Vaping more than I smoked

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Full Member
Oct 4, 2010
I did the math and it makes sense why I vape almost continuously.

According to some .gov website, my Marlboro ultralight 100s have .6 mg of nicotine each. I smoked about 2 packs a day (sometimes even more!). That is about 24 mg. I am using a 12 mg/ml mix in cartomizers in which I put about 2 ml, so that is 24 mg/cartomizer. To get the equivalent of analogs, I essentially would need to use up the whole cartomizer in a day. But I don't take long hits, so I rarely manage that even with an ecig in my hand almost all day (either ego batt or passthrough)

After 30+ years of analogs, my lungs are not in good shape. So any stronger dilution is uncomfortable, especially at the end of the day. This is one of the reasons I haven't completely given up analogs. But still, cutting back about 2/3 is nothing to cough at!
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Verified Member
Oct 13, 2010
I still vape my head off sometimes, especially when I'm at home in front of the computer! It's a good thing I can't just dangle my eGo from my lip or I'd be in real trouble. Ever try to dangle an eGo from your lip while playing Fallout: New Vegas or Forza3? It doesn't work so well. LOL!

I use two different nic levels. 18mg is for use at home when I chain vape. 24mg is for away from home or at work when I can't vape at will. It seems to work well for me and now that I've started DIY, it's cheaper.

LOL, Playing Fallout: New Vegas is killing my productivity, I have a love/hate relationship with video games, but playing Fallout does slow down the vaping a bit. That's a good idea about different nic levels, I'll have to give that a try.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
Mesa, AZ
I was an absolute vaping lunatic. It was almost like a pacifier to me. I have tapered off after about 3 weeks of that and now I just vape when I have the need for some nicotine. The e-cig is the only method of stopping analogs where I have not been obsessed with having an analog. The thought of smoking one now makes me nauseous and I have found nicotine juice flavors that I love, makes it easier to stop the analogs. Don't worry just VAPE, you'll taper off all by yourself at your own speed. I think we have all gone through that vape like a maniac stage at first. Good for you for stopping the analogs!!
In God We Trust


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2010
:pWell....I vape way more than I smoked...but I dont think I use any more nicotine..becuase I pretty much ALWAYS had some from of nicotine in my mouth, usually dip...which is gross and can can mouth cancer..but it was much cheaper than anything thats what I felt I had to do, when i couldnt smoke. I was at the Zoo the other day and I was vaping away and the gard siad "There's no smoking in the zoo" I said it's not smoking it's a vaperizer..and I continued to vape away!


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Verified Member
Oct 13, 2010
I was smoking about a pack a day, give or take, of Marlboro ultra lights and have been smoking about 35 years (gasp!) but because I spend most of my time working in client offices where I can't smoke (and often can't get away for extended periods) I was also going through 4-5 4mg nic lozenges a day. I've been vaping 10-12mg juice and that level seems fine if I have a chance to vap reqularly. I'm going to try a higher nic level and see if that makes it easier for me to go longer between vaps. That'd be handy in a lot of my day-to-day circumstances. Today, as opposed to the day I started vaping, I'm not concerned about "quiting". I am enjoying vaping and never would have thought that I'd quit the cig habit by doing something I enjoyed.
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Aug 24, 2010
Nether Iceland of NWPA
That is my biggest worry though with going to vaping, upping my average nicotine intake. Last thing I want to do is get more addicted. I am a pack a day smoker right now. eGo comes in 2 days with it's 5 free filled cartridges or cartomizers. Thinking I will need to order some ejuice a few days after getting it? And probably best to go with an 18mg and another lower one so I can play around with how much nic vs vape I do.

You need to order juice now, those 5 cartridges will last maybe 5 hours (of moderate to heavy vaping) conservatively. If you ordered pre-filled cartomizers they will give you a couple more days. I would buy different strengths of nic ranging from low to high, it is be a good idea to have 24mg for those times when you normally have an analog. I originally bought mostly 24mg when I started, but even being a 2-3 PAD smoker I indulged too much and ended up with a nic headache. It's been about a month that I only use the 24mg when I'm really stressed or craving an analog (one in the same)

Most people go through about 2-3ml a day, but in the beginning I was going through at least 6ml a day. I think I'm down to about 4ml or so now. It's a guesstimate really because I switch flavors alot, a little here, a little there. I know I'm going through the day's pick with 2ml and then using others as well.


Full Member
Nov 17, 2010
West Milford
I just started vaping and I've noticed that as well, except for when I'm at work. I haven't had an analog in almost 2 days. But when I'm home I notice myself pretty much using it as if it's some kind of candy. I'll be sitting at the computer and notice myself with my PV in hand for a good 20-30 min before I finally put it down...I guess it's just too fun to stop. :p


Moved On
Nov 19, 2010
LOL,,,I was crazy vaping when I first started, but it did taper off for me. One thing I have noticed that astounds me is that I don't have that "desperate need" that I did with analogs. Sometimes I'll have it around my neck (yes, it is on a laynard around my neck) for hours and not even think about it until I get a nicotine craving and then a few puffs and I'm right back to what I was doing before the craving hit. Before I couldn't be in a store or the mall for more than an hour before I had to leave to smoke. While I don't usually stealth vape, I can and that makes alot of difference for my psychologically. So, I wouldn't worry about the excessive vaping now,,,it most likely will slack off. If you are worried about more nicotine dependence, just lower the nic while you are enjoying vaping.

Very impressive with a logical sense. I like it.


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ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2010
New York
I'll be sitting at the computer and notice myself with my PV in hand for a good 20-30 min before I finally put it down...

you can put it down???!!!!! jk

I actually just noticed yesterday that I am no longer vaping 24/7 like I was a couple months ago. And if I have to run out for an hour or so and dont have my pv with me, no biggie. That's huge for me. I woulda panicked in the beginning. Of course I make up for it when we are reuntied. but still.

anyway, to make a long story longer, I love not having that totally dependent feeling I had with analogs, and I love that my addiction to vaping is not a necessety but an enjoyment that I look forward to, but I won't kill people if I don't have it.

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