100mg nicotine storage?

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Full Member
Dec 8, 2014
Hi all,

I read several interesting threads on ECF related to 100mg nicotine storage (thanks Kurt for your great tips). I ordered 1000ml 75%PG/25%VG NicSelect base. Can you please advise me if this was a good decision, freezer storage wise? Originally, I ordered this percentage because all my juice is 75/25, so I thought it will be easier to dilute it down. I plan to keep the nicotine base in 30ml bottles, stored at -20C into a small freezer I bought especially for this. Honestly, I regret I did not get the base in 100%PG, I'm a little worried the VG content might affect the nicotine quality on the long run. Please share your toughs, your advice is appreciated.

As a side note, I'm very familiar with the nicotine manipulation (nitrile gloves, face mask, apron, MOHR pipettes + pump, SEOH flasks + funnel, etc.). Chemistry was a little passion while in school, so I'm used to it. :)

Thank you for your advice.
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ECF Guru
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Mar 12, 2014
Mpls/St.Paul, MN
Hello and welcome to the forum TECK. Glad to have you here!:)

For all things DIY head on over to the DIY ELiquid Forum. You will not be able to post there until you get in your first 5 posts and the servers update at :25 past the hour. Make sure to read all the "stickies". Also check out the blogs by ECF members Hoosier & dannyv45.

dannyv45 posted this thread sever weeks ago. Wonderful information here: I've updated my recommended reading for people new to DYI.

For a juice mixing calculator consider using eJuiceMeUp


ECF Guru
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Mar 12, 2014
Mpls/St.Paul, MN
Thanks Susan, if one mod could move the thread into appropriate forum, it will be appreciated. :)
The moderators will not move this thread because you will not be able to respond to it until you get in your first 5 posts.

Go out and welcome a few new members and wait until the system updates and then you can post over in the DIY forum.


Super Member
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Jun 8, 2012
I remember reading somewhere that nic kept in VG stays good for longer. I buy 100mg/mL 100% PG nic in large batches and break it down into small 60 and 120mL bottles and use one at a time.(30mL would be even better if I were so inclined) I feel this helps to keep it all from oxidizing and going 'off'. -20F will work just great. I don't think most people have freezers that go that low.


Full Member
Dec 8, 2014
Ya, I read one of Kurt's posts where he talked about the VG advantages. I also read others saying is not good to mix the nicotine and keep it either 100%PG or VG. Of course, I read all this AFTER I placed my order, heh. I plan to order another liter of nicotine, so I don't want to make the same mistake and get it right this time. :)
-20F will work just great. I don't think most people have freezers that go that low.
My freezer is in Celsius. :) -20C = -4F


Full Member
Dec 8, 2014
It looks like I got my answer from RobertNC's blog entry:
First of all, use the 100 mg/mL stuff. PG and VG have dissolved oxygen. The more dilute the nicotine, the less the shelf life. I also suggest you use only PG base, it should be a little moe stable than VG or PG/VG.
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