Any lingering side effects? [For people who have vaped at least one month]

How are you doing with any side effects after vaping for a month or more?

  • I never experienced any problems from vaping.

  • I had some MINOR side effects early on, but they went away on their own.

  • I had some MINOR side effects early on that I solved by switching strength, PG/VG, flavor, brand.

  • I had some MAJOR side effects early on, but they went away on their own.

  • I had some MAJOR side effects early on that I solved by switching strength, PG/VG, flavor, brand.

  • I continue to have some MINOR side effects.

  • I continue to have some MAJOR side effects.

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son et lumiere

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 30, 2009
Now that's interesting, son et lumiere. I've seen posts that blame the PG on dry mouth, and here you say you have dry mouth with the 100% VG.

Yeah 100% VG gives me dry mouth. 100% PG gives me a lot of weird alergic recations including super super dry mouth. I still feel a lot better though. World of a difference.
Using the PG, I break out in horrible hives and itching spells on my back, arms, and stomach. It gets worse at night when I lay down. This was Winter of 09. My husband did buy some VG's, but I could not stand the aftertaste. I still continued to break out, but I believe it was due to the PG getting out of my system. This winter, hubby has ordered s plethora of VG e-liquids and hopefully we will find one that is right for me, so that I can finally get of the analogs.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 17, 2010
Oceanside, CA
Using the PG, I break out in horrible hives and itching spells on my back, arms, and stomach. It gets worse at night when I lay down. This was Winter of 09. My husband did buy some VG's, but I could not stand the aftertaste. I still continued to break out, but I believe it was due to the PG getting out of my system. This winter, hubby has ordered s plethora of VG e-liquids and hopefully we will find one that is right for me, so that I can finally get of the analogs.

This was the thorn in my side also, PPR. What worked for me was dry skin brushing (whole body) every day before showering and steaming my face for 5 min. in the AM and 5 min. in the PM, followed by a distilled water/apple cider vinegar rinse (9:1 ratio, respectively). I also quadrupled my grapeseed extract antioxidant dosage (resveratrol). The breakouts, unfortunately, can last for months. Hope the switchover to VG works for you, good luck on that.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 22, 2010
The Internet
I didn't vote yet, because I started at the end of fall, and I am prone to winter colds and allergies. The symptoms I have been experiencing this year are far easier than usual. Usually my co-workers tell me to go home because I look like crap, but nobody has said anything like that this year, and I haven't felt like not being at work either.


Assclown Exterminator
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 28, 2009
Never had one side effect. I tend to view a lot of the "I'm on my deathbed because I started ecigs" complaints with much skepticism. I fail to understand how you could smoke for 10/15/20/25 years and all of a sudden have all these health issues because you stopped. Probably a lot of hypochondria in the mix.............IMO
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