Am I missing anything

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Full Member
Dec 24, 2010
Hi everyone
I am a soon-to-be permanent vape and I am wondering if I should purchase additional items, i would like to only order monthly.
I purchased a Joye 501 kit with the following components:
2 complete Joye 510 cigarettes (2 atomizers and 2 batteries),
5 prefilled carts,
1 AC charger,
I have also purchased the following additional items to have on hand:
3 pack Joye batteries
5 pack Joye cartomizers (cart with atomizer, I know I may burn them out at first)
1 30ml e-juice
will this last me one month if I am a moderate e-user?
Thanks for the advice and direction
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Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 9, 2010
Wesley Chapel, Florida
Welcome to ECF sutemos !!

Looks like you got yourself set up good....(might want to order a few samples of different flavors in case you don't like what you got !)

You "could" use 3 mls a day so you might just want to go ahead and do that before too much time goes by and you run out...

Best of luck to ya !!!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 22, 2010
It seems light on juice. I smoked a pack a day, and I vape about 3ml per day of 24mg juice. 30ml would last me about 10 days, or about the same amount as a carton. That doesn't mean that you should pick a juice and order 100ml of it. Finding the right juice that keeps the cigarette craving at bay (flavor, nicotine content, pg/vg ratio) is trial and error. You should go to some of the vendors here that have small size bottles and order a bunch of different ones. I like VaporBomb; Freedom Smoke USA also has 5 ml bottles.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2010
It looks like you're covered hardware wise, but I'd go through 30ml of juice in about 10 days since I vape around 3ml a day, and I'm about average in my consumption. Those 5 prefilled might last one more day. I'd want an extra battery on hand too. I used a 510 for a while and 2 wouldn't keep up with my vaping so I was left without a charged batt until I got an extra.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 18, 2010
SW Oklahoma
Actually in the list there is also a 3-pk of extra batteries. With my pcc (also on your list), I don't even touch my two spare spare batteries, lol. Just use the same two all day long. But you never know how things will go, so I think you are covered well with the 5 batteries you have coming.

As everyone else mentioned, you are a bit light on the juice. I also go through about 3-4ml per day on my 510 and I pretty much chain-vape. Maybe grab some sampler packs, or some smaller bottles of flavors that sound appealing to you. I got bored with just my menthol flavor juice within about two weeks and had to order some new stuff just to keep my tastebuds happy. Just a suggestion, of course. :)


Full Member
Dec 24, 2010
So I took everyones advice and ordered another 30ml bottle. I currently smoke about 7 cigs a day (analogs, so cute) so I am hoping 2 30ml bottles will be good.
Will the 5 batteries take me through 3 months?
am I understanding correctly that cartomizers have both the atomizer and cart?
I am a Menthol light smoker any suggestions on similar flavoring?
Quick history: I wanted to see if the e-cig was for me and ordered the Veppo disposable (wouldn't suggest it, not worth the money). I wasn't getting alot of vapor (non-existent) and changed cart only to have the atomizer die (overheated it, got really hot). I did fine, no analog cravings until I burned out atomizer, with the 1 1/4 cart I was able to use in one day (I was also not very bright and ordered 8mg nic level). So with this lesson I learned I like more vapor and upped my nic level to medium. So glad for this forum.:)
Again thanks for your advice and patience with us newbies.
I can't wait to get my 510!!!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 4, 2010
Charlotte NC
I was a 2 pack a day smoker. I go through about 30-40ml every 2 weeks. At the start, you will find you will probably vape more because of it being new and trying to find that satisfying flavor. it took me almost 3 months before I found one that really satisfied me. Oh I found tons that I liked, just none of them really satisfied that craving. Hopefully you dont have to go through that, but even if you do, it will be worth it.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 26, 2010
Greensboro, NC
So with this lesson I learned I like more vapor and upped my nic level to medium.

Next time your order, you might want to pick up some small samples of different mg levels. Some heavy smokers can't take the higher nic levels and some light smokers need to go up a little when they first start vaping, at least until they get through the analog detox. One size doesn't fit all and it's a very individual thing. I started at 24mg and now I'm down to 18, headed toward 12. But for the first couple of weeks after I ditched those last few cigs, I would "spike" my atty once or twice a day with 1 drop of a higher mg level than what I usually vaped. It helped me get past my worst cravings.

You've already figured out how to pay attention to how your body is responding. So just file that info away in your noggin, in case it might be helpful as you go along.

Welcome to ECF and Happy Holidays!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 4, 2010
Merced, CA
Dittos on the more juice thing. Many vendors sell juice in sizes as small as 5ml for about $3 or so... consider ordering 8 or 10 smaller sized ones in different flavors. You might be surprised at what you find you like. I gave away all my tobacco flavors after a couple or 3 months. While I never smoked menthols, I've been vaping Spearmint for about 2 months now as my mainstay "everyday" vape, and menthol smokers seem to like it. Doublemint might be another flavor you'd like.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 25, 2010
I think your kit looks fine, and I agree with the Juice theory LOL. I didn't think I would, but i do myself chain-vape....... so extra batteries and keeping them charged is a must. The batteries should last a while but I had one die out and unable to recharge after about a week of heavy use, but the others are going fine.

I was also a menthol smoker, but do get bored with "menthol" all the time. I suggest getting one bottle of 0 nic juice, in case you start chain vaping all day long. E cigs are like that, where you forget how much nic you are taking in. I switch back and fourth from a medium to a 0 if I start getting dizzy or shaking, and some days only use the 0..... some days the medium.

The trick to flavors is to try them, however I've found that I like Totally Wicked's Mint choco chip, as a slightly sweeter diversion from menthol as well as Banana, of all things. Other flavors I have been "meh" with.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
Yeah more juice but you could order it elsewhere. If the place where you are buying the hardware is selling plain 100% PG juice, maybe order some PG/VG juice or samplers elsewhere. The tobacco juices at FreedomSmokeUSA are pretty good as are Backwoods Brew.

And maybe get some precut blue foam cart stuffing at, Flavor Shop! because you will probably want to reuse those carts past when their stuffing stops working well. I can only use that white stuffing for 4-5 days before it taste bad and stops wicking well. The I switch to blue foam. I don;t particularly recommend their juice sunless you like coffee since I heard the Kona coffees are good.

And just as suggestion - if you work, you might want a charger (AC adapter and cable) for work? I get real paranoid about batteries. A couple of times I forgot to charge my PCC and was glad I had a battery charger at work.
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Full Member
Dec 24, 2010
Thanks everyone! I just got my Joye501 (EEEE!!)
I ordered some cartomizers with 12mg menthol pre-loaded and I feel just about satisfied. I took advice from everyone and ordered another flavor with additional juice, although I will consider the different strengths a little more.
foam stuffing...I will purchase.
I am liking the vaping.
Day 1 here we go

Thanks again everyone, all your advice is truly appreciated.

Happy New Year
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