6 days into vaping. Sore throat, tight chest.

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Sep 16, 2014
Nic`d Up in Oklahoma!
Tis normal for the most part. Between your body trying to recover from not smoking, and the chain vaping, it can take the body a few months to acclimate to the new delivery method. Most of it depends on how long ad heavy you smoked.

Search the forum and you`ll find lots of similar experiences, I went through it too. Its gets a little better at 30 days, and by 60 days, you start to feel like you are really getting well again. Then you`ll freak out as your taste buds start to heal and your nose starts to work as good as it should again. :?)



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Jan 24, 2014
No dude I appreciate it! That's why I asked haha. Yeah I was a pack of reds a day smoker too, so I thought the regular one would be good to start with. It's got me off cigs so far.
I've had equal mixed responses on the matter, so I'll cut my vaping down and if it stays the same or gets worse I'll go see what's up. I just don't wanna pay to go in to be told "yeah you're having smoking withdrawals" you know?

Also... it's cold and flu season! I've got a cold right now, and have a sore throat and raw sinuses, but since I no longer have a chest full of tar, it's not really bothering my lungs at all -- yay! The chest tightness could be: too much VG, it completely suffocates me; or, if you've been a smoker till now and you ARE getting a cold or flu, it could give you both the sore throat and tight chest.

And sometimes it just takes a little while for your body to get acclimated to vapor, to PG and/or VG. 18mg is pretty high, even for a regular smoker, so if the sore throat persists, you might try some 12mg and see if that can work for you -- nicotine is most of the reason for the "throat hit," that tingle, although PG does play a part in that sensation too. VG is just really thick, and a lot of folks get "tight" in the chest, or just breathless, like me, from too much VG.

Hang in there! :thumbs:
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