4 months! Sharing my opinions for newcomers.

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20 year smoker. Started e-cigs around Xmas. Had 1 analog each day for the first two days and haven't touched one since. Half-smoked pack is still sitting where I left it, in fact. No anxiety today, and haven't had any since week two. Even around smokers!

Had previously tried the patch, twice, unsuccessfully.

Kept the same routine for at least the first week or two... went outside for every e-cig, just like we did with cigarettes.

The first 3 days I was definitely still quitting *something* -- carbon monoxide, benzene, you name it I suppose. Was going mildly crazy as expected, having tried to quit before. But I only needed 30 seconds or so with 12mg vape to lose the jitters. I think just a mild throat hit and going through the hand-to-mouth was enough to stave off the crazies. Clearly wasn't fooled into thinking an e-cig was a cigarette, and missed something intangible about smoking, but the cravings weren't as insanely ravaging as they had been with previous quit attempts.

Almost 4 months later we're still at 12mg juice but I'm not anxious about it. I feel healthier, blood pressure is down, no headaches every morning, no horking up thick loogies every time I brush my teeth.

About 3 weeks in we said to hell with it and started vaping indoors. Canadian winters suck. Working at home and vaping inside admittedly I vape quite a lot now. So I'm very glad I started at 12mg, as with vaping more frequently my nicotine intake has gone up. But unlike cigarettes, I don't go crazy if I'm without it. Many mornings I'll go for a couple of hours before I even think "oh yeah, where's my e-cig?"

Our starter Bud-TM kits (e-go batteries with an unusual but easy and nice tasting clearomizer) served us well, but haven't been entirely without frustration. The tanks tended to tighten right up, leak and gurgle. Our local vendor did not warn us to expect to have to buy a half dozen or more tanks within the first 6 weeks.

Just over 3 months in, our batteries are giving up. Electronics or charging problems, or coming apart at the middle. Realizing our local vendor has pretty steep margins, so have switched to buying online except for the occasional local juice run.

So this month, we've been spending a lot on hardware and juices. A lot in this case meaning maybe $250-300. And that's for 2 people. But it's a drop in the bucket compared to our analog expenses. We're already up at least $1000.

Without going through the list of the hardware we've tried, I would recommend to any friend starting out 2 ego batteries and 5 vision Stardust low resistance clearomizers. Easy to fill, easy to clean, no muss no fuss. I would recommend a variable voltage ego battery if it had an off setting, but AFAIK they don't, so I won't. Pocket-clicking happens.

Lastly I would recommend new users source a vendor that sells tester bottles, 3-6ml or so. I only like about 20% of what I order. That said, I keep in mind the money we used to burn up in smoke and am not cheap about trying anything that I have even a passing interest in.

Oh and lastly lastly, recruit a friend if possible. Buy them a starter kit if thhey show an interest. Not only for the moral support (not that we really needed it here, actually - switching has been remarkably easy for us), rather it's just plain fun swapping stories and juices and equipment and opinions and political conspiracy theories and outrage about vape banning. :)
I do have one lingering question.

What's the term for "tongue tingle" (or is there one?) It!s related to throat hit but a little different.

My local (expensive) vendor sells DeKang, I think (guessing based on his identical favour names). The Mild Seven especially has an acrid alcoholish sting that I like, but its flavour is unsuitable to add to other flat flavours.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about and can help me understand what it is I'm liking?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 4, 2011
Hickory, NC
I do have one lingering question.

What's the term for "tongue tingle" (or is there one?) It!s related to throat hit but a little different.

My local (expensive) vendor sells DeKang, I think (guessing based on his identical favour names). The Mild Seven especially has an acrid alcoholish sting that I like, but its flavour is unsuitable to add to other flat flavours.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about and can help me understand what it is I'm liking?

Really most juices have a little alchohol in them. It's does increase throat hit and it probably provides tongue tingle. I put in a little when I DIY. You might just try adding a few drops of Everclear or if you can't get it vodka. It'll probably provide what you're looking for.
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