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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2013
Emerald Coast
Hahahaha..... That was funny...

I can still remember when I was a kid, downtown there were always people walking around handing out free little packs of cigarettes with 3 or 4 in them. I would have been about 13 then, and I was already smoking, and of course they were happy to give them to me. Unreal. Nobody thought anything of an 11 year old buying a pack of cigarettes in the store, either.
I remember going in the store and buying cigarettes for my dad when I was a kid, of course I bought them for myself when I was still a kid (13 or 14).


Grumpy Ole Man
ECF Veteran
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Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
I wouldn't be surprised if it's a gift card for a free carton of cigarettes.:sneaky:

Not that is the business of any NON-Participant, but it is a Virtual Visa. ;)

Yep, everyone ignore the chance to give positive feedback to any and all possibly suspect studies.
Leave it to some that truly might shine a dim light on vaping:ohmy:

FOCUS PROMPT: A specific positive, enjoyable, or exciting effect (i.e., physical or psychological) that I have experienced WHILE USING or IMMEDIATELY AFTER USING an electronic cigarette/electronic vaping device is...

After I used my e-cig this morning I felt less pain in my left arm, as the day before I had carpal tunnel surgery and my arm was pulling becaus eof not being able to move my wrist much.
Miracle Cure :blink:

Fitting in with not smoking cogs but closing a healthy alternative

Putting a fresh coil in my tank
The ritual of filling my tank, screwing it back in, etc.

The buzz of vaping can make you realize the great things in life.

vaping is a upscale way of smoking

I enjoy the head buzz I get when trying a brand new type of juice

fun doing tricks

Can anyone give me some info on the Rig. I'm thinking of switching up from my Reulaux to the Rig

Just scraping the surface. Some are worse, many are good responses. I'd say right now the balance is about 50/50 Well expressed to DUH :glare:

Have to add this block of answers, probably all the same participant:

my legs start talking to me
my brain does 360 degree spins
blowing vapor clouds at birds ears
blowing vapor clouds in people's trumpets
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2013
Emerald Coast
Yep, everyone ignore the chance to give positive feedback to any and all possibly suspect studies.
Leave it to some that truly might shine a dim light on Vaping:ohmy:

They can spin your answers in different ways, this is why I won't participate.

Ex. "It helped me stop smoking or I feel better since switching to vaping". That's making a medical claim, potentially being being labeled a drug delivery system.

I'm not giving them anything to use without knowing how it will be used.
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Grumpy Ole Man
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Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
They can spin your answers in different ways, this is why I won't participate.

Ex. "It helped me stop smoking or I feel better since switching to vaping". That's making a medical claim, potentially being being labeled a drug delivery system.

I'm not giving them anything to use without knowing how it will be used.
Actually, from an individual statement - Not promoting(study question answers) it Cannot be Claimed as a Medical device.
Eating carrots improved my vision - will not get carrots Regulated. :D

Now, saying -If YOU vape it will make you feel better - while promoting a Device sale - Will get consideration.


Personally...........I am tired of the weight of my Rock. I have decided rather than hide under, I will Stand atop. :D
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Grumpy Ole Man
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Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
More info for people to pick apart. This is not a One and Done Deal. VCU was Recipient of a large Grant to conduct a 5 year study, in 2013. Now 3 years Deep they are reaching out to people through the internet. They have been recruiting Study subjects for on campus study for the past 3 years, are working with other universities and attempting to answer everyone's questions and concerns.
Yea, maybe government gets first in line..........FDA Funding, but they seem much more Balanced in their goals than any Universities who's releases I have read so far.

Early 2014 Richmond
Peeling back E-cig science

Current/ongoing(?) Campus Studies:
Center for the Study of Tobacco Products - Index page

Sorry, nothing on the Online study thus far.


Grumpy Ole Man
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
Thanks for the information.

LOL - More to follow

Leave it to my to keep digging until I find something that Chaps my :censored:

Second May 2016 listing
PubPDF - Full Text Article: Adverse Effects of Electronic Cigarette Use: A Concept Mapping Approach.
I Believe this is the current Online Study.:glare:

Reserved Doc for 2017 release:

While I have early reservation on end results of Dr Thomas Eissenberg of VCU
I hold no respect for the works thus far from Dr. Eric Soule, who seems to be tightly wedged in the Pocket of the FDA.

Reading what I have on Him, and this study........Along with the Vast number of Asinine post in the Brainstorm Session, I can only see negative overall results to this venture.

I will continue, to at least attempt to offer some positive influence within the Kaos.


* By the way, I mentioned Dr Eissenberg. I listened to a 50 minute Radio Show from Maine. He was Guest miked in from Richmond Va.
Typical Clean Air/For the Children/Vaping Dangers Talk show.
Nope, Not him. He Did express concerns for long term unknowns with continual advancement of Technology, But also expressed a positive attitude toward people Beating Smoking through e-cig use. Even congratulated 2 Callers.

It was a long and at many moments, Boring talk show, but at no time did he Push Negative assertions about Vaping, only future concerns.
Doc even Very Carefully Dissed Stanton Glantz.(friend and Colleague):lol:


Note to all:
The majority of these Studies Are going to come from FDA funded Grants.
They have Pumped Hundreds of Millions into Universities around the Country.

The More We take part, the more control we have over Results.
I have seen the alternative:unsure: :shock:


Ultra Member
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Oct 8, 2013
Milledgeville, GA
I lost this thread in all the new posts last week. I'm part of the study and am awaiting part 2!

I had an in depth discussion with the girl on the phone about us and why there wasn't much fervor about this study from the members. I guess they figured there would be more people signing up. I told her that most of us are gun-shy about surveys and polls because they're often twisted around and used against us. That we try so hard to advocate for the positives of vaping it's hard to trust anyone that comes in with a new fangled study.

We'll see how it goes I guess!

Sent from my Commodore 64 using Tapatalk


Vaping Master
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Jan 14, 2012
Jacksonville, FL
I lost this thread in all the new posts last week. I'm part of the study and am awaiting part 2!

I had an in depth discussion with the girl on the phone about us and why there wasn't much fervor about this study from the members. I guess they figured there would be more people signing up. I told her that most of us are gun-shy about surveys and polls because they're often twisted around and used against us. That we try so hard to advocate for the positives of vaping it's hard to trust anyone that comes in with a new fangled study.

We'll see how it goes I guess!

Sent from my Commodore 64 using Tapatalk

What was her response?
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2013
Emerald Coast
So is this context part of this study?

Reasons for electronic cigarette use beyond cigarette smoking cessation: A concept mapping approach. - PubMed - NCBI

It appears to be but unsure, I certainly don't like the conclusions.

This study shows that ECIG users are motivated to use ECIGs for many reasons. ECIG regulations should address these reasons for ECIG use in addition to smoking cessation.

This is exactly why I chose not to participate, even if this isn't the same study it proves the point I was trying to make.


Grumpy Ole Man
ECF Veteran
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Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
So is this context part of this study?

Reasons for electronic cigarette use beyond cigarette smoking cessation: A concept mapping approach. - PubMed - NCBI

It appears to be but unsure, I certainly don't like the conclusions.

This is exactly why I chose not to participate, even if this isn't the same study it proves the point I was trying to make.

Actually, As we know, Regulation is simply a matter of time. This could be a Negative - Restrict use to XXX, or a Positive - Also consider Y&Z.

Sadly the Study Fails due to Idiotic Statements in Brainstorming from participants.
Obviously many are at Flood stage when responding :facepalm:

Sorry, buy I place this Squarely on (may I say) IDIOTS of lesser intelligence Participating in a Critical Data study.

Unfortunately the only way to correct this is by having intelligent people participate and tip the balance in our favor. Something many wish not to be involved with. :blink:

Why do I Vape?
No Other form of Cessation has ever worked for more for more than a few days.
I am now almost 4 years Smoke Free and have -0- desire to be near the stench of a Cigarette.:cool:


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2013
Emerald Coast
I agree with your reasoning @crxess and applaud your motive. You are trying to stand up for vaping by actively participating.

I simply fall into that category of no involvement, personally I think it's moot. The results of this study will be used in a way I can't agree with.

Like loaning a knife to someone knowing they are going to use it to do harm.
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Grumpy Ole Man
ECF Veteran
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Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
If we don't stand up for vaping then who the hell will?

Agreed, I understand each has to do what they are comfortable doing. Hopefully some will step outside that comfort zone in an attempt to do more for everyone.

The way I look at it is I have and can/will express my opinion and reasons for Vaping. Anyone can, and often will, argue or twist ones words. That is just life.
At the end of the day, at least I have spoken and that cannot be stopped or taken away.
At the end of the day I can Challenge anyone's Spin on what I have said.

Should I decide to stand quietly aside and wait while others make choices for me, I have surrendered to their will. For me, this will not happen.
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