5th anniversary of no analogs!

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Nov 3, 2013
North Carolina, USA
It's late, I forgot the celebration of my 5th year since being full time vaping, and thankfully alive to type this post.:)

Because had I not discovered vaping by sheer metting a man while carrying the trash to the road, I'd likely not be here. I was in bad helath, requiring two puffs of Symbicort twice daily, plus rescue inhaler & still wasn't enough to totally stop plural fluid buildup & bouts with pneumonia. Little did I know that 3 months after quitting, I'd be 100% free of the Symbicort, carring the rescue only & after a few months, tossed it for good.:D

While at the same time, I don't encourage teens or anyone who hasn't smkoed to vape, the fats remain that there was little education on the effcets of smoking when in school. In fact, we could smoke in high school, provided a note was provided by our parents (most of us forged these!:D), the teachers would be side by side with us, puffing away.

Well, to be fair, there was a teeny bit of anti-smoking education, however it was mostly pamplets handed out. There were no resources on how to quit.

At any rate, am thankful for the fateful meeting with the man who was doing work next door in the (then) vacant home, whom introduced me to vaping. For the first time in 37 years, analogs gagged me after getting out of the truck with him. It's unbelievable that it was so quick, was down to my last half pack of analogs & gagged the last 3-4 down.

Am also highly thankful to the ECF community, as well as CASSA, whom he left me contacts. Have received a lot of great advice here & have supported the work of CASSA via donation & when called upon, sending an email to those in the House & Congress of my District. Am also a supporting member of ECF & will always be, as it's much better to be aliv and healthy versus sick and in pain (or dead).

Thanks to all who has supported me during my first 5 years & can't wait until the next rolls around. At my age (57), the years goes by faster than when young. Through the support of many members, some by reading only, I've learned a a lot and have much more to go. Although I'm in & out, I try to hang around the New Members section, welcoming & answering what questions I can. 2019 was a hard year for me emotionally, the loss of my mother was very hard on me, draining me to the point where I didn't really have interest in much else. This is a new year & I have to put 2019 behind me to move forward.

BTW, Happy New Year to All!:thumbs:



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2013
Sallisaw, Oklahoma USA
Congratulations @catilley1092 ! I really enjoyed reading your post about how you discovered vaping. My story is similar, a young acquaintance introduced me to vaping and it changed my world for the better. Like you, in a very short period of time my health and well being improved dramatically. After half a century of heavy tobacco use/abuse I feel privileged (and lucky) to still be alive and posting this. I look forward to celebrating your sixth anniversary!
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