120ml discount special 40% off FreedomSmokeUSA

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ECF Guru
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Jul 5, 2010
South Carolina
I know, I just placed an order yesterday for sampler special. Now I feel the allure of this tempting sale. I MUST RESIST...going to site now...i'm weak. I may need some strawberry cheesecake for strength.

That Strawberry Cheesecake is exactly what I am ordering and I have not even tried it yet!


ECF Guru
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Jul 5, 2010
South Carolina
Meh. Who needs utilities and food when juice is 24¢/ml? LOL.

I'm stocked up, hadn't planned to buy any more juice for months to come. Arggg, just added 6 months to the stockpile.

Now, I just have to ignore sales for a while ... quite a while.

Good luck with that. I tried. It doesn't work :D


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 15, 2010
..Torn between hopscotch and butterscotch! I love butterscotch, never tried the hopscotch but heard so many good things about it....
Dawn- I am just now vaping my Hopscotch for the 1st time- I had to let it steep (almost 2 weeks hehe) and I swear, they people robbed the Werther's factory and stole their recipe! It is absolutley a +10 rating!!!! If you love Werthers......it's spot on IMO
....And this would be my 1st official fsusa's rating, I believe Woot Woot!!!


Unregistered Supplier
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Oct 3, 2010
We tried! But we couldn't do it, no one can have just one!

Its okay. I am waiting for a "Buy 4 30ML" sale anyway. The sample sale was good but, I have some nice flavors I have to get for myself now. ;-)

Besides, I want to start mixing some flavors together and trying "Tootsie Candy Caramel Apple Roll flavored Cappuccino". ;-)


Vaping Master
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Jan 14, 2010
Fla Panhandle, USA
Good luck with that. I tried. It doesn't work :D
I just started my book keeping over yesterday. I figured I'd get my initial buying frenzy out of the stream to see how I'm actually doing. I proceeded to immediately spend money on a tackle box, a multimeter, and 6 months' worth of juice. Arggg. My spreadsheet shows that if I don't buy ANYTHING else, those three purchases put me to January 10th before I break even over what I would've spent on cigarettes.

Uh, yeah, I absolutely DO count items like storage and testing/DIY equipment in the equation.

But, this is so much better. :)

EDIT: Wow, you sure talk a lot (J/k) ... 1800 posts since July? Guess I shouldn't have spent so much time in the Outside.
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ECF Guru
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Jul 5, 2010
South Carolina
ok folks come and get it 40% off the big bottles of our lovely pre-mixed juices.
enter code: 120ml

you can only order 120ml bottles on the order or the discount will apply to other juices as well. you can order hardware at the same time but not other bottles of juice. Happy Vaping folks :)

Current Sale


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Oct 1, 2010
Fredericksburg, VA
Dave and Pam, awesome little sale you got going here. I guess I'll pick up some more Wyatt and give the 555 a shot.

Sorry I'm not able to buy more right now, but I'm pinching my pennies in anticipation for the ProVari pre-order coming up. Can't wait to test your juice on it:)

Oh that ProVari is sweet.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 31, 2010
Ohio, USA
I ordered 3 120mls and it came to about $70 after the 40% off. I was used to ordering mainly 30mls. It didn't occur to me earlier but I was thinking about it later that's 360ml and in 30ml bottles that would be 12 bottles and at the regular price of $15 each that would be $180. As long as you've tried some flavors and found one you like enough to use 120mls of it this can really save you some bucks in the long run.
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