acne from vaping?

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Feb 22, 2014
south georgia
Yeah, the Acne Free stuff I've been using is mainly a Benzoyl Peroxide based cleanser. But it seems to be keeping it at bay. It's pretty cheap on Amazon, but you can buy it anywhere (Walgreens, Wal MArt, etc). It's basically a cheaper version of ProActive.

Before I started the Acne Free, I was using salycilic acid based stuff and it didn't do the trick. My acne is what I would describe as cystic acne, which salyciic acid won't have as much effect on. Salycilic acid works better on minor surface acne as it's an exfolliant.

OMG!!! Everything you said is exactly my problem! My main spot for acne is on my left cheek/jaw and it's cystic as well and the salycilic acid also didn't do anything for me either!!


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Aug 18, 2013
Anytown, USA
OMG!!! Everything you said is exactly my problem! My main spot for acne is on my left cheek/jaw and it's cystic as well and the salycilic acid also didn't do anything for me either!!

Mine is taking place on my cheeks along the cheekbones and even on my temples. ...? Makes no sense. But really, it's gotten a lot better since I started treating it.

I have just always been able to get by with a mild cleanser once/day during my morning shower, then a cleansing cloth at night to remove make up.

I have also read on several sources (online) that smoking suppresses your endocrine system from doing it's job. I'm sure it's just our bodies trying to get rid of years of toxic sludge.
sorry this is incorrect. PG dries you out tremendously- Vg does not (at least most folks).
You are doing exactly the right thing. I had such a problem. One, vg I believe, tends to dry the skin out and the pg does just the opposite.You don't have to go all vg, but increase the percentage. When I went with too much vg tended to get bad dandruff.
So I had to experiment to find the right ratio. Worked for me anyway.

It is most likely the PG. I think you stated originally u vape 100% PG.
Many people have reactions include acne-like symptoms from PG usage.
Try a 60/40 or 50/50 VG/PG mix and I bet it will help. It did me.
There is so much misinformation on these boards sometimes.

PG dries you out-- dehydrated/thirsty etc
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Dec 24, 2012
I think it is that smoking dries up the skin pores, hence the leathery skin older smokers get, well all smokers get, just waits to show post 40"s. That said, once I quit I noticed my skin was really oily, particularly my nose. We know oil is one main component to acne. I still get lesions here and there if I don't wash my face often. OH did I mention I am 57!! I feel young again when a zit breaks out.:laugh:

If you were having some allergic reaction my bet is it would be respiratory rather than dermatology issues, but who knows allergies can take on many faces.

Yeah, but I wonder why many esmoker's skin is more oily when using high or 100% PG versus not oily when using a more "VG" juice? Plus skin breaks out when using PG but not 100 VG juices or 60/40 vg pg juices?

I think it is that smoking dries up the skin pores, hence the leathery skin older smokers get, well all smokers get, just waits to show post 40"s. That said, once I quit I noticed my skin was really oily, particularly my nose. We know oil is one main component to acne. I still get lesions here and there if I don't wash my face often. OH did I mention I am 57!! I feel young again when a zit breaks out.:laugh:

If you were having some allergic reaction my bet is it would be respiratory rather than dermatology issues, but who knows allergies can take on many faces.



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Jan 5, 2014
Los Angeles, CA
Just want to chime in - I haven't smoked a cigarette in 14 years, started vaping around the beginning of the year and I have had acne on my nose and nostrils, something that I've never experienced before in my life (I'm 43). It's not bad, but I get little ones. I French inhale a lot and can only assume it's from vaping. Once I noticed it I can keep it under control with a little extra attention.


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Dec 24, 2012
Yeah, but I wonder why many e smoker's skin is more oily when using high or 100% PG versus not oily when using a more "VG" juice? Plus skin breaks out when using PG but not 100 VG juices or 60/40 vg pg juices?

You may be on to something here. I never had any lag time from analog to e liquid...went straight to 100% PG...70/30 at the very least. I truly feel there is no REAL answer since no studies have been done to say one way or another. So I just look at it as if there are many factors that will cause issues in regards to vaping....I just hope what ever findings come about they are positive ones...

Vaping is essentially an ongoing experiment, who knows we may find out that pimples are a way to profile a E Cig user.:laugh:



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Aug 18, 2013
Anytown, USA
I did an experiment. I went one week vaping only 100%PG juice, and then one week vaping 100%VG juice. There was no change in my condition either way. I don't think my particular case was caused by PG or VG.

I think it's probably my body trying to regulate itself from years of cigarette abuse. YMMV.
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