Worried vaping won't help me

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Jul 2, 2014
Pearland, TX
I've been a month now with just mouth to nose..and I"m all good..there was about five or so days with flu's lower respiratoryinfection stuff I couldn't stand to vape at all..I upped the PG and then could and just this weekend a couple "oops I inhaled" cough and stop that for now...

I had asthma as a kid, "reactive airway"they figured it was moving me from east Texas to a the middle of a corn field in Illinois ...it went away when we moved back to Texas. BUT when I get sick I'm wheezing and have to use a nebulizer.

try the mouth to nose..maybe with a supplemental patch or chantix?(although not a fan of the rx due to neuropsychiatric side affects.)

ask your doctor to figure out your nicotine needs, you'll have to be careful if you supplement and vape.

but if you just can't yeah..it might not be for you. Sorry and good luck


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Dec 6, 2013
Fullerton, CA, USA
Hi navigator! Sorry to hear you're having so much trouble with your asthma; it's a real pain in the ...., I know personally. As a matter of fact, I have adult-onset asthma; it was diagnosed just about 30 yrs ago, after I'd already been a smoker for nearly 10 yrs. Naturally I didn't quit. :D Thru the years I tried several times to quit smoking, but it just never worked for me, so I'd go back to smoking, going to "Lights," then "Ultra-lights," just so I could keep smoking without coughing up a lung with every puff. Over the last 10 yrs or so, with smoking only a pk a day, my asthma was very well-controlled; I used no medication except a rescue inhaler, because the potential side-effects from all the maintenance-type drugs are just so horrible.

Last winter I got interested in e-cigs, because it was just so blasted cold outside, I didn't wanna go out there anymore, just to smoke. I came here, got an eRoll (cigalike), found an ejuice I really liked because it tasted just like my cigarettes (virginia slims ultra-lights) but with even better throat hit than the cigarettes -- I managed to quit completely after about a month of gradually phasing out smoking and phasing-in vaping, because the more I vaped, the worse the cigarettes tasted. And at first, vaping that "Virginia" (from MyFreedomSmokes, their high-PG (85%) blend), my asthma improved dramatically -- after just 5 days smoke-free, I no longer sounded like a water pipe when I woke up, and didn't start grabbing for the inhaler before my eyes were even open -- it got MUCH better.

Over the summer, I developed appendicitis, got the wretched thing taken out, suffered godawful sickness afterward, and ended up going back to smoking for about a month, while doing the same phasing out/phasing in thing -- and managed to get smoke-free again -- but 10 days later, those godawful cravings I had after the surgery came back -- so I added WTA, the cravings went away, and I thought OK!

But, I was losing my taste for that Virginia tobacco flavor; I found another juice I liked a lot, Blueberry Muffin, and started vaping it; unfortunately, the one I was vaping was 50/50 PG/VG, and I knew already that that was too much VG for me; anything more than about 25% VG just closes off my lungs completely. So I found another, at sweet-vapes.com, and they let you customize your PG/VG -- I'm getting 80 or 90 percent PG. I also mix it with some Banana Nut Bread, which I DIY at 90% PG -- but I still add WTA, so that it makes up 10% of my ejuice -- but now, my asthma is completely out of control. Since I'm not vaping much VG, I know it must be something in the flavoring that's causing the problem. One thing I've done recently is increase my nic level and the WTA, so that I don't need to vape so often -- at first I needed to chain-vape, to control the cigarette cravings, but now I don't really feel the cravings anymore, so vaping less is a much better deal for my lungs. But, the asthma is still not controlled.

Tomorrow I have an appt with my asthma doc, and this time I plan to ask for some maintenance medication, because I have to get back in control of the asthma -- at this point I am NOT ABOUT to go back to cigarettes, because a) they cost a lot more than vaping; b) they give me lots of yucky crap to cough up out of my lungs; c) they stink and my husband likes me better NOT stinking; and last but certainly not least, d) cigarettes will eventually kill me as they killed my father, with lung cancer, and it's a horrible way to die, attached to a respirator in the ICU.

I definitely suggest high-PG -- 80% or more; and though it might be necessary at first to vape a lot, meaning you need a low enough nic level so you don't get nic sick, the highest level you can tolerate would be better, to keep from vaping quite so much.

If you can tolerate tobacco-type vapes, they're probably better than the sweet ones; they don't have so much flavoring, which I'm finding is definitely a problem -- that's why I'm starting to learn to how to DIY my own ejuice, so I can be in control of WHAT is in my ejuice, and how much flavoring is in there. Myfreedomsmokes.com has a number of different tobacco flavored vapes; their Virginia, as i said, tastes remarkably like Virginia Slims cigarettes, so their other 'taste-alikes' are probably good too -- they're great folks, have a great reputation, and really know what they're doing, with tobacco vapes -- don't get the VG version, because that stuff is so thick, it'll glue your airways closed.

And talk to your doctor -- if you're not taking maintenance meds for the asthma, maybe you should be; my doc always tried to push them on me, but when I was in control of the asthma, I didn't need them -- now apparently I do, at least for now -- I have 39 yrs of smoking damage to heal!

And last but not least, don't beat yourself up if you can't drop the smokes like a hot potato -- I didn't, either time; it took a full month both times I quit, to be totally smoke-free -- if vaping can help you cut down at all, that's a win, and a step in the right direction -- be patient with yourself. It's a big problem to overcome, but it CAN BE -- if you really want to. :thumbs:


Hi Andria, thanks for your advice. I've been lurking around in the forums for quite a while, and as you'll recall we've talked a few times. I knew you had asthma and had quit smoking twice. I recall you saying the second time was a lot harder, too. I did not know your asthma was now out of control, though. I pray you can get some relief from that by seeing your Doc. As for me, I have experimented with different ratios and also WTA. Neither seemed to have much effect on me. As for flavors, then yes, I've found some that are nigh unvapable. Also higher nicotine tends to rip me up, so I've resolved to stick with 18mg for now.

Based on all that I have read about cigarette addiction, it is good that you can keep your points a) through d) firmly in mind. That is to say, your ability to look at smoking rationally for what it really is tends to protect you from craving. In my case, craving a smoke tends to whitewash all rationale, and it is frustrating because I know that I know better. That is why I mentioned that I'm psychologically hooked, it's not so much the nicotine. Other members have mentioned using Snus or just doing mouth-nose vaping. For me, though, I have to be inhaling something or I'll be craving a smoke. It's funny, 30 years of smoking and I didn't even know how to do the mouth-nose thing until vaping came along.

johnny madman

Senior Member
Dec 2, 2014
""It's what you vape that counts, not vaping itself.
Simplest eliquid is plain PG; no nicotine, no vg, no flavor;
If you can try that out and if you find it vapable, then you can try some PG only unflavored with nicotine...
then... etc.... ""

Please listen to this guys advise it is spot on! Vape it this way and see what the problem is. I have found some flavors make me cough, too much nic makes me cough and too much VG makes me cough. I have gotten better at it with all the above after lowering my nic. Some flavors still give me issues, and a lot of VG still seems to be an issue but less then it was.

Good luck


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Oct 29, 2014
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
The chemicals in cigarette smoke actually relax the lungs and airways for a brief period. Which is why the asthma acts up when you vape but not when you smoke. I used to chain smoke before playing hockey. I could go super hard for a short period of time then would need another one to go again. But while this shuts off your asthma briefly, it also keeps your lungs from cleaning themselves and does more damage than vaping. I also coughed every time i took a hit of vape when I started. But eventually everything in there should get used to it. Even the asthma.


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Jan 24, 2014
The chemicals in cigarette smoke actually relax the lungs and airways for a brief period. Which is why the asthma acts up when you vape but not when you smoke. I used to chain smoke before playing hockey. I could go super hard for a short period of time then would need another one to go again. But while this shuts off your asthma briefly, it also keeps your lungs from cleaning themselves and does more damage than vaping. I also coughed every time i took a hit of vape when I started. But eventually everything in there should get used to it. Even the asthma.

Thanks for this; I had thought this might be true -- I had a lot more mucus as a smoker, but not nearly so much wheezing and feeling breathless. But I don't, CAN'T consider smoking to be any kind of viable option for a smoker -- my dad died of lung cancer, and I'd really rather not, it was horrible, and my mom's COPD looked just as bad -- though now that she's been off cigarettes almost 10 yrs, her lungs are a LOT better.

I guess this is why they used to call them "asthma cigarettes". I just keep persevering in hopes that eventually my asthma will settle down and get used to it. But getting some maintenance meds from my doc today seems necessary, though I never needed them as a smoker -- I'm not a smoker anymore! :thumbs:

And to the poster just above -- no, it is NOT the nicotine that "causes asthma" -- could be a lot of things, but nicotine isn't one of them. Mainly, I think, it's just the irritation that brings on an asthma ATTACK -- but no one really knows for sure what 'causes asthma.' And it's not an allergy either, though allergy can bring on an attack.



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Dec 6, 2013
Fullerton, CA, USA
I've always heard that asthma is an individual's response to a bronchial irritant. I know for a fact that smoke is irritating to my lungs. Upon getting smoke in one's eyes, it soon becomes clear just how irritating smoke is. At the same time, I have noticed that smoking a cigarette can, at times, open up the lungs and knock down that tight-chested coughing fit that accompanies asthma. But there's a payback--the cigarettes soon "wears" off and then the asthma is worse, and then another cigarette is needed, and so it goes on and on. Also, the feeling of opened up the lungs is actually not all that open, but rather is just relative to the usual degree of lung congestion. When I managed to go cold turkey for a month without inhaling anything at all, the decrease in lung congestion was incredible, but I'd didn't really appreciate it until after smoking a cigarette when the tight-chested congestion quickly returned.

At any rate, Andria, I wish you all the best with your Doctor visit regarding your asthma.


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Jan 24, 2014
I've always heard that asthma is an individual's response to a bronchial irritant. I know for a fact that smoke is irritating to my lungs. Upon getting smoke in one's eyes, it soon becomes clear just how irritating smoke is. At the same time, I have noticed that smoking a cigarette can, at times, open up the lungs and knock down that tight-chested coughing fit that accompanies asthma. But there's a payback--the cigarettes soon "wears" off and then the asthma is worse, and then another cigarette is needed, and so it goes on and on. Also, the feeling of opened up the lungs is actually not all that open, but rather is just relative to the usual degree of lung congestion. When I managed to go cold turkey for a month without inhaling anything at all, the decrease in lung congestion was incredible, but I'd didn't really appreciate it until after smoking a cigarette when the tight-chested congestion quickly returned.

At any rate, Andria, I wish you all the best with your Doctor visit regarding your asthma.

Well, the doc always did tell me that relying solely on the rescue inhaler was a bad idea, but the asthma was so minor and well-controlled, I just couldn't see using other drugs that have a lot worse potential side-effects than albuterol does. But I have to face facts, this constant wheezing is not a good thing, it's annoying and worrying at the very least, and being short of breath may be the very definition of anxiety.

One good thing, at least; the cold I just got over had no effect whatsoever on my lungs -- unlike every other cold I've suffered for the last 35-40 yrs, so I *can* see some serious improvement in my lungs -- just not with the asthma itself.



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Jul 12, 2012
USA midwest
I would try to vape w/out inhaling for a while because a "tiny bit" if you are not paying attention, will go down your airpipe, and maybe your lungs will get used to it eventually. Or of course, you can try SNUS.

If I were you, I would strongly consider vaping "unflavored". Or only put a drop or so of mint or methol into unflavored. Flavorings can be very irritating to lungs.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2013
I've always heard that asthma is an individual's response to a bronchial irritant. .

It is, but not everyone is susceptible, hence why only some of us actually have asthma. I think the technical definition of asthma is an inflammatory response of the airway, so it's essentially an immune response. Since it is an inflammation, the airways become restricted (closes up), wheezing ensues and some people require immediate attention (or even intubation in severe cases). It's basically an overreaction of our immune system in response to airway irritants, much like people with dermatitis have skin reactions that don't bother most of us.

Most people's asthma is triggered by allergies (it's that way with me), while some just suffer regardless. My biggest trigger is cat dander. If I visit someone's home with cats, I will end up in the ER almost every time. I can go years with no asthma trouble, but as soon as I am around cats, all hell breaks loose. Most people aren't bothered one iota around cats and can wallow in cat dander all day long, but not me. My body sees cat dander as a foreign invader and the inflammatory response happens, causing asthmatic symptoms.

So, basically, asthma is like an allergy of the airways. Our airways are more prone to become "inflamed" than the average person's. Every asthmatic is different with the triggers, but common ones are pet dander, mold, smoke, pollen.

Interestingly, my parents smoked when I was a kid and it caused several asthma attacks. After this happened a few times, they began to smoke outside. I never thought in a million years I would smoke, but here I am. I know it sounds weird or counter-intuitive but smoking doesn't irritate my lungs like vaping does. It really is unfortunate because I am sure I could stop smoking completely if I could vape without the discomfort.


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Jan 24, 2014
It is, but not everyone is susceptible, hence why only some of us actually have asthma. I think the technical definition of asthma is an inflammatory response of the airway, so it's essentially an immune response. Since it is an inflammation, the airways become restricted (closes up), wheezing ensues and some people require immediate attention (or even intubation in severe cases). It's basically an overreaction of our immune system in response to airway irritants, much like people with dermatitis have skin reactions that don't bother most of us.

Most people's asthma is triggered by allergies (it's that way with me), while some just suffer regardless. My biggest trigger is cat dander. If I visit someone's home with cats, I will end up in the ER almost every time. I can go years with no asthma trouble, but as soon as I am around cats, all hell breaks loose. Most people aren't bothered one iota around cats and can wallow in cat dander all day long, but not me. My body sees cat dander as a foreign invader and the inflammatory response happens, causing asthmatic symptoms.

So, basically, asthma is like an allergy of the airways. Our airways are more prone to become "inflamed" than the average person's. Every asthmatic is different with the triggers, but common ones are pet dander, mold, smoke, pollen.

Interestingly, my parents smoked when I was a kid and it caused several asthma attacks. After this happened a few times, they began to smoke outside. I never thought in a million years I would smoke, but here I am. I know it sounds weird or counter-intuitive but smoking doesn't irritate my lungs like vaping does. It really is unfortunate because I am sure I could stop smoking completely if I could vape without the discomfort.

I'm curious... I'm also allergic to cats, violently, although a daily Zyrtec allows me to live with one quite happily. But I'm wondering if you've ever had an allergic reaction to any type of detergent? Bath soap, hand soap, laundry soap... anything like that. Because I read something some years ago about how cats' saliva contains detergent, and that's how they keep clean, all the licking they do -- and when I read that, I recalled how I used to always break out quite severely from Coast soap, and some others that have a particularly strong, nice scent -- in my case, it's not the "dander" at all (which cats actually have very little of, due to all that licking!), but the detergent with which they coat their whole body.

I'm just really grateful for 24-hr antihistamines, and that Zyrtec is so effective for me -- Allegra did exactly nothing, it was like I had taken nothing at all, but Zyrtec works extremely well. I always wanted a cat, but couldn't touch them or be in a home that contained them for more than 10 mins without having a massive allergic attack, and once even suffered a major asthma attack -- and I was pregnant at the time, so the hospital wouldn't give me anything, not even oxygen.

On another note... I went to the doc today... he was appropriately impressed that I managed to quit a 39 yr smoking habit not just once but twice, using e-cigs... and he gave me some samples of this new stuff called "Dulera" -- somewhat similar to Advair, though it's a spray inhaler instead of that icky powder. He did give me a prescription for Advair, but with about a 4-months supply of Dulera, I won't need that for a while. :D :thumb:



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Dec 8, 2014
Winston Salem NC
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johnny madman

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Dec 2, 2014
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Jan 24, 2014
Actually, I *think* the forum kinda frowns on any discussion of vaping anything other than ejuice or WTA or maybe the heat-not-burn tobacco things. Don't really know why, but I think it's one of the "guidelines" or forum rules or something.

Anyone else know?



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Dec 8, 2014
Winston Salem NC
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Full Member
Dec 8, 2014
Winston Salem NC
I have asthma from smoking. I now vape as if I were smoking a cigar ... Don't inhale. Exhale thru mouth and nose. The nic hit is still there in 12mg.

Sacrifices are needed op. If it's this bad now, imagine 5 years down the road.

I do close to the same. I vape like I smoke a pipe. "Sip" on the vape, sometimes with a slight inhale, mouth nose exhale. I honestly don't think I could ever inhale much or do a heavy lung hit. It would get ugly fast.


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  • Oct 28, 2014
    I don't have asthma, but vaping bothered my throat until I stopped cigs mostly. I found I needed to not mix vape and smoke. Better to smoke a bit in the morning, wait about an hour while prepping for work, and then once switching to vape not smoking again most of the day. Once I did have cig in the evening I didn't vape the rest of the day. Even now if I do smoke I try to keep it apart from vaping.


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    Jan 24, 2014
    I don't have asthma, but vaping bothered my throat until I stopped cigs mostly. I found I needed to not mix vape and smoke. Better to smoke a bit in the morning, wait about an hour while prepping for work, and then once switching to vape not smoking again most of the day. Once I did have cig in the evening I didn't vape the rest of the day. Even now if I do smoke I try to keep it apart from vaping.

    I had that problem with the cigarettes themselves, right at the end; not so much the throat, but the whole mouth and especially my lips, it felt like I was sucking on lava or something, it burned so badly. I think all the PG I've been huffing down in my inhalers for 30+ yrs completely inured me to the PG in vaping. Although the 90% PG I used for a few days when my lungs were giving me fits, that really did irritate me; I don't know if I was coming down with a cold anyway, or if the PG irritation left my sinuses wide-open for the virus to get a foothold, but having that inflamed red throat plus the cold, I was wondering if I had strep... but fortunately, had no fever, and I knew strep would give me a bad fever.

    I'm delighted to report that that Dulera my doc gave me the samples of, is a real winner. I took a single hit when I got home last evening, just so I wouldn't be so wheezy thru the evening, and it worked wonders. Since I had already taken one hit, when I went to bed I took just one more, and this morning... no whistling lungs on waking! :banana: So, since I took that bedtime dose at midnight, I'll take another dose at noon; I should be able to get my rescue inhaler usage down from the way-too-much 10-12 puffs a day to about 5-6, very easily! :thumbs:


    johnny madman

    Senior Member
    Dec 2, 2014
    Actually, I *think* the forum kinda frowns on any discussion of vaping anything other than ejuice or WTA or maybe the heat-not-burn tobacco things. Don't really know why, but I think it's one of the "guidelines" or forum rules or something.

    Anyone else know?


    Hey thanks for the heads up, I will stop posting about this in this thread but I think it is a childish rule. Being I'm so new I will just stay quite for now, considering I don't know much about inhaling other stuff via ejuice. I have done it with a few drops in a napkin cupped in the hand and inhaled that way and the eucalyptus does wonders for stuffy chest. ....but enough about this for now thanks for the info :)
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