Study Finds More Chemical Causes For Concern In E-Cigarette Vapor

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Vaping Master
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Feb 5, 2013
Sacramento, California
Study Finds More Chemical Causes For Concern In E-Cigarette Vapor

Just replace "gro" with "org".

Any thoughts? Junk science or proper science? Concerns?
I didn't click through to the study but from the details in the article, this isn't something new. If you put too much power through a device that is not meant to handle it, you go from aerosolization to burning. Luckily there is an easy way to know if you are applying too much power for your device, it tastes bad.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 24, 2015
Needs more info and wants 40$ for the full paper.
What atty, what resistance?
Carbonyls in ecigs isn't really anything new either.

The fact that they found less carbonyls in a dual coil setup suggests it was too much power for the single coil to handle. Overheated juice produces carbonyls. Yes. Nothing new here.
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Vaping Master
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Jul 30, 2015
ON. Canada
My response...

Would it kill these scientists to have a experienced vaper with advanced knowledge on hand to offer advice and to set up the devices and taste them to make sure the usage is within acceptable parameters?

The carcinogens they are referring to are both products of combustion, under normal circumstances that just doesn't happen, the second combustion happens the flavor changes, it becomes intolerable, when that happens people either throw out their single use coil or clean and re-wick their coil....

Another thing is is that there are temperature control devices these days that can completely eliminate the possibility of the coil reaching combustion temperature for all elements of the device or liquid, for those devices when set up properly this study is completely useless, for actual vapers this study is completely useless....

This study does not apply to real world conditions and the data only reflects what would happen in a laboratory when more than acceptable power is applied to vapor products....

Let's pretend the study was about 1.5 volt rechargeable batteries, they charge the battery to 1.5 volts, nothing happens, next test they charge the battery to 1000 volts and the battery overheats and all sorts of toxic chemicals are produced....
Just answered over there:

Balanced take on Lawrence Berkeley Lab study

As an unpaid editor for a strictly non commercial and free german vaping magazine i would be very interested in a free copy of this "study". I promise to spend the saved money on a Flash e Vapor V4. :thumbs:

Thanks, Rainer ;)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2014
Study Finds More Chemical Causes For Concern In E-Cigarette Vapor

Just replace "gro" with "org".

Any thoughts? Junk science or proper science? Concerns?
This is a remake of the New England Journal of Medicine study last year. Of course it was done in California. Government pays for these. The modern scientist makes sure his study finds what ever will appease the customer's politics. We can be truly thankful that Copernicus, Galileo, and Einstien weren't funded by the any of those national institute of science or health or what ever groups. And, by the way, neither was Han Lic.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 9, 2014
Bend OR
Needs more info and wants 40$ for the full paper.
What atty, what resistance?
Carbonyls in ecigs isn't really anything new either.

The fact that they found less carbonyls in a dual coil setup suggests it was too much power for the single coil to handle. Overheated juice produces carbonyls. Yes. Nothing new here.

2.1Ohm, CE4, 3.8V.

I think they used an Aerotank for part of it as well.

Just a shame this crap gets passed off as "science". Researchers? More like hack artists.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
It appears to be exactly that. It's much like the use of the word engineer --> <some subject> + science = Yay! We're scientists.

Yeah... Don't really Care what Sector you look at. Seems there is Always some who will put their hand out and are Willing to Say or Do what those who have the Gold want done.

And it does seem like that Some has grown Larger in my Lifetime.
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