Another Newbie from NC

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 4, 2010
North Carolina

I am a new member and a new vaper.

I have a smokestik and am trying to find lots of answers. I would love to hear from other smokestik users with cartomizers. I love the concept, but the vapor amount is really inconsistent and cartomizer life isnt long.

Anyone know which juices will work with trying to refil the cartomizers? Which ones produce the best vapor and TH?

thanks and look forward to being a part of this community!

Happy Domino38

Moved On
ECF Veteran
Feb 27, 2010
Toronto Canada
Hi Ricky and welcome to ECF!

Can't give you any advice on using the Stik, because I don't have one m'self, but I'm sure someone will jump in and answer THOSE questions for you!

In MY personal opinion and experience, you get a better TH from PG. VG produces a LOT of vapor, so, what I find to be a good mix of the two is anywhere from 80% PG/20% VG or 90% PG/10% VG. If you're using cartomizers, I'd suggest more PG because VG is thicker and doesn't seem to flow through cartos as well.

One of the best places to buy liquid IMHO, is Tasty Vapor.

Hope it helps and good luck!!


New Member
Feb 13, 2010
Largo, FL
I agree with Domino.

I am new to the forums, but have been vaping for about 6 months. I prefer more vapor but my hubby prefers more throat hit. We have had great experiences from Tasty Vapor and we also like Epic-Vapor.

Both make your juice fresh to order, which rocks, cause you can customize. TV lets you select your PG/VG amounts right on the product pages, it is super convenient. Although, not as convenient on E-V's site we specify in the comments section at checkout how we want it. (its worth the extra step cause we really like some of their flavors.)
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