The Modding scene vs cost

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Vaping Master
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May 22, 2015
While I'll never be tethered again with premade coils or juice, I agree the scene has evolved to the point that a person doesn't need to spend a fortune to get a high quality vaping experience.

Doesn't need to spend a fortune to get a high quality vaping experience? o_O

Are you sure???
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Alien Traveler

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Jul 3, 2014
United States
Some things are a way overpriced. Like caviar. Some people think that overpriced thing are the best. They are wrong.
I had ate a lot of caviar. It is somewhat pleasant on open-faced sandwich with coffee. Good for breakfast. Or with vodka. Or with hard boiled eggs. But today it's price had run so high that it makes no sense buying it. It's taste/quality/price ratio is so low now...
The same stands for 98.8% of too high priced things. Especially vaping things.

Bonus: Norwegian/Russian recipe of malossol salmon, which is as good or better than caviar.
Made from frozen salmon (to be sure no worms are alive).
Thaw salmon in a fridge. Mix 1:1 mixture of salt and sugar. Rub salmon with a mixture so it sticks as a rather thick layer. Wrap in a foil. Put in a frige for 24-48 hours (some people eat it in 3 hours). Slice, make sandwiches or whatever you wish, like crepes with fish. If you have dill, use it to wrap a fish after rubbing.

Bad Ninja

Vaping Master
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Jun 26, 2013
God's Country
Some things are a way overpriced. Like caviar. Some people think that overpriced thing are the best. They are wrong.
I had ate a lot of caviar. It is somewhat pleasant on open-faced sandwich with coffee. Good for breakfast. Or with vodka. Or with hard boiled eggs. But today it's price had run so high that it makes no sense buying it. It's taste/quality/price ratio is so low now...
The same stands for 98.8% of too high priced things. Especially vaping things.

Bonus: Norwegian/Russian recipe of malossol salmon, which is as good or better than caviar.
Made from frozen salmon (to be sure no worms are alive).
Thaw salmon in a fridge. Mix 1:1 mixture of salt and sugar. Rub salmon with a mixture so it sticks as a rather thick layer. Wrap in a foil. Put in a frige for 24-48 hours (some people eat it in 3 hours). Slice, make sandwiches or whatever you wish, like crepes with fish. If you have dill, use it to wrap a fish after rubbing.

Caviar is okay but waaaaay overpriced for fish eggs.
When I was a kid, we used to collect Caviar from atlantic sturgeon from the Altamaha river in Georgia (the one by Florida, not Russia).
They are protected now.


Ultra Member
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Apr 10, 2016
Ottawa area, Canada
Meh... I've switched out of cartridges (but still rebuild some when or if I need to) and am now with RTAs only.

I just find that there's too many duds, it doesn't give the same experience, you're a slave to making sure you have some at hand, compared to taking me barely five minutes to build a new deck, and under 2 to clean coils and rewick. Many cartridge coil tanks are just as much a pain to deal with as the trouble that one could "deal" with just building a deck quickly.

2 to 5$ per coil ( at the very least) against barely a few cents' worth of wire and wick.

The fact that a LOT of the questions on here involve factory coils and tanks issues, compared to deck building speaks for itself I find. Most people once they know how to build are fine for good, while with cartridges, each new tank possibly opens a can of worms.

And that with most new vapers will be using regulated mods anyways, the learning curve is fairly simple, and getting basics starting tools (and a spool of wire and a decent amount of cotton) can be obtained for 10-20$.

It's fine for the many that see vaping as just something to do instead of smoking, and those that will end up quitting (vaping) altogether at some point, but for many that look at it as a long term thing, once they get a taste of what RTAs does offer, they tend to get into it.

It's not that either is completely better, just that both have their pros and cons.


Ultra Member
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Apr 2, 2013
BC Canada
I just happen to fall into rebuilding. My nature is to take whatever apart to see what makes it tick. I've known the resources of google and YouTube years before I got into vaping so figuring out why my CE4 clearo tasted so bad was a short journey. After that it was just simple progression to get the best I could and spend the least, so that is where coops fit in just perfectly.
My first clearo rebuild sold me on rebuilding and the night/day difference in vape quality. Researching, knowledge and forums led me into buying gear that works, yes I have bought some lemon gear but that a drop in the bucket to the bucks spent on working reliable gear. I can say that I have vaped 3 factory coils, 2 were in the CE4 clearos and the third was a prebuilt clapton in a TFV4 RBA that sold me so well that my wife and I vape nothing but claptons that I build.
Your vape experience is what you want to make of it and how far your willing to go. Some like the plug and play method using factory coils but run into lots of issues and hassles. I turned it into a hobby that after 35 years got me to drop smoking overnight. Saving money rebuilding coils and DIY juice is just a perk but the real accomplishment for me is not hearing my wife complain about her vape for over 4 years....Its the happy wife that makes all the rebuilding and DIY worth it.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 10, 2016
Ottawa area, Canada
One thing that I 100% disagree with, is the DIY liquid compared to store stuff....

Everyone that have been using my DIY stuff end up disliking the store stuff completely.

Not that I'm a wizard or anything, but I started DIY because 1) 20-40$ per bottle was just crazy, 2) I was not going to start ordering online again as you never know what quality you get (and selection was poor at the time), and 3) (the most important reason) just about EVERY bottle of store stuff tasted like chemicals to me... seriously, I could barely find anything that I could vape.

Now, the same people (that have been using my DIY) are tasting this chemical thing that I was cursed with...

Between that, and that so many are more sweeteners than flavours, which destroys coils extremely fast, it's just not even a contest.

We have a LOT of the old store stuff in the bottle box now and no one even want to bother touching it, heck, my daughter is looking at selling a bunch of brand new stuff she got because she liked it at first and now all she tastes is the sweetener.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 10, 2016
Ottawa area, Canada
I just happen to fall into rebuilding. My nature is to take whatever apart to see what makes it tick. I've known the resources of google and YouTube years before I got into vaping so figuring out why my CE4 clearo tasted so bad was a short journey. After that it was just simple progression to get the best I could and spend the least, so that is where coops fit in just perfectly.
My first clearo rebuild sold me on rebuilding and the night/day difference in vape quality. Researching, knowledge and forums led me into buying gear that works, yes I have bought some lemon gear but that a drop in the bucket to the bucks spent on working reliable gear. I can say that I have vaped 3 factory coils, 2 were in the CE4 clearos and the third was a prebuilt clapton in a TFV4 RBA that sold me so well that my wife and I vape nothing but claptons that I build.
Your vape experience is what you want to make of it and how far your willing to go. Some like the plug and play method using factory coils but run into lots of issues and hassles. I turned it into a hobby that after 35 years got me to drop smoking overnight. Saving money rebuilding coils and DIY juice is just a perk but the real accomplishment for me is not hearing my wife complain about her vape for over 4 years....Its the happy wife that makes all the rebuilding and DIY worth it.

Just a "like" wasn't enough for your post..



Ultra Member
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Apr 2, 2013
BC Canada
One thing that I 100% disagree with, is the DIY liquid compared to store stuff....

Everyone that have been using my DIY stuff end up disliking the store stuff completely.

Not that I'm a wizard or anything, but I started DIY because 1) 20-40$ per bottle was just crazy, 2) I was not going to start ordering online again as you never know what quality you get (and selection was poor at the time), and 3) (the most important reason) just about EVERY bottle of store stuff tasted like chemicals to me... seriously, I could barely find anything that I could vape.

Now, the same people (that have been using my DIY) are tasting this chemical thing that I was cursed with...

Between that, and that so many are more sweeteners than flavours, which destroys coils extremely fast, it's just not even a contest.

We have a LOT of the old store stuff in the bottle box now and no one even want to bother touching it, heck, my daughter is looking at selling a bunch of brand new stuff she got because she liked it at first and now all she tastes is the sweetener.

That is the biggest misconception in DIY is that you can reproduce a commercial juice just like it is out of the bottle on your first try. I have never bothered cloning since I have such a limited pallet cause of flavors I simply don't like because of some of the commercial juices. I spent my time refining tobac juices to suit my taste and develop a cotton candy juice for my wife. The CC took me a couple months but I stumbled across using HS tobac as a base with very little CC (1%) and it was a hit. I am interested in NET but obtaining leaf in Canada is nearly impossible and cigars isn't cost effective enough along with all the added YUK in them.
I began to stray a bit but ya DIY changed everything for me, being able to adjust to my taste and nic level, not have drymouth 24/7 anymore and at pennies per ml I can vape those super nasty low ohm builds and not have to care if my juice shipment is going to make my mailbox before I run out. Being totally self sufficient and able to Trudeau salute BT cause I ain't smoking is a warm fuzzy feeling.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 10, 2016
Ottawa area, Canada
That is the biggest misconception in DIY is that you can reproduce a commercial juice just like it is out of the bottle on your first try. I have never bothered cloning since I have such a limited pallet cause of flavors I simply don't like because of some of the commercial juices. I spent my time refining tobac juices to suit my taste and develop a cotton candy juice for my wife. The CC took me a couple months but I stumbled across using HS tobac as a base with very little CC (1%) and it was a hit. I am interested in NET but obtaining leaf in Canada is nearly impossible and cigars isn't cost effective enough along with all the added YUK in them.
I began to stray a bit but ya DIY changed everything for me, being able to adjust to my taste and nic level, not have drymouth 24/7 anymore and at pennies per ml I can vape those super nasty low ohm builds and not have to care if my juice shipment is going to make my mailbox before I run out. Being totally self sufficient and able to Trudeau salute BT cause I ain't smoking is a warm fuzzy feeling.
The last store stuff (a fairly pricey "deluxe" one) that I was able to enjoy was one recipe that I wanted to try and get as close as possible. (Nutty vanilla custard with a hint of tobacco)

I played with about 4 versions until I managed to get one that was outstanding... it's my overall go-to now, but the sad part is I still have some of the "real" stuff, and when I try it now, the chemical taste is now present for it.

The funny thing is that I gave some to my niece, which her boyfriend vaped and enjoyed quite a lot... he ran out, stopped at a store and noticed the "real stuff" (I I use the same basic name) and bought one. He barely did a single tank and just returned it to the store as he believes that something was wrong with it.

Same with a bunch of my recipes, some I started to aim with a few clones, which ends up different but overall better. Now I just associate the flavours for what should work, and 9/10 I end up with something very nice...

It's when I hear other diy people that talk about something they tried being so bad that they flush it, it puzzles me... that and the 20-some flavouring recipes that I've seen some do... I think my most complex is about 8 or 10 flavours, and above that, I just can't see the point.

I aim from 5 to max 15% depending on the flavouring, and it's been darn great.

I did an "After 8" (Chocolate mint) that has been a crazy favourite for my family. Decided to just buy the direct/single choco-mint flavouring so I wouldn't have to "fight" with the multi flavourings, and while a few like that one, my niece (it's been her go-to) wants my version instead.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
  • Aug 13, 2011
    I've found that over time my DIY flavors have become very simple. I don't mix flavors together at all anymore. Also the amount of flavoring I use is only about 1/4 of what is in commercial liquids now.

    This morning you guys got me wondering about when was the last time I bought a bottle of juice online or from a B&M, and I literally don't remember! I did get a couple of bottles of free samples of "perfume" about a year ago. Gawd, that stuff was bad!


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
    Sep 11, 2013
    Sugar Hill, Georgia
    I've found that over time my DIY flavors have become very simple. I don't mix flavors together at all anymore. Also the amount of flavoring I use is only about 1/4 of what is in commercial liquids now.

    This morning you guys got me wondering about when was the last time I bought a bottle of juice online or from a B&M, and I literally don't remember! I did get a couple of bottles of free samples of "perfume" about a year ago. Gawd, that stuff was bad!

    I remember the last time I bought retail juice. It was a little over a month ago. I left town to do a job. I was gone for 3 weeks. The first night in my hotel .... I forgot my juice. Went to the closest b&m and dropped $67 on juice. It was decent but it made me feel like I was some kind of mixologist.


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 10, 2016
    Ottawa area, Canada
    I've found that over time my DIY flavors have become very simple. I don't mix flavors together at all anymore. Also the amount of flavoring I use is only about 1/4 of what is in commercial liquids now.

    This morning you guys got me wondering about when was the last time I bought a bottle of juice online or from a B&M, and I literally don't remember! I did get a couple of bottles of free samples of "perfume" about a year ago. Gawd, that stuff was bad!

    Last time was at the Vape expo, just to sample "new stuff"... it's all sitting in the box.

    Worse liquid ever was a dragonfruit mix that the store had on liquidation (with a bunch of other things)... it was like vaping cheap potpourri flowery perfume. The only bottle that I simply couldn't vape and ended up pouring down the drain.
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