2 months vaping tomorrow, need to quit for a couple days.

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Oct 12, 2010
OMG what you are describing is exactly what I think I have. I could see more developing. It is so painful too. I just don't believe in today's medical field being anything other than big pharma's puppets doing what they want. I put the breaks on to wait and see with this.

I do have a MTL set up with 3 tanks. I love the tanks they go to the Endura T22. Two of them I never opened up yet because the T22 vapes at 14 watts, is not adjustable and was just way too hot. I took the tank off and put it on the Pico and took it down to like 11 watts. It was a big flavor loss for me.

I would love to figure out how to being with those tanks on the little Pico (i want to get another one lol) but I think I will have time. I can't go back to vaping until this crap heals up.

The whiteness of the puss pocket thing is turning back to pink but it is holding size. I can see this is going to take a long time to heal but as long as there is no more pain, I am happy. I can remember last Thursday on date night with hubby trying to force myself to smoke all night. Today makes day 6 without anything going on the throat so I think it is doing well. You would not believe how sick it makes you feel, weak, tired just like a real bad flu and all through the throat. Once that went away then full energy came back too. It was awful and I feel bad for your daughter going through this.
I can't imagine. I've wrecked my throat before with high heat and harsh flavor but nothing like hers and yours. She would have to remove puss from her tonsils and said the taste was indescribable. She said it helped sooth it to gargle warm water with sea salt. Best of luck to you.
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Jul 11, 2017
Chicago suburbs
I did that with cigs about 12 years ago when I had 24 teeth removed (it's a long boring story) but since I don't do pain meds, I was NOT about to stop smoking for a week, LOL, nor was I about to risk dry sockets. The husband rigged me up a nose smoking drill, that ran air though the cigarette, making it easier to "inhale" as it were. I did plenty of confused nasal smoking in the garage, LOL. (The confusion was due to the pain, etc.) It was kinda where I got the idea, but vapes are easier than cigarettes, (IMO) though I have to say when you have that many teeth removed, everything's a little hazy for a while.... I still am thinking that vaping is way easier.

You have to hurry up and get that book published. Lol.
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