Ugh. Husband Would Rather I Smoke Analogs.. :(

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Vapoor eyes er

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Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
My husband on the other hand keeps throwing news articles he finds on the internet at me that say E-cigs are dangerous, unregulated, and JUST as addictive as cigarettes...So, help me convince him that this is indeed BETTER than smoking analogs. I have told him everything I know (Which admittedly isn't much) and directed him to lots of sites but he is still on my back and his nasty comments are really getting to me.
Sounds like he's already made up his mind...doesn't mean that decision involves your mind. I could present you with enuff pro vaping/ health related info to make his mind spin but I don't think it would help.

I think the problem is that he was a "closet" smoker, meaning he would always come outside with me when I smoked and take a few puffs. Now that I'm not doing that anymore he is smoking alone.
Whether he admits it or not he's afraid. Afraid of losing his partner in addiction (very common) and also afraid you're moving forward and leaving him behind. Understand "most" anger stems from fear.

then he said his friend had great luck with Chantix. (A drug that is known to cause people to off themselves, no thanks.)
So his research regarding a powerful and sometimes deadly medication involves "one friend"?

In working with convert couples I've run into this situation many times. Usually the hubby is bull headed but sometimes the ladies can be just as stubborn. The good most cases the spouse opposing vaping eventually quit smoking by way of vaping.

This next bit of advice is for your sanity- rather than becoming angry and upset when he's on your case understand that's he afraid of losing his addiction companion. If you and/ or you hubby want to vent or be angry direct it at the tobacco companies that knowingly get us hooked on this stuff.
Wishing You the Best of Luck.


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Nov 4, 2013
Gulfport, Florida, United States
this is MY opinion but to me it seems like he might be threatened by the fact that you "can" and "want" to quit. Could it be that maybe that's hes gotten a bit hooked on your cigs? Don't let it get you down or get discouraged, he may come around seeing how well you're doing. Also there is a lot of links available showing that Vaping is a much safer alternative but going to the CASAA is definitely the way to go. Best of luck to you both


Full Member
Nov 10, 2013
Willis, TX
Thanks so much to everyone that responded.

We had a huge breakthrough yesterday afternoon.

My hubby's best friend switched to vaping along with his wife after trying mine. Suddenly what I am doing doesn't seem so dumb anymore. LOL.

I guess part of his feeling was that I was going to look weird amongst our friends vaping while everyone else was smoking. I've been posting a lot on Facebook about my vaping experience and getting a lot of interest drummed up as to what it's all about and it seems that there are MANY of my smoker friends who are considering making the jump as well.

So, he has laid off CONSIDERABLY since this happened. Which makes me SO happy. :)

Besides, if he thinks what I have now looks like a big silver dildo, he is going to TRIP when my Provari comes in. ;-) HA!!!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2011
Thanks so much to everyone that responded.

We had a huge breakthrough yesterday afternoon.

My hubby's best friend switched to vaping along with his wife after trying mine. Suddenly what I am doing doesn't seem so dumb anymore. LOL.

I guess part of his feeling was that I was going to look weird amongst our friends vaping while everyone else was smoking. I've been posting a lot on Facebook about my vaping experience and getting a lot of interest drummed up as to what it's all about and it seems that there are MANY of my smoker friends who are considering making the jump as well.

So, he has laid off CONSIDERABLY since this happened. Which makes me SO happy. :)

Besides, if he thinks what I have now looks like a big silver dildo, he is going to TRIP when my Provari comes in. ;-) HA!!!

Good to hear that he is coming around... But really he was more concerned about how you would look in front of your friends than your health?
That is a problem.. way beyond vaping.


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Jul 12, 2012
USA midwest
A half decent spouse would be supportive not rude and belittling, it is a shame you're in such an unhealthy relationship.

Making a blanket pronouncement about somebody's marriage seems harsh and uncalled for....nobody here is in a position to judge anybody else's relationship based on one issue anyway.

The OP asked others to share if they had similar experiences and what helped get the problem solved. She did not ask us to pass judgement on her marriage.

Catclick, I'm sure your husband has just been reading a lot of negative press put out by those who are against Ecigs, and he obviously cares deeply about you or he wouldn't be worried in the first place. ;) Sometimes people are more comfortable with "the devil they know" and PVs and ecigs look scary to him and maybe even a little "alternative" if he is a conservative type man.

Print out stuff from CASAA, and perhaps find a family doctor who is sympathetic to harm reduction programs that include ecigs, and see if you can quell your husband's fears.

You know more about hubby's psychology than we do, and I hope you can press the right buttons to bring him into acceptance, or at the very least, agree to disagree in a loving and amiable manner.

Best of luck to you! ( I used to be an advocate for women who were having breast reductions and believe it or not, some of the "husband issues" were strikingly similar as you might imagine. :blink: )

Let him know this is important to you, to your comfort and your long term health, and how delighted you would be if he could find a way to be supportive of you in this endeavor.


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Oct 28, 2013
California, USA
Glad you made it here. Keep coming back!

You are awesome for getting off the cigs. Just try to make the best of it and don't smoke. Every day you go without a cig adds up to a real sense of self esteem.

You can't control his behavior but you can control how you respond to him both emotionally and in your behavior. I think if you keep with it, focus on your behaviors instead of his, and keep off the cigs, it will all straighten out for the better in the end.

Everything looks worse than it is during nicotine withdrawals. Best of luck!

Vapoor eyes er

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Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
I'm sure we ALL have thoughts and comments about the ending and how it came about...I certainly do BUT for once I will keep my big mouth shut and offer congrats cuz I'm just focused on the end result and I'm just glad it looks like another group of converts coming down the pipe.
A hearty :thumbs: to CatClick for taking the heat and persevering.
Best of Luck.


Ultra Member
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Feb 17, 2012
South Florida
Wow, it sounds like your husband is extremely hard headed and set in his ways. Firstly, you have to do this for yourself, not for your husband. It's a known fact that cigarettes are way more harmful than e-cigarettes, even in the worst case scenario as to if he believes every bad thing written about e-cigs (which are mostly inaccurate and not true anyways). As far as which type of ecig device you use, it needs to be what makes you happy regardless of what he thinks it looks like. Then again, maybe that's why I'm divorced. ha! I guess you could always get a smaller battery for when he's around and sneak with your bigger mod when he is not around, if you prefer. I always tended to have a hard time sneaking about anything and just had to be up front and open regardless of what people think.


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Jun 13, 2013
Somerset, PA
I am so glad to hear your husband came around!!

I had a hard time getting my boyfriend to be supportive of my quitting analogs in the past (not by switching over to vaping, but either going cold turkey or using gum). I would say "tomorrow is the day I am quitting" and he would always come up with "we are moving, why don't you wait until the move is over so you have less stress" or "your exams are coming up, maybe you shouldn't until they are over" or other various excuses as to why I should wait to quit... Him doing that put doubt in my mind and I never gave up the habit. I never could figure out why he did that and he still doesn't offer an explanation. He doesn't smoke, so you'd think he would be glad to have me quit the stinkies. He does, however, use chewing tobacco so maybe he thought I'd try to force him to quit or act like I was better than him because I quit. I'm not sure.

Anywho, I started vaping a few months ago but still smoked in addition; I really didn't feel like making a change to vaping was going to happen. Finally, I just decided that I was quitting the next day, no matter what, and vaping would be my exclusive source of nicotine. I'm not sure why this worked, but I changed my tactics this time. I never verbally told him I was quitting. We have a dry erase board on our fridge that I write grocery lists on, little notes to perk up his day, or whatever. I had written on it My Boyfriend is: Awesome, funny, etc. and that had been there for a few days, so while he was at work I changed it to Alisa is: Quitting smoking tomorrow (Nov 4), How: Gave all the resources and distractions I planned to use to keep my mind off of cigarettes (including my vaporizer), Why: Talked about health reasons, feeling better, looking better, smelling better. Then I had had a section titled Please. Here I wrote "Please: Be supportive. Tell me, kindly, if I am being grumpy or talking about quitting too much."

The next day I asked him if he had read the dry erase board, he told me he had, and we left it at that. He didn't seem upset about my decision, but I was still worried he may try to talk me out of it. The next day he surprised me though, he said "You know, you haven't had a cigarette in 24 hours. I am really proud of you." Then he high-fived me haha. My jaw dropped. He now knows exactly how many days it has been since my last cigarette and tells me every day that he is proud of me. He even tried giving up chewing tobacco, he isn't ready for that and I respect his decisions either way, but he has been using a vaporizer and has cut back on chewing just slightly. I'm not sure what difference writing it down made, but I'm so glad it did.
A little late to the party, but here's a quote from an article (Controversy, concerns heat up over e-cigarettes and vaping trend | Washington Times Communities)

Professor John Britton of the Royal College of Physicians in Great Britain says “If all the smokers in Britain stopped smoking cigarettes and started smoking e-cigarettes we would save five million deaths in people who are alive today.”

Edit to add: Don't give up. Don't start smoking again. Everyone here will tell you that.
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Ultra Member
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Oct 3, 2013
topeka, ks, USA
So I have been vaping for less than a week and off analogs for almost 72 hours. It's been an interesting ride to say the least. Finding the right juice has been a challenge. I'm not that happy with the setup I have but it's working ok for now. I've had some pretty bad side effects from either withdrawals or overconsuming nicotine. I haven't quite figured out if the uneasiness and jitters I am feeling is a nicotine craving or a symptom of me over vaping. I'm working on it, but I DO know that I can't stand the smell of analogs anymore and I NEVER want to smoke them again.

My husband on the other hand keeps throwing news articles he finds on the internet at me that say E-cigs are dangerous, unregulated, and JUST as addictive as cigarettes, PLUS, he says I look ridiculous sucking on a huge chrome (Dildo) as he calls it, and then he says he would rather I just smoke regular smokes.

So, help me convince him that this is indeed BETTER than smoking analogs. I have told him everything I know (Which admittedly isn't much) and directed him to lots of sites but he is still on my back and his nasty comments are really getting to me.

Even some of my friends are on my side and want to try e-cigs. He still says it's dumb looking and it doesn't matter to him he just thinks what he thinks an that's that.

Has anyone encountered a spouse who was anti-vaping and if so how did you handle it??


Your Husband is what I would call a D_bag. I would consider losing him like a bad habit. Just my:2c:
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