Any Hooka Smokers out there?

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Full Member
Oct 3, 2011
Just wondering if anyone out there smoked hooka or formerly smoked hooka. I mainly enjoyed the smoke of hooka and i think i smoked cigarettes to compensate for not having hooka at hand. Only cigarette i enjoyed really was camel crush crushing before lighting up to almost completely mash the tobacco taste. But anyways i was just curious as to how many people here smoke(d) hooka and what flavors they recommend. Got my riva 510 yesterday but i dont really like the menthol flavors i got from liberty flights.


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ECF Veteran
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Sep 13, 2011
I think my nic addiction started with a hookah. Had one for about 2-3 years and loved it, and before long when I left it in Memphis I found something missing. Bought a pack of cigs and smoked for 4-5 years, and have now found vaping. I can see why someone who likes one would like the other.

I have the Riva and also got some sample juices from LF. Their juices were not my favorites, however, although I enjoyed Candy's mint and some others. I've pretty quickly moved on to dessert/fruit vapes being my favorite although I like some tobaccos (Wyatt Earp and some RY4s).
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