What's up with this burning nasally sensation?

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Aug 28, 2012
I alternated my coil heads on my Vivi today, changing my 2.8 out for my 1.8 so I could clean the former.

I usually vape 4.3-4.5 voltage on the 2.8, and switch down to 3.7-4.0 for the 1.8 head.

Oddest thing, when I vape and exhale through my nose, or even when not doing it al all...I get a tingly sensation on my nasal cavity that mirrors the sensation you get after taking a shot of alcohol or something (for those of you who drink and know the feel)

It's not a terrible feeling, but I never got that sensation on the 2.8, and i vape higher voltage on that one.

I'm using the exact same juice, so idk what the deal is. Also, the vape feels very "airy" and "empty" on the 1.8, even on 4.0 volts..while the 2.8 always feels "full", if you will.

Any advice on that as well?
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