510 and Kr808-1 Question

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Mar 24, 2011
Salt Lake
So I had an old 510 battery and Atty, so I ordered a charger, e-juice, and some empty cartridges to resurect it. Well pretty quick I find out the atty is bad, so I order a new one. Basiclly I am very new to the 510 model, and I need all the help I can get.

My main questions/concerns are:

1. How to prep the new atty so it last (how to deal with primer and all of that)

2. How to get the most out of my cartridges. I always feel like I run out after 5 or 6 drags, even though I take slow short drags, and cut the fiber inside the cartridge to about 50% and use it to plug up the juice.

3. Maintinence. I just want it to last, and taste good.

And my seconed question regarding my Kr808-1 is I am refilling my cartamizer with PG juice, about 17-18 drops, and it too feels like its running out much to fast. How do I get the most out of my refilled cartamizers. (Cartamizers are from V4L)


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2009
Outside of the Philadelphia Burbs, NJ & Fla
Atty break in = first blow it out from top to bottom, then I put a condom on the bottom threaded end of my new Atty and fill it with juice up to the bridge and let it sit that way for about a half hour to an our, probably could be shorter of a time but I just let it sit for that long. This insures my wick is completely soaked so I never burn it and it has that foul burnt taste forever, then I just vape away, you mat want to grab a drip tip and drip instead this will give you the best flavor and consistently the same vape compared to a carto which will start lacking flavor after 10 pulls on it but I realize some like them just not for me though. That's about all there is to it accept if your filling cartos, if that's the case I prefer the condom fill method then vape away not much more to it.
My advice is get some BOGE cartomizers and get rid of the carts. I use Low Resistance BOGE cartomizers on my 510 and love it. Now, I have heard that LR carto's can kill your standard 510 battery, but I have not had any problems in weeks. I have also read that a lot of people use LR carto's on standard 510 batteries and have never had problems. For me, its worth the risk, standard carto's just don't give me that analog feel. Vape at your own risk! :p
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