patch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "Common side effects seen in smokers using nicotine patches instead of tobacco are similar to nicotine withdrawal symptoms. These include dizziness, drowziness, headache, irritability, sleep disturbances, vivid dreams, mild hallucinations, and depression."

As far as vaping, I've had a lot of trouble sleeping, and occasional vivid dreams lately...however like I said I am foolish enough to bang on the 36mg before bed :) However, I plan to get some very low stuff, like 6mg as mentioned, for nighty night time.




Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 12, 2011
United States
I'm resurrecting this out of sheer awesomeness. I just had 3 wonderful dreams, last night. Woke up from the first two positive my alarm was about to go off, they seemed so long. Alarm finally got me in the third dream. Haven't had a single nightmare (at least that I've ever remembered or even suspected upon waking) since I was a child, so ultra-vivid is no problem for me!

I might try mixing up a "dream" liquid...
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