Another nub

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New Member
Jun 23, 2010
Hi all. I can't believe I'm posting on a ecigs forum. Its bizarre. It kind of sucks you have to get a 4 year degree to understand all that is involved here. Seriously, most cars don't require this much maintenence. From the brands to the liquids, to the kits, to the vocab, to the politics, I'm suprised ANYONE bothers... But i've spent the better part of the day researching the subject and my head is full of vaping thoughts. I felt compelled to post.

First, about me and vaping. I was introduced to the idea through a "blu cig" website ad. I never click ads, but it did stick in my mind. So a month or 2 later when my aunt brought up the subject, and how a friend of hers quit with the ecig, I decided to check it out.

I ordered the stupid blue thing, and it stunk. It makes sense that Blu does so much advertising, as I doubt they would get many returning customers. Now most people would give up on the ecig thing at that point. But i decided to look into it more. I found this forum and other sites. Many recommended the joye 510, so I ordered it as well. It came in the mail a few days later, and having been so recently discouraged, the package sat on my shelf unopened for 3 months... I opened it this morning, and I am so relieved and impressed. The product works. It really feels like smoking... WHEN i get that throat hit. Thats my first question, why is that damn throat hit so inconsistant?

I've had a rather unusual smoking habit for a long time. I smoke ultralight 100's. About a pack and a half a day. But i smoke them in thirds. Meaning, i light up, take a few puffs, then put it out. Then a few minutes later, I light up again. So I smoke almost CONSTANTLY, but dont actually get that much nicotine. Well, i've been vaping all day (with a few cigs mixed in). And i'm getting waaaay more nicotine than I should be. Can anyone recomend a cheap liquid that gives me a decent throat hit with a low amount of nicotine so I can vap MORE with less nicotine? PLEASE! And link if possible.

And a quick thought on the politics and society. It makes me sick. I pride myself on being a rational person. And when I see .... like this it drives me INSANE! The politicians, the media and the ......s that make up 80% of our society. The facts are soooo simple and striaght forward. Vaping is sooo much safer than smoking. I don't want to quit, but if I can get that same feeling without the danger, why wouldn't everyone get behind that? It's like someone who enjoys riding a motorcycle down a winding mountain road at 100 MPH in heavy traffic who also enjoys equally riding the bumper cars at the local amusment park. Instead of encouraging this man to ride the bumper cars, we are warning him of the potential dangers of the bumper cars and how someone COULD potential get hurt. Outlaw the bumber carts!

The manufacuturers need to get the product to be reliable, and simpler. The sellers need to stop trying to market it as a cessation device (maybe a footnote that it can be used that way... potentially), and the politicians and the rest of society need to get thier heads out of their ....

Anyways, thanks for this site, and for all your helpful info, and in advance for your responses.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010
Hi, Roc, and welcome to ECF! The world of vaping can be daunting and incredibly intimidating when first starting out, and a lot of us (myself included) make huge, expensive mistakes before stumbling into this forum. I can only speak for myself, but I'm glad that I did. I've learned a lot just by reading, asking questions, and watching recommended videos. It's a lot to soak in, but once it does, it's liberating!

Most juice vendors offer a low or zero nicotine juice. If you want good TH, then I suggest getting a juice with a higher percentage of PG. Even though you smoke analogs the way that you do, you're still getting the same amount of nicotine that you would if you just smoked the whole thing. It's just taking a little bit longer to finish it. I sometimes chain vape while I'm sitting in front of my computer at home and I'm using 18mg juice. I can't say that this will work for you. Everyone is different in what amounts they can tolerate. All I can say is that it's enough to keep me from wanting an analog, and that's enough for me.

Again, I can only speak for myself, but I stuck with vaping and it has worked for me like nothing else ever did before. I haven't picked up an analog in almost three weeks and I haven't wanted to. I didn't start vaping so I could quit smoking, but it just sort of worked out that way. I'm glad it did because I'm feeling better than I have in decades, and I'm saving a ton of money in the process!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 6, 2010
Nu-Juice Liquid Refill really cheap juice here, if your looking for tobacco flavor cannt really suggest any to ya, I'm a former menthol smoker and I usually go for non tobacco flavors since all the menthol ones i try taste like im freebasing listerine.

Throat hit problems could be the carts your using are they prefilled? Might just be dried out bad carts,


Bird Brain
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 6, 2009
It would be easier to recommend a liquid supplier if you gave us a hint as to what flavors you like. Also, what strength are you vaping at present.

I started vaping 24mg (with a little 36mg some mornings to wake me up) to 12 after I overdid it one night. I now vape 6mg most of the day and some 0mg at night.

My favorite juice vendor is Tasty Vapor. If you know you like a flavor, you can order it with a high nicotine level, buy the doubler with the same flavor and mix them to the right strength for you. That makes it a very inexpensive vape.

Others that are reasonably price and known for having good quality are,,,,,, and
Yet another nub here. I have been vaping for 1 week and trying to learn what I can from these forums. My sister-in-law & niece got me started. They have been a big help and even loaned me a prodigy1 plus supplies to get started. I really like the toffee flavor juice and would like to know where I could order some. Thanks to anyone with advice.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
I've actually found that Blu turns more people against vaping due their vastly inferior product. Quite a shame. Glad to hear the OP (original poster) was smart enough to do more research. The 510 is a good starting point, although the eGo would be even better. And if you progress even further, you might want to check out a good 5 volt PV. Here is a site to look at:

Best e-Cig Mod List | e-Cig Mods Database

Good Luck


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 6, 2010
I think the issue of throat hit not being consistent "might" be related to the battery as it doesn't last very long on the standard 510. This is just my theory - but it makes sense to me. To get vapor you need power. As the battery gets slightly lower with every hit - the battery doesn't create the vapor that you had in your first hits after charging. This is why i think newbs should start with an EGO - dramatically longer battery life. But again, this is all my hunch.


New Member
Jun 23, 2010
I only bought 1 10ml bottle from

Ill check out the other sites. Flavor is not a big deal to me. Probably because smoking has killed all my taste buds. But I've never had a particularly sophisticated palete.

It's the oral fixation i really need. What if i got some high concentration stuff then cut it with something? damn i really didnt want it to get this complicated. If i were to do that, what do i mix it with? water? 0mg stuff? is 0mg cheaper? it should be! I never understood why the lower dose stuff was the same price. doesnt make sense.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 9, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
Yet another nub here. I have been vaping for 1 week and trying to learn what I can from these forums. My sister-in-law & niece got me started. They have been a big help and even loaned me a prodigy1 plus supplies to get started. I really like the toffee flavor juice and would like to know where I could order some. Thanks to anyone with advice.

nicotinenirvana and vaporbomb as well as many others quality vendors carry versions of toffee flavored liquid. If you like what your currently using I'd suggest finding out from your sister-n-law or niece where they got it as all toffee mixes won't taste the same then again you may find a version you like better, taste is very subjective.


Ultra Member
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Aug 16, 2010
eGo also seems to keep consistent (until it just stops), where the standard 510 seems to gradually get weaker as the battery gets lower.

Same as everyone else about the flavor, need to know what you like to suggest anyone specific. You can get lower nic, what are you using atm?

Can't say I agree with statements about this being so complicated, outside a couple acronyms and abreviations everything is pretty straight forward. Put juice into cart (or cartomizer), put cart into atty (skip if using cartomizer), put atty onto battery, press button (skip if automatic), inhale, exhale. Repeat button->exhale until flavor weakens, repeat all steps. Battery dies, replace with charged battery and put dead one on charger. Compare to car with different tires, rims, gas, radiator fluid, brake fluid, oil, shocks, belts, etc...


Ultra Member
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ECF Veteran
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Aug 16, 2010
I only bought 1 10ml bottle from

Ill check out the other sites. Flavor is not a big deal to me. Probably because smoking has killed all my taste buds. But I've never had a particularly sophisticated palete.

It's the oral fixation i really need. What if i got some high concentration stuff then cut it with something? damn i really didnt want it to get this complicated. If i were to do that, what do i mix it with? water? 0mg stuff? is 0mg cheaper? it should be! I never understood why the lower dose stuff was the same price. doesnt make sense.


You could cut it with pure PG, which would lower both the nic and the taste. Your sense of taste will quickly return when you completely stop using cigarettes. Nothing complicated, just find the taste you like and the nic level you need and buy that. Complicated (though not that complicated) would be mixing your own juice, but that's like rolling your own smokes.

Reason the cost is the same is that nicotine is only a small percentage of the price, the PG/VG, flavoring, bottle, labor, etc take up most of the cost.


Bird Brain
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 6, 2009
It really isn't that complicated. You just need to pick the options that work best for you:

Personal Vaporizer:
Battery - the ones that come with starter kits don't last very long between charges. Some new kits, notably the eGo, Hello 016 or Riva last longer.

Atomizer + Cartridge - Saturate the filler in the cartridge with liquid. Refill when it is dryish.
Atomizer without Cartridge - drip or dip. Add liquid frequently
Cartomizer - atomizer + cartridge combined. Saturate the filler in the carto with liquid. Refill when it is dryish. You can buy these prefilled or get more variety (and save money) by filling them yourself.

There is some difference in the draw and taste on different models but once you find one you like, you probably won't try all the others to find out if there is one you like even better.

Assuming you aren't allergic to propylene glycol (PG) or vegetable glycerin (VG), e-liquid consists of:
PG and/or VG, flavoring and nicotine
General wisdom says PG improves throat hit and taste; VG improves the amount of vapor
Nicotine is measured in milligrams per milliliter.

If you have liquid that is too strong for you (e.g 48mg), you can add liquid that does not have nicotine. If the no-nic liquid has the same flavor as the original, you will change the strength but not the flavor. If the no-nic liquid is flavorless, it will dilute both the strength and the flavor.

Most suppliers sell their flavors with and without nicotine so, if you do not want to change the taste of a liquid you like, buy some of the same flavor from the original source and mix them together.

You can get unflavored PG and VG from most vendors or buy them elsewhere. Food grade PG can be a bit difficult to find unless you order it online. Food grade VG (USP) is easy -- any health food store, K-Mart, etc.

That's it. Once you decide you like vaping, you might want to get a passthrough or a mod that uses a lithium battery. You might want to build your own mods or mix your own liquid. But you don't need to know about any of that to have a very satisfying time vaping any more than you need to know programming in order to enjoy using a computer.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
I think the issue of throat hit not being consistent "might" be related to the battery as it doesn't last very long on the standard 510. This is just my theory - but it makes sense to me. To get vapor you need power. As the battery gets slightly lower with every hit - the battery doesn't create the vapor that you had in your first hits after charging. This is why i think newbs should start with an EGO - dramatically longer battery life. But again, this is all my hunch.

TH not being consistent is not a "might" be related to the battery, it has everything to do with the battery. The bigger the battery output (to a point) provides better and more consistent throat hit. That's why a 510 (mostly due to the lower atty resistence) is better than a 901, an ego is better than a 510 and a 5 volt mod is better than all three when it comes to consistent TH.
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