Which RDA/RTA should I get?

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Aug 23, 2014
If you are after clouds, the mutation will do far better than a lemo.

There are also some other great authentic rdas in the price range of the devices you are looking at that will chuck clouds, such as the CLT v3, Troll, Doge, Freakshow. And there are good clones available of just about anything... many of these work great as well.


Vaping Master
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Apr 26, 2013
South Texas
An RDA is not an RTA either. An RDA is a rebuildable dripping atomizer that will require constant feeding of e-liquid.

An RTA is a Rebuildable tank atomizer - usually you can fill these with several mls of e-liquid and they self-feed.

You also need to consider that you will have to wrap and wick your own coils. Safety is important, as is understanding ohms law so you can calculate your final resistance and how it will affect your battery usage and amp drain.

The Lemo is more of a kayfun styled atty, which means the airflow will be a lot more constricted than a mutation would be. More of a flavor machine than a cloud chucker in my experience.


ECF Guru
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Mar 31, 2012
Ontario, Canada
Im looking for a extremely good vapor producing tank to go with my sigelei 100watt mod. Should I acquire the Lemo Drop RTA? Or a mutation v2 or v3? Al im saying is I want a tank that can chuck clouds like no other!!! Help me out guys give me some good recommendations!

As InTheShade pointed out, the Lemo is a tank (RTA, rebuildable tank atty) and the Mutation X is a RDA (rebuildable dripping atty). The first has a tank and second does not and needs you to drip juice into it.

When you say 'extremely good vapor', what do you mean? If you could quantify that a bit better it would really help. What I think of as really good vapor production might not fit your definition of that.

I have a Mutation X and I can tell you it will push out a lot of vapor if it's set up right. IMO it's right up there with the best of them and can be set up to handle more than 100 watts quite easilly. OTOH, you have to know how to set that up properly and safely, or you're not going to get the most out of it.

The Lemo and the Lemo Drop (both perform very similarly) can not be set up to make as much vapor as the MX can. It does though have the tank so you don't have to drip all the time, has great air flow for a RTA and can produce a lot of vapor. Stock, I have seen video of it run up to 60 watts, but I don't have one yet so I have not experienced it myself. It would be quite the hot vape at 60 watts though, while the MX could be cool at that power.

I consider the Lemo one of the better tanks out there and I'm pretty sure it will give you better flavor than the MX can at the same power. I've got one coming next week so I'll know more then :)
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ECF Guru
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Verified Member
Nov 17, 2013
New Orleans La.
Im looking for a extremely good vapor producing tank to go with my sigelei 100watt mod. Should I acquire the Lemo Drop RTA? Or a mutation v2 or v3? Al im saying is I want a tank that can chuck clouds like no other!!! Help me out guys give me some good recommendations!

you want an RDA, tanks are limited in design to blow really big clouds


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 7, 2015
Corning, NY, USA
Here's one to consider: The Yep by Kingtu. I don't see much buzz about it, but for me it throws more clouds than my Mutation X V3, Troll, SwirlFish, Freakshow or Vulcan (with cloud chasing sleeve). It has 48 tiny airflow holes and a great open draw. The flavor is even quite nice. A very pleasant surprise for 30 dollar original piece.

Jim Beam

Senior Member
Feb 7, 2015
Cut And Shoot Texas
I recently gotten a Orchid V4, dual coils.
Semilar to the Kayfun in design.
Though the Kayfun uses one coil.
Also, far as dripper, I use my 454 big block, u can run one coil or dual coil, even quad coils.
Major vape.
Though I like the Orchid for daily vape.
Looks good mounted on my ZNA 50watt.
If you new to coil building, the kayfun be easier and more rewarding to you.
Can always move up.
Besides most people whom vape is always buying more and more.
Turns out to be more of a hobby thingy lol.

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