AGA T-2--May have figured this device out

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ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2013
I experienced the top-wrap hot leg syndrome on my new AGA T-2, like many of the folks here at ECF did. I may have figured out how to get rid of this issue.
The problem seems to stem from how the device is assembled, BEFORE installation of wick and coil.
Take the bottom piece in your hand. Center tube, screw into bottom. One time. Place pyrex tank tube ( remember white rubber seals). Top deck in right hand. Screw down together.
Insert positive post and insulator through bottom. Place device on mod and screw it into 510 connection. That rubber pos insulator is now sticking up off of deck some. No worries.
Work that pos post insulator back down. Take one thumb nut. Screw down onto pos post. Use needle nose pliers to really screw down towards deck. Screw down nut number two. There should be three or four mm of pos post threads, enough to attach pos lead and top thumb nut, with enough working room.
I did 5 wraps 3/32 screw, 32 ga Kanthal, for coil. Attach neg lead, attach pos lead.Straight up and down wick position. Do this w the screw driver still inside coil. Wraps should be perfectly spaced. Remove screw driver.
Check the ohms on device. Mine ohmed out to 2.1, nice! Light up coil to heat set it. Should glow even.
Oxidize well 30/30 mm mesh . 400 and 500 worked for this. Roll nice smooth solid wick. Wick should slide into coil with a 'bouncy' feel. Don't cram it in. Even coil wraps.This is easy to achieve on RSST, now that I figured out the pos post on the AGA T-2, my set up looks correct on this device too. Light up, even wrap glow.
Very little adjusting should be needed at this point. If you have to poke at it a bunch, take that coil out and do over. I have pix on my profile, will add lit-up-coil ones when i do this again.
If no hot legs with coil, add your juice and have a great vape. 50/50 pg vg is what I vape. Hope this helps you guys, that is why i am writing this. Peace!
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Apr 17, 2013
California, USA
I experienced the top-wrap hot leg syndrome on my new AGA T-2, like many of the folks here at ECF did. I may have figured out how to get rid of this issue.
The problem seems to stem from how the device is assembled, BEFORE installation of wick and coil.
Take the bottom piece in your hand. Center tube, screw into bottom. One time. Place pyrex tank tube ( remember white rubber seals). Top deck in right hand. Screw down together.
Insert positive post and insulator through bottom. Place device on mod and screw it into 510 connection. That rubber pos insulator is now sticking up off of deck some. No worries.
Work that pos post insulator back down. Take one thumb nut. Screw down onto pos post. Use needle nose pliers to really screw down towards deck. Screw down nut number two. There should be three or four mm of pos post threads, enough to attach pos lead and top thumb nut, with enough working room.
I did 5 wraps 3/32 screw, 32 ga Kanthal, for coil. Attach neg lead, attach pos lead. Make the pos lead alittle shorter. Do this w the screw driver still inside coil. Screw driver will lean in a little bit, pointing between neg and pos post. Wraps should be perfectly spaced. Remove screw driver.
Check the ohms on device. Mine ohmed out to 2.1, nice! Light up coil to heat set it. Should glow even.
Oxidize well 30/30 mm mesh . 400 and 500 worked for this. Roll nice smooth solid wick. Wick should slide into coil with a 'bouncy' feel. Don't cram it in. Even coil wraps with that little wick lean at top. This is easy to achieve on RSST, now that I figured out the pos post on the AGA T-2, my set up looks correct on this device too. Light up, even wrap glow.
Very little adjusting should be needed at this point. If you have to poke at it a bunch, take that coil out and do over. I have pix on my profile, will add lit-up-coil ones when i do this again.
If no hot legs with coil, add your juice and have a great vape. 50/50 pg vg is what I vape. Hope this helps you guys, that is why i am writing this. Peace!

The best experience I had with my AGA T2 is when I chucked it down the street!!

From then problems.



Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2013
If it makes you feel any better, I burned up half-a-dozen setups with the AGA T-2 hot leg issue, burned out insulators on not one, but TWO RSSTs, and as far as the AGA TD dual-coil gennie is concerned, that got stuck back in the drawer. It will STAY there, until I learn how to set up a dual coil that does not feel like a pan of smoking bacon grease when I vape it ;)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 27, 2013
I won one from a Vapor Logic Boutique in Austin...


Sorry for the lousy picture:


First attempt EVER at building a RBA...didn't go as planned..used the 32ga wire that came in kit (should have folded it over and twisted it) so I get this 5 coil wrap, at a whopping 3.0ohm...bleh I did take the stainless mesh, hold with pliers in the stove burner till it glowed red, repeat 3x...nice even black, no shorts, wicks awesome...just wish I was around 1.8 ohms though...fooey

I usually hammer my vivi nova minis or protank 2's at 6.5 watts (on the Vamo V3 or MVP2), this one I had to kick up to 8 but it still hits REALLY well and the taste is incredible!

This is what the above should have looked like
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Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2013
Your coil looks really nice. Your wick diametre may be too wide. That may affect your ohm reading.
When I took a few stabs @ the AGA TD (which arrived in the 'vape mail' first, I made these huge fat wicks for the huge fat wick holes that are on the deck of the TD. In order to take into account the parallel resistance factor, I tried 4,5, even 6 wraps on @ coil. Ohming out @ 3 ish. The coil would not glow well. If I decreased # of wraps to 2 or 3, I had a 'frying pan' to vape--not safe :(
I vape my gennies on mechs, Pisces clones in 18650 mode, or my Astro clone in 18350 mode. @3.7 volts. If I ever take that AGA TD out of my vape drawer ever again and fiddle with it, I may try it with nice thin wicks. I think I prefer, however, these single coil gennies. I could probably recoil an RSST riding on the city bus, if I had to lol!
Gennies are AWESOME! This is so much like cooking! If your ingredients and measurements are correct, the meal just comes together. If you have to fuss with it alot, it is time to go back to the drawing board.
I am a scientist, by trade. I hated having to mess with mechanical devices outside of the lab. Like other middle-aged Gen-X ers, I'm just TIRED! Vape merchandise has rekindled the mischievous tinkerer in me--building models and mixing together my mothers expensive cosmetics to see what will happen (a spanking). Yes I get my nic fix. It has become something more.
I am finished buying vape gear, for now. Vape safely, Ohms and battery safety, 2 cent fuses and all that good stuff. It isn't the coin that you throw at this hobby. What can you do to bring out the best in the noodle ramen and those baby-cut carrots? Peace


ECF Guru
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Mar 31, 2012
Ontario, Canada
I experienced the top-wrap hot leg syndrome on my new AGA T-2, like many of the folks here at ECF did. I may have figured out how to get rid of this issue.

Annie, I'm really happy that you've found a way to get a Genisis atty to work for you. I've been using my AGA-T since March or so as my main vape device. IMO, the hot leg issue is just a short that didn't get handled in setup. eHuman has a great blog on setting up the AGA-T that is also relevant to any other Genisis device. He explains very well how to handle shorts.

Not trying to rain on your parade, just hoping to help you understand what I found out after trying most of the quick fixes. For me, they helped, but the hot leg kept coming back and it was frustrating. I also found going to 29 gauge Kanthal from 32 made a big difference. Whatever you do, I hope it works out for you in the long run and you get as much satisfaction from yours as I do from mine :thumb:


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ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2013
The Peter K video taught me ALOT--having a picture-perfect coil before you add voltage and juice made a world of difference. I find that if I have a hot leg or shorting along the wick, that this cannot be picked out. Unlike Peter K, i oxidize the heck out of the wick. I vape on the go, and do not want to have my vape gear go sour.
Even the appearance of the vapor coming off of the set up is a clue. Too hot, and that vapor is spattering and puffing out like a steam engine. A good setup--the vapor is a smooth, thick, nice cloud :)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 27, 2013
This is the thread I went thru to learn how to build my first rig...just read it, looked at the pictures...and tried it

I just don't have ANY wire...I would like to get some 30 and 28 gauge wire...the 32 that came in the kit you should fold in 1/2 then twist up like safety wire on an airplane

And from images I found online
AGA-T Wicked and Coiled - 40d-15402

That guys blog is AWESOME!!!

Awesome right there!
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Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2013
@ WarHawk--Discount Vapers ships really fast if you are in the states. That first thread--YES!!! Thats where I linked on to Peter K on Vimeo. That second pic c coil--wick needs trimmed @ top to post level. Bottom two wraps too big. Otherwise, set up looks trued up and correct. I wish I had that nifty mod that Peter K invented. But you practically have to sell your soul to the Dark One and dig into your wallet to acquire one :D


ECF Guru
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Mar 31, 2012
Ontario, Canada
That e-human blog--the first time that I have seen it--it looks really good!!

Nap over, w visions of little Bullys dancing in my head. Adjusted the wick on RSST straight up and down No lean. Huzzah, it worked!!!!

LOL, if I had found that blog earlier, it would have saved me a couple of weeks of figuring out how set these puppies up. Glad you're having fun :thumb:.
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