1/26/14 - CASAA Call on KY (*taxes* and indoor vaping); UK minor ban; US - CT, PA, IL, CA; no other countries

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Jan 19, 2014
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New CASAA call to action in KY, US (*tax* and indoor vaping)

Most of today's links apply to the new UK ban on sales to minors. UK vapers might look closely at some of the quoted sections which clarify how UK's Chief Medical Officer (Sally Davies) views them. Links from the US are minimal, not much going on over here (states covered: CT, PA, IL, CA). No other countries.

[Current policy is to break *all* links not known to be from CASAA, Dr. Seigal, C.V. Phillips, ECFInfoZone, and so forth.]


CASAA new call to action in KY, US: CASAA: Call to Action! Kentucky Bills to Ban E-Cigarette Usage & Impose 40% Tax (indoor vaping AND tax)

A misc quickie from ECFInfoZone: Shoreditch says goodbye to Vype Social - ECF InfoZone (about vaping zones and PVDs that "mimic the smoking experience")

C.V. Phillips on new nicorette ad which "celebrates the glamor of smoking": Nicorette ad celebrates the glamour of smoking; tobacco control mysteriously silent | Anti-THR Lies and related topics


UK under-18 ban coverage, regardless of source outlet country: Note that all the articles are written using the implicit premise that vaping = smoking. Most of them contain the same quotes and info.

(Reuters, also picked up by Yahoo verbatim) www . reuters . com/article/2014/01/26/us-britain-ecigarettes-ban-idUSBREA0P0MU20140126 [Junk from Sally Davies, see later links]

(BBC) www . bbc . co . uk/news/uk-25900542 [Junk from Sally Davies follows]
"We do not yet know the harm that e-cigarettes can cause to adults, let alone to children, but we do know they are not risk free," Prof Dame Sally Davies, England's chief medical officer, said.

E-cigarettes can produce toxic chemicals and the amount of nicotine and other chemical constituents and contaminants, including vaporised flavourings, varies between products - meaning they could be extremely damaging to young people's health."

Anti-smoking charity Ash also welcomed the changes, but chief executive Deborah Arnott called for a retail licensing system that would mean cigarettes could be legally sold only in shops, not in car boot sales or markets.

(Telegraph, London) www . telegraph . co.uk/health/healthnews/10597446/E-cigarettes-to-be-banned-for-under-18s.html

(Guardian, London) www . theguardian . com/society/2014/jan/26/e-cigarettes-sales-ban-considered-smoking

(Independent, London) www . independent . co.uk/news/uk/home-news/ecigarette-to-be-banned-for-under18s-in-england-9086059.html

(BBC video linked to by Boston ind. web site) www . boston . com/news/world/europe/2014/01/26/cigarette-ban-for-under/B39Ebj5t5bciuzrOZ58L4K/video.html

(Daily Mail, London) www . dailymail .co.uk/news/article-2545930/Ban-sale-harmful-e-cigarettes-children-Ministers-launch-crackdown-underage-smoking.html

(Sky News, UK nat'l TV) news . sky . com/story/1201093/e-cigarettes-to-be-banned-for-under-18s


(Hartford CT CBS TV affiliate) www . wfsb . com/story/23273275/e-cigarette-nearly-sparks-fire-at-phoenix-apartment (yes, this is another charger fire story)


(Philadelphia PA US - Metro, ind. paper like NYC Village Voice)www . metro . us/philadelphia/news/local/2014/01/26/city-councils-plan-to-ban-e-cigarettes-is-half-baked/ (on proposed city ordinance to treat indoor vaping like smoking - unfortunately the author is not a vaper and refers to vapor as "smoke")


(Rockford IL US local paper) www . rrstar . com/article/20140125/NEWS/140129517 (general blather about kids, but a lot of dark-and-evil sounding "concerns" by health officials, etc. Regulations banning PVDs on school grounds considered by sch. bd.)


(Northwest Herald - Crystal Lake, IL US): www nwherald . com/2014/01/24/regulations-increasing-for-electronic-cigarettes/aly4x8k/ [About regulatoins beyond sale to minors in the area. I didn't create an ID and sign in, but if you live near there, you might want to)


(Irvine CA, US - UCI campus) thenoticeca . com/2014/01/24/uc-irvine-reversing-course-on-e-cigarette-use/ (UCI changes its mind to ban PVDs *and* chewing tobacco on campus)


(SD CA US - CBS affiliate) www . cbs8 . com/story/23936885/debate-continues-on-health-risks-associated-with-e-cigarettes (general story looked balanced until obligatory junk was quoted by the local "Tobacco Control Program" expert - again, premised on the idea that vaping = smoking)
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