What's Your End Game? Vape for Life or Smoking Cessation?

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Tish Talons

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Jan 17, 2013
Tucson, AZ
I have been smoking analogs since the age of 12. I always had a love/hate relationship with them. They were like that really dysfunctional relationship we've all had at some point. I love you, why do you want to hurt me??!!! Vaping has been my saving grace. I've been vaping for almost 9 months now and I really don't see an end in sight. (too much personal info ahead be warned!) I also used to be a very dedicated consumer of MJ. When I quit that, my analog intake doubled overnight. I never thought I would be able to give them up. But I did. And I'm really proud of that. I don't feel even remotely guilty about vaping. I haven't even bothered to try to lower my nic levels. It may be a crutch. I don't really think of it that way. I don't care if I never quit. Its a lot better than the things my addictive personality has led me to in the past. We all have our vices, hobbies and habits. This is mine and I'm totally ok with that for now. I have a lot of respect for those of you who have an ultimate goal of being nicotine free. Maybe one day I'll get there too. For now I'm just ecstatically happy to be drug and cigarette free. God bless the person who invented the personal vaporizer! You are saving our lives one vape at a time.:wub:


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Jul 12, 2012
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Cessation for me.

I don't want to be encumbered by vaping forever. It still consumes my time and energy and yes, $ money too, and I really could be doing other things.

I'm using step down nicotine plan so when I get down to about 2 or 4mg I will just give it up I think.

I was gonna quit cold turkey til I found vaping. I couldn't stand the smell of cigarettes anymore on my person, truck, etc. I would never return to it, no matter how strong of an urge I got. The key is you can't ever pick one up again, at least, I cannot. I did that once after being quit for 5 years and it started me smoking again.

That won't happen now because I will just keep a few disposables around when I quit vaping full time.
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Sep 18, 2012
I have no idea if I am gonna ever quit vaping, I am not even concerned about it right now. I am still stoked to not be on the smokes.
I have a bunch of houseguests ( meaning family, lol) here now, and I haven't even wanted a smoke which is a first for me, usually I would be a pack or 2 a day with this chaos.
Cigarettes are a tough thing. I know someone who right now is on round 2 of chantix, meaning it didn't work at all the first time, I don't think he went a week without a smoke. His mom did the chantix and was smoking within 6 months.
He won't even consider vaping because it is too "new". It's really sad.
Right now they are all watching me to see when I start smoking. I really don't think they quite understand that I have no desire for a smoke and I will not spend another dime on a pack of smokes. If that means I'm gonna vape for life I'm fine with that.


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Dec 17, 2012
Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada
I have no plans to quit vaping. I know as long as I have the option to vape that I will never touch another analog again though. My only real plan though is to go down to 0nic at which time I plan to go the DIY route. I started at 12mg and now at a month later I now vape anywhere between 6mg and 0mg.


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May 2, 2012
I tried e-cigs because I wanted something to use when I couldn't have a "real" cig and by day two, I no longer wanted a "real" cig at all. That was nine months ago today. I love vaping because besides the fact that it tastes and smells better, I don't have the guilt and health issues I had with smoking. I started at 18-24 mg., but I've been at 12 with occasional 6 or 0 for about six months. I don't see myself giving it up for a very long time. I enjoy it too much, both for the vaping itself and as a hobby. I will probably move my nic intake lower full time by adding a little more 0 to the juice I already have until it reaches 6 or even 3. Already, I can go far longer without a vape than I could go without a smoke and when I do vape, it's because I want one more than I need one. There isn't that desperate need to have it the way there ALWAYS was with smokes.

As a wife, mom, and person with a career, it's one of the few things I do just for my enjoyment. Everything else seems to revolve around everyone else's schedules, needs, wants, tastes, and preferences from what movie we watch to what we have for dinner to where we go on vacation. This is just for me--my choice of setup, flavor, strength, vendor, etc. I gladly share my clothes, snacks, shoes, technology, games, makeup, etc. with my family, but it's nice having this one thing that I don't have to share with anyone.

So to answer your question, no, I don't have any plans to try to quit vaping. :)


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Jan 18, 2013
North Carolina
I do plan on quitting at some point and I doubt it will be as hard. It's seems much easier to wean yourself off vaping, you can lower your nick and take one small puff. On the analogs you buy a pack of 20. Sure you can buy ultra lights but when you light one up more than likely you'll finish it. Smoking is also much more regulated and I think that makes it much more habit forming. You can't smoke everywhere so you're going to smoke one or two analogs at break, in the car before work, outside the bar, etc... With vaping if you don't feel the need for the nic you can not vape. Whenever you feel the need, one or two puffs and that's it. You begin to take in less nic if you're conscious about it and it makes it easiernto quit.


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Sep 23, 2012
NM, U.S.
I don't have any plans to give up vaping. I enjoy it. Every aspect of it. I started at 24 and 18 nic, now I use 11 and 16. Just ordered some 9 so we'll see how that is. I don't really care if I drop it below 11, but my husband wanted to try a new vender and he only offers 0, 9, 18 and 24... so there ya go. I'm trying 9. My husband likes 18, but keeps some 24 and 36 around for when he wants 'more'.

I've always thought I needed nicotine.. not just that I was addicted to it. I have low blood pressure so it helps bring it up a little. I also find it relaxing when I'm stressed and it helps my concentration. The cool thing is that I always thought that, but I didn't have anything to back it up until I came to ecf and saw that tons of other people feel the same and that there are studies being done that show the benefits of nicotine in this regard. :)


Full Member
Jan 28, 2013
I used to be on 10-20 cigs day so I wasn't a heavy smoker. After a week on 18mg juice I am now purely on 9mg juice. I don't like being dependent on anything and vaping still gives me a bit of a dry throat so I plan to stop at some point. When I do stop there may well be relapses and I want to make sure that I have a good vaping setup ready to go at any time so that I relapse to vaping and not smoking.

I have a collection of around 100ml of different 9mg juices at the moment and get through about 2ml/day. On my next order in about another month I am going to get 0mg and 6mg juices and alternate a bit with whatever 9mg I have left to see how that goes. I plan to keep some pineapple juices that I really hate until the end to encourage the switch to 6mg.

Maybe I'm pushing myself too much but I'm not really finding it that hard to keep reducing. I hated myself for smoking and put a lot of pressure on myself to stop. I think that the fact that I don't have this pressure with vaping makes it much easier.


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Jan 18, 2013
North Carolina
I really enjoy vaping. I've been doing it for over a month now and have gotten really into the different flavors. I had planned out quitting but I'm enjoying it a lot so I don't know. I've stepped my nic down to 6 and only vape at home or when I go out, not at work or anywhere else. It's definitely helped me be healthier and wean myself from nicotine. Something gum and chantix couldn't do. I may go down to zero nic one day and continue to vape occasionally.


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Feb 6, 2013
I'll probably never stop altogether. I like it too much, and I'm ok with that. If PVs weren't around, I would have probably smoked at least most of my life. I probably will reduce my nicotine, eventually, but for now I'm perfectly happy with 12-18mg and no desire to stop anytime soon. Within the next year or so I may cut the nicotine to 6-12mg, though.


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Nov 13, 2012
nope no plans on stopping. i enjoy it plus the new things coming out are awesome.
i like many others enjoyed smoking but quit because i wanted to be around to enjoy
my family and see my grand children grow up and be able to play with them
not just sit on the side lines and watch them.
this way i get both i vape and feel better and my family gets to keep me around
for along time muh aahahahaha
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