Worried vaping won't help me

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Dec 6, 2013
Fullerton, CA, USA
Hey all, I'm getting worried. Every time I try to commit to vaping I run into all kinds of trouble. I have asthma, and so I cannot even take the slightest vape unless I use my inhaler first (this doesn't seem to happen with smoking). I realize the asthma is from years of smoking 30+ cigs a day, and my experience with previous quit attempts tells me the asthma probably would eventually subside if I could just commit to staying away from all cigs. Well, I have not succeeded in staying off all cigs, and wound up smoking 5-10 per day. I guess I have the psychological addiction to cigs pretty bad. At any rate, I have found that the mixture of vaping, smoking a few cigs, and asthma quickly leads me to bronchitis. After going through this cycle a few times now, I am worried that vaping isn't going to help me kick tobacco to the curb. I suppose the point of this post is to reach out ask if anyone else has gone through this and prevailed.


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Apr 13, 2013
New Joisey (aka NJ)
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I did not know that smoking causes asthma. I was under the impression that asthma is a separate issue. Someone with more knowledge and experience with this than I will chime in, but you may have something else going on-----as in, your asthma may be flaring up as a result of vaping, or from exposure to one or more of the ingredients in the vapor (a reaction to the vapor). Also, try the serach feature. I'm sure I have seen threads on vapers with asthma.

Good luck with this.....


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 5, 2014
Vaping may not for you...... That said it could just be your juice or the way your vaping it. High nic and higher PG juices will be harsher that 100%vg and low or no nic juices. You could try a Cooler vaping temp or less harsh juices. Realize you have reduced you cigarette usage by 70% at this point. You don't say how long you have been at it. But to me thats not bad. I started vaping in July and am at about the same 5-10 cigs a day sometimes less. I have been smoking 1-2 packs a day for 35+ years. Currently I'm using 15 and 18mg nic, in 70pg/30vg Juices from www.Naturally-Extracted-Tobacco.com, e-liquids for electronic cigarettes


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 5, 2014
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I did not know that smoking causes asthma. I was under the impression that asthma is a separate issue. Someone with more knowledge and experience with this than I will chime in, but you may have something else going on-----as in, your asthma may be flaring up as a result of vaping, or from exposure to one or more of the ingredients in the vapor (a reaction to the vapor). Also, try the serach feature. I'm sure I have seen threads on vapers with asthma.

Good luck with this.....

Depending on who is doing the saying, Smoking has been blamed for almost any illness you can think off. Literally you can present 2 people to most doctors with identicle cases and complaints except for smoking. 90% of the time the smoker will be told that the issue is caused by or worsened because they smoke.


Vaping Master
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May 18, 2011
A problem I had at first was that I vaped and smoked after I got my first ecig kit. Every time I vaped after smoking I coughed, it was really just a matter of not smoking cigs long enough for my body to get used to the vapor. Another thing might be your PG/VG ratio. If your using liquid with a high percentage of VG you might want to try out a 70/30 or 80/20 mix. I was always fine vaping till I used a 100% VG juice for about a week straight, then I got a pretty severe shortness of breathe problem. Took about a week and a half to get back to normal after going back to a PG dominant liquid.


Vaping Mistress
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Apr 9, 2014
Corn 'n' Cows
Hey Navigator!

I've seen a few other folks out here who have asthma and still vape (albeit carefully.) I don't remember whether they need higher PG or VG to reduce vaping issues. I'm guessing possibly higher PG (as that's probably what's in your inhaler to start with.)

Just want to give you a shout for trying - yes, difficult, especially if your body is fighting you....


Ultra Member
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Jun 30, 2012
The Woodlands, TX, USA
Nicotine is not absorbed through the lungs when you vape, it's absorbed through the nasal membranes. Try exhaling through your nose without inhaling to your lungs. There's a slew of threads dealing with inhalation techniques that may help you.

I've read quite a few postings from asthmatics who vape and vaping has improved their lung function. Yes, I know, not everyone is the same.

Good luck!


ECF Guru
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Aug 5, 2013
In the Mountains
I have allergy induced asthma. It's also my understanding that cigarettes have a cough suppressant in them. Din't verify it, but don't doubt it really.

When I was trying to switch, I coughed like a dog when I vaped, then would cough when I smoked. (I know, sounds contradictory to the above.) You don't have to inhale vape to get the nicotine out of it. It's absorbed in the mouth and nasal passages. I had a terrible time getting completely off the smokes until I went up to 24mg and one day realized I hadn't had a smoke all day. It wasn't easy, but I kept that streak alive. It took over five months before I got to that point.

Don't bash yourself over the head about it. Any cigarettes you aren't smoking are a huge win, not a failure. :)


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Dec 6, 2013
Fullerton, CA, USA
Hi guys, thanks for so many suggestions. I deeply appreciate your help. I guess I should say that I plain ole "have" asthma. I must admit that I've had my head in the sand for years about asthma, much to my Doctor's dismay, but I never had any symptoms until having smoked for many years. Of course, it always showed up when I got a cold or flu, and my Doc would say I have asthma, and the smoking made it far worse, but then it would seem to go away. I now realize that smoking has made my asthma more sensitive over the years, and various things that never bothered me before can now set me straight off to bronchitis. So, while this all is strong motivation to get onto a harm reduced alternative, at the same time it isn't making things any easier.


ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
Hey all, I'm getting worried. Every time I try to commit to vaping I run into all kinds of trouble. I have asthma, and so I cannot even take the slightest vape unless I use my inhaler first (this doesn't seem to happen with smoking). I realize the asthma is from years of smoking 30+ cigs a day, and my experience with previous quit attempts tells me the asthma probably would eventually subside if I could just commit to staying away from all cigs. Well, I have not succeeded in staying off all cigs, and wound up smoking 5-10 per day. I guess I have the psychological addiction to cigs pretty bad. At any rate, I have found that the mixture of vaping, smoking a few cigs, and asthma quickly leads me to bronchitis. After going through this cycle a few times now, I am worried that vaping isn't going to help me kick tobacco to the curb. I suppose the point of this post is to reach out ask if anyone else has gone through this and prevailed.

It's what you vape that counts, not vaping itself.
Simplest eliquid is plain PG; no nicotine, no vg, no flavor;
If you can try that out and if you find it vapable, then you can try some PG only unflavored with nicotine...
then... etc....


Senior Member
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Oct 18, 2014
I have asthma. It's helped over the last 10 years to smoke, I only got bronchitis once a year when my allergies acted up.
There are anesthetics in ciggarettes and that's how I got away with not treating it.
When I first started vaping it was like inhaling razors. That would be the inflamation of the asthma. I used my inhaler as needed and it subsided. I did move from the allergin triggers like cats too.
Now that I'm down to two smokes a day if I smoke more I get congested just like I used to when I started vaping. I used to smoke a pack. I also did not get my yearly bronchitis this year. I did quit for a year and a half cold turkey, so I have a comparison and the asthma did act up then too with the quitters flu, so I knew it wasn't the vape. It's the quitting of the smokes.
In the 1950's they gave kids asthma smokes to treat their asthma. They were really called asthma ciggarettes. Crazy but it worked back then.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2013
I suppose the point of this post is to reach out ask if anyone else has gone through this and prevailed.

I'm going through it right now. I started vaping about a year ago, started having chest pains, so I went back to analogs. Stayed on those until about a month ago when I started vaping again. I was OK for a week or so, but recently those pains have come back. It's a tightness in the chest and I feel as if I can't breathe all the way in. So, I have relapsed and am now smoking analogs (though a lot less than I was when I smoked only).

I am asthmatic as well, so I am sure something in the juice is causing an allergy which results in the chest pains. Last year I told myself it was just anxiety attacks, but this time I don't think so. I didn't have any issues with "anxiety" during those months I smoked. Moreover, I don't have any issues until I wake up in the morning and start hitting my PV. By mid afternoon, my chest is hurting.

I am honestly too lazy to experiment and find out what it is causing it, so I just smoke analogs and hit my PV every so often. I am not going to go out and buy PG and vape that or VG and vape that. Too lazy, tbh.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2013
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I did not know that smoking causes asthma. I was under the impression that asthma is a separate issue. Someone with more knowledge and experience with this than I will chime in, but you may have something else going on-----as in, your asthma may be flaring up as a result of vaping, or from exposure to one or more of the ingredients in the vapor (a reaction to the vapor). Also, try the serach feature. I'm sure I have seen threads on vapers with asthma.

Good luck with this.....

You're right. I am asthmatic as well, but I was diagnosed when I was like 5. Most people who are asthmatic are diagnosed as kids. I don't think I've ever known someone who became asthmatic as an adult. According to tha interwebz, it is a thing, though. Adult-onset asthma.


Super Member
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Dec 6, 2013
Fullerton, CA, USA
I have asthma. It's helped over the last 10 years to smoke, I only got bronchitis once a year when my allergies acted up.
There are anesthetics in ciggarettes and that's how I got away with not treating it.
When I first started vaping it was like inhaling razors. That would be the inflamation of the asthma. I used my inhaler as needed and it subsided. I did move from the allergin triggers like cats too.
Now that I'm down to two smokes a day if I smoke more I get congested just like I used to when I started vaping. I used to smoke a pack. I also did not get my yearly bronchitis this year. I did quit for a year and a half cold turkey, so I have a comparison and the asthma did act up then too with the quitters flu, so I knew it wasn't the vape. It's the quitting of the smokes.
In the 1950's they gave kids asthma smokes to treat their asthma. They were really called asthma ciggarettes. Crazy but it worked back then.

Hi BraveNewWorld, thank you for posting this. It gives me the hope that if I just man-up and soldier-on, with inhaler in hand, that my issues will calm down too.

I'm going through it right now. I started vaping about a year ago, started having chest pains, so I went back to analogs. Stayed on those until about a month ago when I started vaping again. I was OK for a week or so, but recently those pains have come back. It's a tightness in the chest and I feel as if I can't breathe all the way in. So, I have relapsed and am now smoking analogs (though a lot less than I was when I smoked only).

I am asthmatic as well, so I am sure something in the juice is causing an allergy which results in the chest pains. Last year I told myself it was just anxiety attacks, but this time I don't think so. I didn't have any issues with "anxiety" during those months I smoked. Moreover, I don't have any issues until I wake up in the morning and start hitting my PV. By mid afternoon, my chest is hurting.

I am honestly too lazy to experiment and find out what it is causing it, so I just smoke analogs and hit my PV every so often. I am not going to go out and buy PG and vape that or VG and vape that. Too lazy, tbh.

Well, I can understand that it seems like a lot of work to figure out what could be causing your tightness in the chest. I don't have the lazy issue, however. I have been messing around with vaping gear and juices, learning and experimenting for quite a while. I guess it all is an issue of how important getting off cigs is to each person.


Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
Hi navigator! Sorry to hear you're having so much trouble with your asthma; it's a real pain in the ...., I know personally. As a matter of fact, I have adult-onset asthma; it was diagnosed just about 30 yrs ago, after I'd already been a smoker for nearly 10 yrs. Naturally I didn't quit. :D Thru the years I tried several times to quit smoking, but it just never worked for me, so I'd go back to smoking, going to "Lights," then "Ultra-lights," just so I could keep smoking without coughing up a lung with every puff. Over the last 10 yrs or so, with smoking only a pk a day, my asthma was very well-controlled; I used no medication except a rescue inhaler, because the potential side-effects from all the maintenance-type drugs are just so horrible.

Last winter I got interested in e-cigs, because it was just so blasted cold outside, I didn't wanna go out there anymore, just to smoke. I came here, got an eRoll (cigalike), found an ejuice I really liked because it tasted just like my cigarettes (virginia slims ultra-lights) but with even better throat hit than the cigarettes -- I managed to quit completely after about a month of gradually phasing out smoking and phasing-in vaping, because the more I vaped, the worse the cigarettes tasted. And at first, vaping that "Virginia" (from MyFreedomSmokes, their high-PG (85%) blend), my asthma improved dramatically -- after just 5 days smoke-free, I no longer sounded like a water pipe when I woke up, and didn't start grabbing for the inhaler before my eyes were even open -- it got MUCH better.

Over the summer, I developed appendicitis, got the wretched thing taken out, suffered godawful sickness afterward, and ended up going back to smoking for about a month, while doing the same phasing out/phasing in thing -- and managed to get smoke-free again -- but 10 days later, those godawful cravings I had after the surgery came back -- so I added WTA, the cravings went away, and I thought OK!

But, I was losing my taste for that Virginia tobacco flavor; I found another juice I liked a lot, Blueberry Muffin, and started vaping it; unfortunately, the one I was vaping was 50/50 PG/VG, and I knew already that that was too much VG for me; anything more than about 25% VG just closes off my lungs completely. So I found another, at sweet-vapes.com, and they let you customize your PG/VG -- I'm getting 80 or 90 percent PG. I also mix it with some Banana Nut Bread, which I DIY at 90% PG -- but I still add WTA, so that it makes up 10% of my ejuice -- but now, my asthma is completely out of control. Since I'm not vaping much VG, I know it must be something in the flavoring that's causing the problem. One thing I've done recently is increase my nic level and the WTA, so that I don't need to vape so often -- at first I needed to chain-vape, to control the cigarette cravings, but now I don't really feel the cravings anymore, so vaping less is a much better deal for my lungs. But, the asthma is still not controlled.

Tomorrow I have an appt with my asthma doc, and this time I plan to ask for some maintenance medication, because I have to get back in control of the asthma -- at this point I am NOT ABOUT to go back to cigarettes, because a) they cost a lot more than vaping; b) they give me lots of yucky crap to cough up out of my lungs; c) they stink and my husband likes me better NOT stinking; and last but certainly not least, d) cigarettes will eventually kill me as they killed my father, with lung cancer, and it's a horrible way to die, attached to a respirator in the ICU.

I definitely suggest high-PG -- 80% or more; and though it might be necessary at first to vape a lot, meaning you need a low enough nic level so you don't get nic sick, the highest level you can tolerate would be better, to keep from vaping quite so much.

If you can tolerate tobacco-type vapes, they're probably better than the sweet ones; they don't have so much flavoring, which I'm finding is definitely a problem -- that's why I'm starting to learn to how to DIY my own ejuice, so I can be in control of WHAT is in my ejuice, and how much flavoring is in there. Myfreedomsmokes.com has a number of different tobacco flavored vapes; their Virginia, as i said, tastes remarkably like Virginia Slims cigarettes, so their other 'taste-alikes' are probably good too -- they're great folks, have a great reputation, and really know what they're doing, with tobacco vapes -- don't get the VG version, because that stuff is so thick, it'll glue your airways closed.

And talk to your doctor -- if you're not taking maintenance meds for the asthma, maybe you should be; my doc always tried to push them on me, but when I was in control of the asthma, I didn't need them -- now apparently I do, at least for now -- I have 39 yrs of smoking damage to heal!

And last but not least, don't beat yourself up if you can't drop the smokes like a hot potato -- I didn't, either time; it took a full month both times I quit, to be totally smoke-free -- if vaping can help you cut down at all, that's a win, and a step in the right direction -- be patient with yourself. It's a big problem to overcome, but it CAN BE -- if you really want to. :thumbs:



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Feb 12, 2014
Ont. Canada
They say because of smaller molecules in vaping that they absorb through the mouth. Try vaping and not inhaling. Just take mouth draws and hold if for a bit. I have never tried it but you can let us know if it helps you. Anyone here addicted to nicotine and only do mouth inhales?
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