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    Excellent: Ethan Nadelmann on Tobacco Harm Reduction

    From his prohibitionist lens, Michael Bloomberg has funded over $300M to attack and demonize vaping, Meanwhile Nadelmann speaks truth with a sense of deep perspective. This is a video that is well worth watching: Ethan Nadelmann on Tobacco Harm Reduction MacKenzie Scott called out the...
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    Bloomberg’s misguided push to outlaw vaping in developing nations

    A good read from the Brussels-Times, Bloomberg’s misguided push to outlaw vaping in developing nations
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    FastTech: Going to hell in a hand-basket?

    FYI. Bought a lot of stuff from FT over the years. And not vape related, so no excuses there. Bottom line -- our error, you pay.
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    Vaping Reduces Inflammatory Biomarkers, Compared To Smoking

    Vaping Reduces Inflammatory Biomarkers, Compared To Smoking Contrary to the Bloomberg-paid science, this study confirms what we knew as true. Truly Bloomberg is the spawn of Satan. How long till he dies, and the death and suffering he's causing can begin to reverse? I hope it's soon.
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    People who smoke are prioritized to get the COVID-19 vaccine

    People who smoke are prioritized to get the COVID-19 vaccine See, Michael Bloomberg and Matthew Myers are not just friends of big pharma and tobacco, do not want us to die, and are not sick and twisted individuals. They're just trying to force us back to cigarettes for our own protection. [Hah!]
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    Vaping: no significant additional risk for SARS-CoV-2 transmission

    Vaping does not appear to pose any significant additional risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission Yet again, ongoing lies and propaganda are revealed. Wonder if truth will fair better with Stanton Glantz now exposed and forced into retirement
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    Fake News: Study Says Quit This Bad Habit Before COVID Vaccine

    Appears the falsified research and assertions of lying sack of ...., Stanton Glantz, may live for some time in derivative studies. At some point, these researchers will realize they’re building on a house of cards. Study Says Quit This Bad Habit Before COVID Vaccine American Journal of...
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    Forbes: The War Against E-Cigarettes Is Profoundly Wrong

    The War Against E-Cigarettes Is Profoundly Wrong
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    RealClearHealth: Anti-Science War on Vaping

    Anti-Science War on Vaping
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    Judge orders NY to reimburse vaping group's costs for lawsuit on flavored e-cig ban

    Judge orders NY to reimburse vaping group's costs for lawsuit on flavored e-cig ban
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    Manila: Shameful and scandalous; Michael Bloomberg again...

    Receiving foreign money ‘shameful and scandalous’
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    Oregon: Measure 108’s vaping tax neither smart nor humane

    FYI, a logical, sensible, and well-written piece. Hope it has impact Measure 108’s vaping tax neither smart nor humane
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    CSP: FDA to Make PMTA List Public

    FDA to Make PMTA List Public
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    Rates of e-cigarette and marijuana use not associated with vaping-related lung injuries

    Rates of e-cigarette and marijuana use not associated with vaping-related lung injuries
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    [Warning: Bad Science] Vaping linked to COVID-19 risk in teens and young adults

    [Warning: Bad Science] Vaping linked to COVID-19 risk in teens and young adults Clearly science with an agenda has replaced scientific objectivity among this group of researchers. Broken link:[***REMOVE...
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    Forbes: How Lawmakers Bungled Vape-Lung Crisis Response

    Banning Flavored JUUL Pods Is Actually Dangerous: Study Shows How Lawmakers Bungled Vape-Lung Crisis Response
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    FYI, South African smokers empty shops of cigarettes after ban lifted

    South African smokers empty shops of cigarettes after ban lifted Perhaps somehow telling of the future in the U.S. Prohibitions are so effective and won't simply increase the sale of unregulated, black market products. Nope!!!
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    CVA: Harsh regulations and misinformation surrounding vaping causes vapers to return to smoking

    Harsh regulations and misinformation surrounding vaping causes vapers to return to smoking FYI, a voice of sanity in insane times.
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    PBS: FDA calls for removal of fruity, disposable vapes

    FDA calls for removal of fruity, disposable vapes From elsewhere, nine companies were targeted. And
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    FDA Authorizes Marketing of the IQOS as a Modified Risk Tobacco Product

    FDA Authorizes Marketing of the IQOS as a Modified Risk Tobacco Product