24mg vapers, have a question.

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Senior Member
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Nov 14, 2009
Fort Mcmurray, Alberta
Recieved my package last night (will make a review thread in a day or so), lets just say I'm very happy for now, but..

I'm vaping 24mg carts and I kinda feel buzzed now, I usually smoke 10-15 analogs a day. I'm at work and go to vape every 1.5 hours or so and I take maybe 10 good hits. It's not the "dizzy" feeling you get from analogs either, it's like a weird sensation or high.

How many pulls are you usually taking until your satisfied? I'd hate to just have 3-4 pulls and give up because I kinda enjoy vaping so far and like it on my breaks at work so I guess I should be looking to go down in strength. I guess I answered my own question kinda (lower dose) but any feedback would be good. Oh and usually would have about 7 analogs so far today but none so far and don't have the urge to smoke one at all.


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Aug 30, 2009
Minn., USA
I vape pretty much all the time I'm awake, lol. I try and use the 11mg for this reason, but I have no prob. using the 18mg continuous either. I smoked up to 1 pack a day the 2 years prior to quitting, 3 packs a day prior to that. Can you sneak a couple vapes on a bathroom break in between work/breaks? Maybe 10 vapes at a time is to much. Maybe get lower nic for when you're working and power vaping. I think you did answer your own question.


Vaping Master
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Nov 4, 2009
Apple Valley, MN
I'm using 24's, and I have also experienced something like you're feeling. When I first started, I had 11's and 18's, and felt like there were cravings they didn't satisfy, so I stepped up to 24's which did the trick and enabled me to stop smoking analogs. But I've found I can overdo it if I'm not careful, so I plan to step back down. I know I don't take anywhere near 10 hits in a short period like that - when I go out with the smokers at work now, it seems like I take a few puffs and it takes them forever to finish their cigs - LOL! If you can, take fewer puffs on a more little more frequent basis.


Vaping Master
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Nov 4, 2009
Apple Valley, MN
It takes a bit to change habits. It seems like I used to chain-smoke a couple of cigs if I was going to be in a situation where I couldn't smoke for any length of time, and now I don't need to do that anymore (I am fortunate to be able to vape in my office, at least for the time being).


Super Member
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Sep 4, 2009
Wow, that's a lot of vaping for someone who used to smoke a half pack a day. Don't get me wrong, I do a lot of power vaping at night when I'm watching TV or on the computer. But still ... 10 successive drags might be a bit too much, so yes, I think you answered your own question on this.

Most of us started out vaping pretty heavily -- trying to find the right strength/flavor, the "new toy" aspect, plus generally our own addictive personalities that kept us smoking in the first place. So your head "buzzing" is your body's way of telling you that you are overdoing it. So just go a little easier -- either vape less often, or perhaps consider a lower nic strength. As a half-pack/day smoker, you might find that 18 or even 11mg might be enough for you. That way, you can still vape frequently but without that "buzzed" feeling.


Vaping Master
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Sep 20, 2009
Northern California
I did the same thing, deep drags, holding it in way too long, like Moon says it's a learning curve. Plus you aren't getting all those 'godknowsother' additives from tobacco cigs. The first couple weeks I really felt a little withdrawel symptoms, but vaping satisfied it, just had to slow down a bit.
You'll hit your sweet spot and then life will be good!


Senior Member
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Nov 3, 2009
The morning after I ordered the Ultimate Ultimatum kit, Steve called to ask what I was currently smoking, and how much a day (2+ packs 100m full-flavor). He decided to send me 24 and 36 carts. (I was a heavy smoker). He was right.

I immediately discovered the 36 was a bit high for me (though I still have some, and some 36 juices too). The 18 (he freebied me a few) seemed a bit low. The 24s about right.

Yes, everybody finds their sweet spot. For me, I'll take a puff or two (of whatever strength), then put it down. Later, another puff or two. And so on.

I keep some 11s around for when I want to vape but can feel I've had enough higher nicotine puffs. I can see where I'll order some 0mg juice for exactly that purpose.

I also switch flavors often.

In the 3 weeks I've had V4L e-cigs, I find I vape EVERYWHERE. Department stores, restaurants, hospitals, you name it. I just cover the LED tip, inhale deeply, hold it, exhale NOTHING visible. One or two hits. That's it for awhile.

No problems so far.

The only "negative" I've found with e-cigs is trivial: I like some flavors better than others. That's it.

LOVE VAPING! Even more, honestly, than I loved smoking. Amazing.


Vaping Master
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Nov 4, 2009
Apple Valley, MN
The morning after I ordered the Ultimate Ultimatum kit, Steve called to ask what I was currently smoking, and how much a day (2+ packs 100m full-flavor). He decided to send me 24 and 36 carts. (I was a heavy smoker). He was right.

I immediately discovered the 36 was a bit high for me (though I still have some, and some 36 juices too). The 18 (he freebied me a few) seemed a bit low. The 24s about right.

Yes, everybody finds their sweet spot. For me, I'll take a puff or two (of whatever strength), then put it down. Later, another puff or two. And so on.

I keep some 11s around for when I want to vape but can feel I've had enough higher nicotine puffs. I can see where I'll order some 0mg juice for exactly that purpose.

I also switch flavors often.

In the 3 weeks I've had V4L e-cigs, I find I vape EVERYWHERE. Department stores, restaurants, hospitals, you name it. I just cover the LED tip, inhale deeply, hold it, exhale NOTHING visible. One or two hits. That's it for awhile.

No problems so far.

The only "negative" I've found with e-cigs is trivial: I like some flavors better than others. That's it.

LOVE VAPING! Even more, honestly, than I loved smoking. Amazing.

Excellent! One more negative - my odds of winning the lotto have decreased dramatically, because I don't stop at the store for cigs anymore ;)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 14, 2009
Fort Mcmurray, Alberta
For now I've cut down the number of grags I take. Instead of 10 or so I just take like 4-5within like a 5 min period and I'm satisfied and not so "buzzed". I need a lower nic though because I want to be able to vape for longer, be able to vape while enjoying a coffee and not have to stop so soon.

BTW, Some of my bonuses were some 5ml bottles of Nobacco Juice and they were the high strength...would that be 36mg nic? If so then that's too strong for me.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 21, 2009
For now I've cut down the number of grags I take. Instead of 10 or so I just take like 4-5within like a 5 min period and I'm satisfied and not so "buzzed". I need a lower nic though because I want to be able to vape for longer, be able to vape while enjoying a coffee and not have to stop so soon.

BTW, Some of my bonuses were some 5ml bottles of Nobacco Juice and they were the high strength...would that be 36mg nic? If so then that's too strong for me.

Yes High is 36mg, try trading it in the carto trade thread or ordering some low or 0 to mix with it!


Moved On
Aug 22, 2009
You know you sound like a perfect candidate for No-Nicotine Juice...Vape all you want when ever you want....then when the urge comes switch to 24mg for a couple drags...then back to no nic till you get that urge again

I vape 24mg and used to have to go out for a smoke about every hour at work...now i vape on the drive in, my lunch break, and the drive home....then no-nic till i hit the pillow..using no nic in between nicotine fits is a great way to gradually cut down and eventually eliminate nicotine completely from your life
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