Why do you vape? Will you ever quit?

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Nov 15, 2010
Cary, NC
Do you vape in places where you can't smoke, and continue to use cigarettes? I vape in stealth mode where smoking is not generally allowed (at my desk at work, in my car haha), but I don't smoke anymore.

Have you completely stopped smoking? Yes!

Do you vape because cigarettes have gotten too expensive? That was part of the reason I quit smoking.

Do you vape because you feel its not as bad as smoking? Absolutely. That's the other reason why I quit smoking.

Do you plan on quitting vaping? Not anytime soon! I make my own liquids, and rebuild my atomizers and tanks. So I vape on the CHEAP.

Is there anyone who never smoked but vapes? I'm sure there are folks out there who do. If vaping were around when I started smoking, I would have much preferred to pick up vaping. I would have smoked eventually anyway. But hopefully never-smokers are sticking to zero-nic juices.


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Jan 18, 2013
North Carolina
Vaping has allowed me to finally give up smoking, and each day I feel better. A huge plus is saving money. I normally just vape at home while watching tv or when driving, sometimes in bars when I go out. I've actually seen loads of people vaping in bars recently. My goal is to slowly move down my nicotine level and quit eventually. I personally don't think vaping is good for you, as I don't think breathing any substance into your lungs repetitively is good for you, but it certainly isn't nearly as bad for you a real cigarettes,'or walking down a busy street in New York for that matter


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Jan 4, 2013
I smoked for 25 years and This is the first time in my life that I am confident that I am done. Vaping satisfies my desire to smoke completely and it is what will keep from ever going back. For me it is not just about the nicotine. I enjoy the throat hit, the exhale, and just the activity of smoking, which vaping replaces very well. I have no plans to quit vaping as I am enjoying it far too much.


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Mar 30, 2012
Washington State
I quit smoking cigarettes immediately following my first vape. Over and done with them completely, will be a year in March. I had "quit" smoking plenty of times before, only to start again, my longest "quit" period was nearly 2 years. This time, I didn't really plan on quitting smoking, it just sort of happened. I accidentally quit. I liked vaping so much that it replaced the smoking easily. I do not plan on quitting vaping, ever. I enjoyed smoking so much, and enjoy vaping even more. If I were to quit vaping, I'd be smoking again in no time flat.


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Jan 16, 2013
I smoked camel cigs for twenty years...quit for 9 years and thought I could have a cigar one day which lead me back to full time camel smoking. Vaping seems much safer than analogs and having 1/3 of my right lung removed I need to be careful. I used nicotine patches which never worked. Only time it worked is when I quit 9 years ago.

My father was a smoker and got cancer which resulted in the removal of his entire right lung. He had a 5% chance of living. He beat the odds and is now cancer free for the last 20 years. That is always in the back of my mind.

Vaping gives me the nicotine stimulant I desire....in time I will reduce the level of the drug and I'll see where it goes for there.


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Nov 30, 2012
Do you vape in places where you can't smoke, and continue to use cigarettes? Have you completely stopped smoking? Do you vape because cigarettes have gotten too expensive? Do you vape because you feel its not as bad as smoking? do you plan on quitting vaping? Is there anyone who never smoked but vapes?

I vape all over the place -- wandering around the store, in waiting rooms (but not at the clinic), nonsmokers' homes (with permission, of course!). No one seems to care, and I've never been approached. Completely stopped smoking, not because of the expense (I was rolling my own, so it was super cheap) but because of a health scare -- thankfully, the condition resolved since I quit! I'll never quit vaping, it's been a godsend. :vapor:


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Jan 9, 2013
Yes, I vape in places where smoking/vaping would be frowned on, so I'm sneaky (or think I am!) It was easy to quit smoking when I started vaping and I enjoy vaping much more than I ever enjoyed smoking. I thought I enjoyed smoking very much at one time, but now it's 100% e-cigs. I'll quit vaping when they pry my e-cig from my cold, dead fingers!


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Nov 11, 2012
Buffalo, NY
Do you vape in places where you can't smoke, and continue to use cigarettes? Have you completely stopped smoking? Do you vape because cigarettes have gotten too expensive? Do you vape because you feel its not as bad as smoking? do you plan on quitting vaping? Is there anyone who never smoked but vapes?

I do vape in places I can't smoke. I do it out of the way though, I don't want to ruin a good thing.

I have completely stopped smoking! I have no desire to return. I loved smoking but hated everything about it, except for that "ahhhhhhh" moment after lighting one up. By the time I was done, it was like an "iiiccck" moment.

Cigarettes are expensive in NYS, but if you live close to a Native American Reservation, you can get them for 20 bucks a carton. I spend way more on vaping!

I vape because I do believe it's way less damaging than smoking is. I feel a million times better and I look better too :)

I have no plans to quit vaping anytime soon. I can, with complete honesty, say that I'm not dependent on vaping like I was with smoking. I used to grab a smoke before I was even fully out of bed. Now, I wander around with my coffee before I start vaping. I don't have nic fits in the mall or at work. Its more relaxing. It makes long, boring drives bearable. So no, no plans to quit just yet.

I know at least four non smokers who started vaping. They do it for the relaxing, habitual, no brainer activity of it. One is trying it for weight loss. None of them use nicotine. I don't encourage non smokers to vape, but I figure they are old enough to do what they want to do. It's better than smoking.


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Sep 7, 2012
Sweet Home, Oregon USA
I vape to get the nicotine I got from chewing Nicorette which I used to quit smoking and I did quit chewing Nicorette and it was easier to quit than quitting smoking but for me staying quit is very hard. I finally started chewing gum again when BF walked in the bedroom and caught me jiggling in bed with anxiety. He said, "Maybe you should get back on the gum "and gave me a bunch of money for it every month. He understands. and he gave damn. So I quit drinking and THAT took me 6 years to get 3 years Feb. 1st. Nope. I'll never quit my little vaping for nicotine plus pleasure and fun vice. Complete child's play relative to alcohol addiction and so be it.


Vaping Master
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Aug 12, 2012
Watertown, NY
Do you vape in places where you can't smoke, and continue to use cigarettes? Yes, I vape a lot of places where I couldn't smoke. But I'm stealthy and discrete. Have you completely stopped smoking? Yes do you vape because cigarettes have gotten too expensive? That's not the reason I vape, but was a contributing factor in my starting. Do you vape because you feel its not as bad as smoking? I started vaping to improve my health, so I guess the answer is that's another reason I tried vaping. Not really my main motivation now though. I vape for pleasure. you plan on quitting vaping? No. But I do plan to cut out the nic part within a year. Is there anyone who never smoked but vapes? Don't know anyone like that personally. But if they're adult and want to, that'up to

In short...I vape because I really enjoy it...and so long as I can vape I will never smoke again!
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Dec 13, 2011
Greensboro, NC
Do you vape in places where you can't smoke, and continue to use cigarettes?

Sometimes, but generally not without permission. I do not smoke cigarettes anymore, I don't remember the last time I had one to be honest.

Have you completely stopped smoking?


Do you vape because cigarettes have gotten too expensive? Do you vape because you feel its not as bad as smoking?

Yes and yes.

do you plan on quitting vaping?

Maybe one day if the mood strikes me, but not anytime in the near future. I would like to get my nicotine level down a little lower, but it's not urgent.
I'm 24 and really just didn't want to quit smoking since most of my friends smoke but my throat couldn't handle it anymore and I was coughing like a ........ I completely stopped smoking the day that I got my first kit from a b&m. It's been over a year now and every time I surf I can paddle like a motorboat and every time I skate I stay at the park for 3 hours instead of 45 minutes. I really don't see myself quitting vaping for a really long time.

Oh and I've converted at least 15 of my friends to vaping since the b&m shop near my house has a thing where if someone buys one of their starter kits you get a free 10 ml of juice and they get 10% off their kit. I would be so stoked to get someone to get a kit because I knew I'd be getting some free juice. That store loved me.
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Aug 20, 2012
I did vape in a store back in December while Christmas shopping, however, I didn't exhale the vapor and I did it in an empty aisle to avoid any confrontations. I gave up cigarettes about a month after my husband and I discovered the ecig. The cost of cigarettes was only a small part of what prompted me to quit. My health, the health of my family and pets and being an example to my kids was most important. I don't think that vaping is nearly as bad as smoking. I do plan on stepping down the amount of nicotine until I'm at or as near 0mg as I can get. I'm really not sure that I'll give it up completely. I really did enjoy smoking even though it was a horrible habit. My husband actually works with a young guy who never smoked but bought an ego kit when he saw the other people at work with them.


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I don't ever plan to quit vaping. I enjoyed smoking, which is why I had a terribly hard time quitting after my heart attack. I enjoyed the ritual, the smoke break, and the socializing that came with it. there were a lot of things that I associated with smoking that I didn't want to give up that had nothing to do with the actual cigarette. That is why vaping is perfect for me, I have significantly lowered my health risks, but i still get to indulge myself in everything that I enjoyed about smoking! For me vaping was the perfect solution. That might explain why I am knda an eCig evangelist. :D
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