Search results

  1. ScottBrooks

    Anyone find a good alternative to JC juice?

    Looking for a replacement for Red Oak Vandilla and Birchwood Vanilla. Thanks, Scott
  2. ScottBrooks

    Johnson Creek replacement

    Looking for a replacement for JC Vandla flavor. Must be make in the US including all ingredients. Thanks Scott
  3. ScottBrooks

    Game over - "E-cigarette use doubles among U.S. teens"

    From USA Today: "The CDC survey comes as the federal government is expected to announce, as early as October, its plan to regulate these battery-powered devices as tobacco products." http:// www. usatoday. com/story/ news/nation/ 2013/09/05/e-cigarette-use-doubles-among-us-teens/2768155/ Time...
  4. ScottBrooks

    JC cart questions

    I have tried both the 1.8 ohms and the 2.0 ohms carts, the 2.0 carts produces a little hotter vape and seems not to last as long. My question is how long should a cart last? I refill when ever I get a hint of burning taste, I can do this 5-6 times and then the taste turns bad. Does 5-6 refills...
  5. ScottBrooks

    How do you turn an activity (like smoking) in to a full blown hobby?

    Easy, keep telling yourself how much money you are going to start saving with e-cigs. You know just like in the Blu ads you see now in all the Magazines.:vapor: