VV Box mod differences: Which would be ideal for me?

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Jul 22, 2010
Milton, Ontario
I've been vaping exclusively for the past year and a half with no intentions of going back to analogs. I own a Mini Reo, VV Ali'i, Ikon, a standard 5V 3AA box mod, and obviously a bunch of eGo batts and what not. My 5V box mod has busted on me and I was looking at replacing it with a VV option now. I would say preferably another box mod because of the costs, but I'm open to a tube mod if it can incorporate my needs.

Must Haves:

- use either 14500 or 16340 batteries, I've got a bunch of both and don't really feel like dishing out more $ on a different size battery
- obviously be VV
- be able to fit and use DC carto's with a tank. Using Smoktech's 3ml and 6ml tanks right now with their DC carto @1.5 ohm (before my 5V box mod died)
- be ergonomically friendly. I realize this may be subjective, but I'm assuming most will have button placements that make logical sense

Wants but not 100% absolutely necessary:

- an easy way to adjust the voltage (ie. I don't want to carry a screwdriver to change the voltage)
- a voltage display
- solid build. Again, most will be relatively the same with the 3AA box, but wouldn't want something that has history of bad wiring, or loose atty connections etc... would also consider wood or some sort of metal if price is "fair"

Been comparing a few already, and there seems to be a debate on the internals on these mods. Linear regulated vs Evercool? are people now preferring the evercool option more because it's the "latest and greatest"? I see the advantages and it intrigues me. Here are some of the mods I've considered:

- Vapecore's VV AlumiMod with voltage display ($89.99, a bit pricey and big, but like the features and how solid it is for durability)
- Madvapes VV box with voltage display ($43.99, seems like the popular choice, but not sure about the tiny button and voltage adjustment)
- Ken's Box VV Box mod with voltage display ($104.99, Have heard great things about his mods, also like that there's a dial to adjust voltage and it's using Ever Cool but super expensive compared to the rest)
- SmokTek's VV Box mod (Vari Cool = Ever Cool?) ($54.95, like that it uses Ever Cool, bigger button and dial adjustment inside box with marked voltage levels, but no display)
- Maximum Vapor's VV Box mod with Ever Cool ($45, Like it uses Ever Cool, big Button, but no voltage display. Not sure how Voltage is marked/adjusted)

Looking to get some advice and or opinions if some of you have tried, or own one or more of any of these devices. Please feel free to add other suggestions too. Appreciate the help guys!


Vaping Master
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Aug 9, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
For a tube I'd recommend the Buzz Pro, Takes 16340s which will save you a little since you already have them and a great mod with easy vv adjustment. It will be limited at higher voltages with 1.5ohm DC but if you want to try the 2.5 ohm DC you should get the full range.

For a box I'd recommend contacting JamesW at the link below. He can build you a box that will rock your 1.5ohm DC up to 6v with no issues and does great work.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 28, 2011
+1 on the buzz pro. 16340 batts, thumbwheel voltage adjustment, easy failsafe power off, rock solid build and customer service, and (like you said, personal preference) but I love the way it fits in my hand. Also stylish, and available in attractive new colors. Or, if you're lucky enough to get one with the wood veneer by MistInTheWoods...


Maximillian the Mostly Mischievious


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ECF Veteran
Jul 22, 2010
Milton, Ontario
Hmmm, I may go with Krimson's stuff, just wasn't impressed by the pictures of some of the stuff he had up, specifically the "black little man". I'm sure the internals are all good and it'll do the job, but some of those pics scared me with respect to the meter and how it didn't look as clean. Ie. it wasn't as seamless as I would have liked. That being said, I'm going to see if he can use a clear blue box or clear box (if it's available in the 3AA box) and have the display underneath. Much cleaner look that way.


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ECF Veteran
Jul 22, 2010
Milton, Ontario
Decided to order from Krimson Kustom's.... got a 14500 Evercool box with voltage display (3AA box) and a 3.7V bottom feeder. GREAT customer service, and had the opportunity to do a few custom things on the mod. Should get em in the mail next week sometime and will update. Ultimately decided to go with KK because of the customization of the mod, and I've heard nothing but great reviews. So far the whole process has been pleasant and he's living up to his reputation.


Vaping Master
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Oct 11, 2010
East Coast, USA
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