Ugh. Husband Would Rather I Smoke Analogs.. :(

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Ultra Member
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Nov 13, 2013
I think the problem is that he was a "closet" smoker, meaning he would always come outside with me when I smoked and take a few puffs. Now that I'm not doing that anymore he is smoking alone...

There is your answer. IMHO, it has nothing to do with the dangers of vaping. You just cut off the cigarette supply for a smoker who didn't want to admit he was one.


Full Member
Nov 9, 2013
I smoked for over 25 years. I was up to 2 1/2 packs a day of strong menthol. In the middle of the night I would have scary coughing fits. I can't even begin to describe them!!! I HAD TO QUIT. I started vaping, found a couple of flavors I liked, and within a couple of months I didn't like the taste of cigs any more. I have not had a real cig since 3-10-13. My lungs now feel great. I can take deep breathes without pain or tightness in my chest. I don't care what any studies show. I know smoking cigs was killing me. I'll take my chances with vaping.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 28, 2011
Thanks so much to everyone that responded.

We had a huge breakthrough yesterday afternoon.

My hubby's best friend switched to vaping along with his wife after trying mine. Suddenly what I am doing doesn't seem so dumb anymore. LOL.

I guess part of his feeling was that I was going to look weird amongst our friends vaping while everyone else was smoking. I've been posting a lot on Facebook about my vaping experience and getting a lot of interest drummed up as to what it's all about and it seems that there are MANY of my smoker friends who are considering making the jump as well.

So, he has laid off CONSIDERABLY since this happened. Which makes me SO happy. :)

Besides, if he thinks what I have now looks like a big silver dildo, he is going to TRIP when my Provari comes in. ;-) HA!!!

Cat, that's awesome!

I am amazed at how many people, when they hear about it, are so interested in switching to vaping. In the last month, I've setup 9 people with stuff, and only 1 of them decided it wasn't for him. FastTech's delivery times are killing me!

And to kill your husband's objections completely, just vape your Provari provocatively; that'll shut him up I bet!


Vaping Master
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Sep 23, 2013
Ç;11270568 said:
Thanks so much to everyone that responded.

We had a huge breakthrough yesterday afternoon.

My hubby's best friend switched to vaping along with his wife after trying mine. Suddenly what I am doing doesn't seem so dumb anymore. LOL.

I guess part of his feeling was that I was going to look weird amongst our friends vaping while everyone else was smoking. I've been posting a lot on Facebook about my vaping experience and getting a lot of interest drummed up as to what it's all about and it seems that there are MANY of my smoker friends who are considering making the jump as well.

So, he has laid off CONSIDERABLY since this happened. Which makes me SO happy. :)

Besides, if he thinks what I have now looks like a big silver dildo, he is going to TRIP when my Provari comes in. ;-) HA!!!

welcome to ECF CatClick ... you are among friends here who sincerely care about your well being.

When I first started reading your thread ... it made me sad, I was upset that someone who should be your biggest supporter was trying to push negative crap onto you for his own selfish reasons.

I am so glad to hear he has backed off some ... however, if he starts up again, tell him that you will not tolerate any more negativity towards your decision to use vaping to quit smoking ... period.

And if he continues to be immature and push his ridiculous crap on you ... time to pull out the big guns ... have Anjaffm speak to him :2cool:


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Nov 9, 2013
Kansas City, MO
Wow. I can't quite understand why someone would want you to smoke cigarettes. That's like telling an alcoholic you don't like them going to aa. Seems to me like he smokes cigarettes and is threatened by the fact that you want to quit. And if he keeps teasing you about it, well, to me that just sounds kind of immature. I say stick to your guns and vape on.


Vaping Master
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Mar 18, 2013
I love it when amateurs try to give relationship/health advice on the internet! Thank goodness old uncle haunted found this thread. Unless your husband has gone through gender reassignment, you still control all the lady parts in your home. If he's like a regular guy, the thing that will effect him most is a sex embargo. You need to get an electrified bra and panty set and a sexy outfit that says "No Smokers Allowed." When he is in the mood, just say "Sorry, no. Now that I have my sense of smell back, you smell like an ashtray." The electrified bra and panty set come into play when you are sleeping. If he makes a move, you'll hear a ZZZAAAAPPP and him yelping and falling out of bed. Two or three weeks of that and he'll give up on cigarettes.


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Mar 15, 2012
United States
here's a good way to prove to him that switching from analogs is better for you, at least in the short term. a few weeks from now, take him jogging and see if he can keep up.

Not for nothing but despite the fact that I smoked and have had asthma for 10 years I could still outrun my wife who quit 8 years ago and was in the Army :(

Edit - I agree with the above though. Hold out on the bedroom side of things and stuff changes quickly.
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Mar 22, 2010
He even tried giving up chewing tobacco, he isn't ready for that and I respect his decisions either way, but he has been using a vaporizer and has cut back on chewing just slightly.

Unless the two of you are wanting to give up nicotine completely, tell him not to worry about the chewing tobacco, or at the very least have him try moving over to swedish made snus which have over a decade of study behind it. Like 2nd hand smoke, the antz have made smokeless out to be something it really isn't. Smokefree Health Effects


Ultra Member
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Dec 30, 2012
I also had the jitters when I first started vaping... Hands shaking, , dry throat, heart beating a little fast...

I found this was a combination of two things...

1) Dehydration... If you stay hydrated, you will get a lot more enjoyment from your vaping experience.

2) Nicotine concentration was more than I needed... I found I vaped a lot more than I smoked... And why wouldn't I, it tasted a lot better! I'd say HEAVY smokers probably can do well with 18mg/mL, but that was way too much for me... I had to cut it down to 8-10mg/mL and the shaking/twitching/fast heart beat went away.

Most of the complaints about the dangers of vaping are all just scare tactics to be taken with a grain (truckload) of salt. If it was truly dangerous, it would be illegal. The FDA would have stepped in by now... The fact that they continue to hesitate and delay regulation is indication that they don't intend to regulate (just as they don't regulate most supplements) and any move to regulate is probably being driven by outside sources (Like Big Tobacco)

There is a bigger danger in devices that are unsafe than there is the juice... Buy from reputable juice vendors, and you'll be fine! I've been at it over a year, and the only thing I can tell you is I am much healthier today than I was a year ago.


Ultra Member
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Jun 1, 2013
East TN
So I have been vaping for less than a week and off analogs for almost 72 hours. It's been an interesting ride to say the least. Finding the right juice has been a challenge. I'm not that happy with the setup I have but it's working ok for now. I've had some pretty bad side effects from either withdrawals or overconsuming nicotine. I haven't quite figured out if the uneasiness and jitters I am feeling is a nicotine craving or a symptom of me over vaping. I'm working on it, but I DO know that I can't stand the smell of analogs anymore and I NEVER want to smoke them again.

My husband on the other hand keeps throwing news articles he finds on the internet at me that say E-cigs are dangerous, unregulated, and JUST as addictive as cigarettes, PLUS, he says I look ridiculous sucking on a huge chrome (Dildo) as he calls it, and then he says he would rather I just smoke regular smokes.

So, help me convince him that this is indeed BETTER than smoking analogs. I have told him everything I know (Which admittedly isn't much) and directed him to lots of sites but he is still on my back and his nasty comments are really getting to me.

Even some of my friends are on my side and want to try e-cigs. He still says it's dumb looking and it doesn't matter to him he just thinks what he thinks an that's that.

Has anyone encountered a spouse who was anti-vaping and if so how did you handle it??


Your husband is old school, and I understand that... but one should never give up the battle of ridding themselves of analogs. I really think if I could put a AGA-T2 tank filled with Black Cavendish or Coventry from (Click HERE) , then he would absolutely Love an electronic cigarette. NET juices are extracted from Real tobacco, and produce a very similar flavor & taste to the real thing.

And btw... tell your husband that Marlboro is introducing an e-Cig sometimes in the near future. It may or may not succeed... who knows. But you'll have to buy THEIR expensive replacement packs, and many experienced vapors won't like that. There's to many companies like JoyeTech, Provari, REO Grand, and many others that are very far ahead of them.
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Senior Member
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Nov 8, 2013
Seattle, WA
Your Husband is what I would call a D_bag. I would consider losing him like a bad habit. Just my:2c:

i wouldn't be that extreme about it. people don't get married just to "lose" them like a "bad habit". pretty uncool to suggest, but i get where you're coming from. i had the same initial impression. people can be a-holes in relationships, it happens all the time but that doesn't make it ok. glad you're sticking with your decision. i know non-vapers that support e-cig usage over analogs because its almost blatantly clear.


Full Member
Nov 10, 2013
Willis, TX
I hardly think that after nearly 17 years of marriage I am going to leave my husband over some comments made out of frustration to what may be seen as a MAJOR change in his life. I have smoked the entire time since he has met me. Making a sudden, basically overnight change with a Taurus is NEVER a good idea, but I did it for my health. And for his, and for our kids.

Today is day four smoke free and I feel better than I have in a long time. LONG time. Things have leveled out between us and his best friend is trying to get him on the bandwagon too. Honestly, I think his best friend may have better luck with that than I did but that's TOTALLY ok with me as long as it has the same outcome of him quitting smoking.

I want to thank all of you for your support and responses on this. It means a lot to me.

I am not going anywhere, I'll be around on the forum reading as much as I can. :)

We're dealing with addiction here. Behaviors around addiction are not usually rational. Anyone who has smoked heavily for years has done some pretty strung-out things - smoked butts out of the ashtray, payed exorbitant prices for something that is likely to kill us, and so on.

My best friend, who is a wonderful person, was married to a man who drank too much. She wanted him to stop and so did he, so he went to AA - a huge thing! She supported it - except gee, he had to go to meetings so often it interfered in their home life, and sometimes he went when she wanted him to do something else, and people from AA would call him at home, and and and, whine whine complain. She finally realized she WASN'T supporting him and she ended up in AlAnon working on HER part of the problem. You can't judge a person completely over how rational their behavior around addiction may be. It has lots of complexity, not much rationality, and doesn't represent our best selves in any case.

Vapoor eyes er

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Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
I hardly think that after nearly 17 years of marriage I am going to leave my husband over some comments made out of frustration to what may be seen as a MAJOR change in his life. I have smoked the entire time since he has met me. Making a sudden, basically overnight change with a Taurus is NEVER a good idea, but I did it for my health. And for his, and for our kids.

Today is day four smoke free and I feel better than I have in a long time. LONG time. Things have leveled out between us and his best friend is trying to get him on the bandwagon too. Honestly, I think his best friend may have better luck with that than I did but that's TOTALLY ok with me as long as it has the same outcome of him quitting smoking.

I want to thank all of you for your support and responses on this. It means a lot to me.

I am not going anywhere, I'll be around on the forum reading as much as I can. :)


WTG Cat and if ever needing support there's always lots of people here in your corner. Just follow your own prog and lead by example.
All the Very Best.


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Mar 15, 2012
United States
I hardly think that after nearly 17 years of marriage I am going to leave my husband over some comments made out of frustration to what may be seen as a MAJOR change in his life. I have smoked the entire time since he has met me. Making a sudden, basically overnight change with a Taurus is NEVER a good idea, but I did it for my health. And for his, and for our kids.

Today is day four smoke free and I feel better than I have in a long time. LONG time. Things have leveled out between us and his best friend is trying to get him on the bandwagon too. Honestly, I think his best friend may have better luck with that than I did but that's TOTALLY ok with me as long as it has the same outcome of him quitting smoking.

I want to thank all of you for your support and responses on this. It means a lot to me.

I am not going anywhere, I'll be around on the forum reading as much as I can. :)


Very nice! If he sees how much better you feel and how well it is working, in combination with his friend in his ear, you never know. He might start to come around. I hope he does but if he doesn't, so long as he doesn't take it out on you that's fine. He is his own person and should do as he pleases. I'm glad to hear you're doing better, keep us posted!
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