1 Year, Smoke Free Today!!!

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Mr. Tasty Vapor

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
As of today, I have not had a single cigarette, a single puff of a cigarette, hell, I even fell off the (AA) wagon and I still never smoked a single cigarette!

This is all testament to the fact that these devices work. They are a MORE than adequate substitute for smoking cigarettes..


I can't say the beginning was easy. I had some anxious moments come up while my body detoxed from the other chemicals in cigarettes, but keeping my doctor in the loop, taking medication when needed and a LOT of diligence, I got through it, I kept with it...



Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 31, 2010
Congrats! A year down says volumes. I hope to be there next May, but just enjoying it as I go for now. Your awesome flavors are going to play a huge role. My starter stuff was enough to get me off the smokes, but your liquids and my TV knock off eGo are making it a pleasure! The Geoff's blend is superb, and I can't wait to get the next round of flavors. Thanks for making my journey delicious and reasonably affordable!

Mr. Tasty Vapor

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Hey, the entire POINT of Tasty Vapor was making that process easier!

This cheap single-flavor crap that was coming from overseas...I tell ya.. If that's all there was, I'd be back on the analogs for sure, holding my chest and wondering when the first heart attack was going to hit.

I TRULY wanted to take the liquid experience to the next level. Something you could REALLY enjoy more than smoking.

For me and very honestly, I enjoy my own products. A LOT. And the look on people faces when they try my products at a club, show, coffee shop, party....Only fortifies what I'm doing.

If I had anything to do with any of you staying the hell away from those damned coffin nails, then I tell ya, I am not blessed as much as putting blessings to work!

I'm just as much a part of your experience as you're all part of mine. Glad to be in the same boat with ya!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 26, 2010
Congratulations Geoff! Everything you do shows with pride, every package, every bottle, in every way. We are proud of you!!! You not only are a example to the rest of us on how to be strong and stay analog free but a example to on how do good business. Thank you for making vaping a pleasurable experience, more pleasurable than any analog could ever be. I couldn't have succeeded in quitting without you!!! May you be blessed for the rest of your life with the ability to help others across the globe and feel good that you have found a purpose and you are fulfilling it ten fold. You are saving lives with every drop. With happy tears I thank you for making available the tools to take my life back after 27 years.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 21, 2010
Congrats to you!! That's quite an accomplishment! When I first started vaping I used those pre mixed liquids from China that you mentioned...then I discovered TV!! OMG what an amazing difference! I can personally say that because of your product I will be in vaping heaven for a long time to come and will never look back! Thank you!! :)

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