Search results

  1. 5th Element

    801 cartomizers

    are awsome lol they hold like 45 drops. they arnt crappy with a sticker around them. they are built like a regular atty. come with a nice mouth peice they fits snug on it. 801 cartomizer-6v omega fav atomizer as of today
  2. 5th Element

    Protected CR2/15270 Li-Ion Battery, 3 Volts, 600 mAH charger?

    these are the protected cr2s the madevapes has for sale. they say 2mm longer. do the fit in any cr2 charger? can anybody streer me in the right direction to a charger for them? thank
  3. 5th Element

    anti depresants and ecig info? help

    hi. does anybody have any good links or info aboubt using ecigs on anti depressants? my mother has lung cancer and i wld like to get her something easy to use like a kr8081-d. wld be easy for her. shes still smoking cigs. she puffs on mine here n there but the 510 and my silver bullet at 6v are...
  4. 5th Element

    best menthol

    i have to say im loving the cool rush from liquidexpress. out of that, some dekang menthol and wrath ebacco manthol. its cool rush all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! try it =)
  5. 5th Element

    knock off 510 maybee?

    has anybody gotten a 510 from i told my buddy to get the yetti from altsmoke and they were out of stock at the moment, back in stock next day! but he was impatient and got one from he called me up and said it wasn't working right. i went over there. took a...