Aspire Nautilus Mini burnt taste

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Jan 26, 2016
Alberta Canada
Well, second one down now. This is just ridiculous and quite frankly getting to be a complete waste of time and money. I followed every instruction and suggestion to the tee, priming, letting it sit, no-power pulls, never letting it fall bellow 0.5ml, never fill past 1.5 ml, not chain vaping, low wattage to start (6W) than a little higher afterwards (8W) and the coil fried after the first refill.

At this point I am just going back to smoking, not half as frustrating and a fraction of the cost. Selling the mod and buying a pack of cigs now, f this crap.
I have been using my nautilus mini again for about a month. I had plenty of coils on stock. I've never had a problem with them until the other day when I went to change one, it "burnt" on first pull as well after priming, etc. So I changed it again and same thing. Third time lucky because that coil was fine. I think it was just a couple of bad coils which could be your problem as well. I use mine with 70-80 VG at 12.5-14 W with no problems.


Full Member
Mar 20, 2016
Give it up. This is exactly why I sold the whole setup and went back to smoking. None of you can even agree on the cause! I already went over everything and I already know that Aspire themselves shipped 2 bad coils with my tank. It felt like inhaling battery acid. No one in their right mind can say that is healthy.

Furthermore I see forum post after post all over the internet about how they got sets of bad coils. Do you buy 10 cars in hopes that at least one works? No, because that's stupid. I don't have the money to gamble away like that. A pack of cigarettes guarantees me 20 perfectly consistent cigarettes every single time. The only thing vaping guarantees me is a headache, wasted money, and a strong chance to emulate the sensation of smoking fire ants.

Plain and simple, this is a waste of time and money. If these are the devices legislators are coming across I can see why they would want to ban them and close the industry. Clearly quality control is a joke, customers health come second to profit, and it is NOT safe.

My decision has been made, I am not foolish enough to fall for the same scam twice. Vaping accomplished one thing though, it just produced one more anti-vaper.
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No one can agree on the cause because there's multiple reasons it could go wrong, and not one of us is there to see what you're doing so we're all guessing. I'm betting that you ran it too dry. Running it down to 0.5ml is too dry. When the level of the fluid is below the wicking holes, you're going to burn out the coil. Yes, there are bad coils out there, no denying that. But more likely it's user error.

If vaping isn't for you, that's fine. But it's worked like nothing else ever has for so many of us. So don't denigrate the entire industry just because you didn't like it.
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Dec 7, 2014
East Coast, USA
I am so sorry you feel that way, eBan. Your post makes me sad; I am torn between wondering whether you are looking for a reason to smoke - which is entirely your prerogative- or simply intended to troll.

A pack of cigs does guarantee you 20 consistent cigs every time. They also guarantee the absorption of hundreds of known carcinogens, every time you light up - a scam perpetrated on the public which is purported to cost billions of dollars and billions of lives. To compare the frustration associated with two bad coils with the effects of smoking is both ill-informed and disingenuous.

If ever you decide to try again, the ecf community will be here, willing to help. I wish you well.


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Sep 30, 2014
Give it up. This is exactly why I sold the whole setup and went back to smoking. None of you can even agree on the cause! I already went over everything and I already know that Aspire themselves shipped 2 bad coils with my tank. It felt like inhaling battery acid. No one in their right mind can say that is healthy.

Furthermore I see forum post after post all over the internet about how they got sets of bad coils. Do you buy 10 cars in hopes that at least one works? No, because that's stupid. I don't have the money to gamble away like that. A pack of cigarettes guarantees me 20 perfectly consistent cigarettes every single time. The only thing vaping guarantees me is a headache, wasted money, and a strong chance to emulate the sensation of smoking fire ants.

Plain and simple, this is a waste of time and money. If these are the devices legislators are coming across I can see why they would want to ban them and close the industry. Clearly quality control is a joke, customers health come second to profit, and it is NOT safe.

My decision has been made, I am not foolish enough to fall for the same scam twice. Vaping accomplished one thing though, it just produced one more anti-vaper.

There are any number of reasons that this could have happened to you. None of us are there looking over your shoulder to assist and point out any mistakes you might have made. I don't see how we, in this forum, are responsible for evaluating and resolving your specific problem. It could be that you got a bad batch of coils. It happens. It could be that your juice is too thick and couldn't wick fast enough. It could be that your device reads the 1.8ohm coil too high and sent too much voltage to the coil, burning it. All we can offer is suggestions based on our own experiences. It doesn't guarantee a perfect answer every time. Sometimes all it does is send you in the right direction to find the right answer.

And as far as the 10 cars analogy, if the cars only cost you $25 apiece then yes you would buy 10 in the hopes that one would work :)


Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2013
chattanooga, tn, usa
Hm-m-m-m Think your analogy is incorrect, Eban. :) It could be like you buy one car and wreck it cause you took the curve too fast. It happens at one time or another to us all and we call that the "learning curve." Ha! We're more than happy to help you through it.....IF you have the patience to continue.


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Apr 19, 2011
The Motor City
The reality is that every type of vaping product has some level of stumbling block, from the occasional bad coil to a design that doesn't work without some tinkering. None of those things are deal breakers for someone who really wants to stop smoking. Giving up after a couple bad heads suggest to me that one isn't really ready to stop smoking. Maybe there will be more patience/motivation next time.


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Dec 11, 2015
I run my mini at 9W and have yet to have a bad coil (though I know they are out there). If I do end up getting one I would rather waste a couple dollars than go back to smoking. Finding what works for you can take some time, but once your there you'll be happy. Wish you had given it more time. I don't know how you figure it's a "fraction of the cost" (going back to smoking) when a pack of butts is about the price of a package of coils that could last months.


Full Member
Mar 20, 2016
UPDATE: My friend who bought this piece of garbage had the same issue and I was there when it happened the first time.

He primed it with 10 drops, let it sit for 30 mins, middle air hole, pulled soft and short (2-3 seconds), 70 pg / 30 vg light colored apple from spectrum, 8 watts (anything less produced no vapor), never under half a tank, and 2-3 un-powered pull between every other draw. Burnt out two coils in a day a piece, the first one I was there for, the second I was not, both bought individually from separate packs. Needless to say he wanted his damn money back.

We pulled the bvc a part and the cotton was nearly stark white except for the extremely light coloring left behind from the apple ejuice but the coil was pitch black in the center and silver towards the edges but there was no residue and there was no crust, just discolored. The wick was very clearly not burnt. After checking all the coils I had, it was exactly the same. The wick never burnt.

He has been vaping for 2 years and agreed that the nautilus tanks are a scam. He watched me set it up as well and strait out said I did nothing wrong either. Exactly as I thought since I scoured this forum for HOURS and watched TONS of videos after the first one burnt out and had one hell of a grip on what I was doing. Plain and simple it is garbage and I'm out the very little money I had left because of it.

What's even more sick is that I went to one of the smoke shops near by and they tried telling me to my face that 8 watts was "too high" and anything above 1 watt will burn it, which is insane since that equated to 1.7v on a coil that is clearly marked 4.2v-6v and the fact that 1 watt just floods it while producing absolutely no vapor what so ever. Another told me 20 watts is the minimum, which is again clearly bull.... as that is 6v. The level of bull.... spewed by people in this industry reinforces my point that it is toxic and abusive and just ensures I will never return to vaping. All vaping accomplished was making my smoking habit 2x worse, up to 2 packs a day after this frustration.

Also, thank god I wasn't trying to use a sub-ohm tank they tried selling me, otherwise they probably would have gotten me killed with their levels of knowledge. Real great industry.


Full Member
Mar 20, 2016
I have the same coil in my Mini for over a month using Tobacco blends and some homemade. The other tank I use for fruits has fried 2 coils with the same Tropical Fruit 80/20. The one I have had for over a month still looks new and not bad taste. It is the e-Liquid

Works fine in my mothers Lotus Evod, also worked fine in my friends other tank, which I am unsure of the name of.
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Oct 21, 2014
Nautilus tanks are not a scam. This is the first time I have ever heard of someone having that bad of luck with one. I have 4 of them and I have never once had this issue. I dont even prime my coils. When I change a coil i let it soak up for about 10-15 mins, start at about 6 watts and work up from there, and do some dry pulls before each vape. It has always taken about 30 mins max for a new coil to be up and running. If you got a bad batch of coils it could be that they are not authentic. Did you check them for authenticity (the scratch sticker on the box that has a code which you enter on Aspires website)? Sorry you are having problems but it seems you have purchased either a bad batch of coils or fake ones.


Full Member
Mar 20, 2016
Nautilus tanks are not a scam. This is the first time I have ever heard of someone having that bad of luck with one. I have 4 of them and I have never once had this issue. I dont even prime my coils. When I change a coil i let it soak up for about 10-15 mins, start at about 6 watts and work up from there, and do some dry pulls before each vape. It has always taken about 30 mins max for a new coil to be up and running. If you got a bad batch of coils it could be that they are not authentic. Did you check them for authenticity (the scratch sticker on the box that has a code which you enter on Aspires website)? Sorry you are having problems but it seems you have purchased either a bad batch of coils or fake ones.

Yes, I did. The 2 coils I had came with the tank, which I purchased form a seller listed on this site ( The code verified just fine. The two coils the other guy had were legit as well. That's 4 out of 4 from 3 different batches, that's not bad luck, that's a scam. I don't have the money to be wasting on garbage like that, I'm not a hipster, I'm just someone who was looking to find an alternative to smoking.

Also, as I said above, the wicks were NOT burnt, the coils were, without residue or gunk, just strait up pitch black. They continued to burn even with the BVC flooded as well, at 8 watts (NEVER over, mostly out of pure fear), within 2-3 seconds. They produce a vicious, thick, painful, smoke that can only be described as attempting to smoke fire ants. It was so awful that by the time I sold it I was terrified to even try another coil in fear of getting that smoke again. Hence why it is sitting in my trash can.

There is absolutely no way that kind of quality can be deemed legitimate, it can however be called a scam. Makes a lot of sense from a business perspective to make the coils last as short as possible and "encourage" people to buy more. Furthermore, there is no way that smoking smoldering metal can be safe or healthy, not to mention it didn't feel like it was either as well. If you don't see that as a scam I would absolutely hate to see how awful and dangerous a product would have to be for you to.

Also something to add, my Mark 10 ....ty cigalike performs a hell of a sight better.


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Oct 21, 2014
I wouldnt call it a scam. I would call it a BAD BATCH. And personally I take offense to some of your comments. Have you contacted MVS and made them aware? I am sure they will happily replace your coils as they have excellent customer service. But coming on here claiming that you are being scammed by a highly reputable retailer who we all repeatedly use is just childish. It is your choice if you dont want to Vape. But I feel as if you just are overreacting to something that is easily fixable.


Full Member
Mar 20, 2016
I wouldnt call it a scam. I would call it a BAD BATCH. And personally I take offense to some of your comments. Have you contacted MVS and made them aware? I am sure they will happily replace your coils as they have excellent customer service. But coming on here claiming that you are being scammed by a highly reputable retailer who we all repeatedly use is just childish. It is your choice if you dont want to Vape. But I feel as if you just are overreacting to something that is easily fixable.

No, I ABSOLUTELY refuse to deal with, or use any product from, any retailer who would sell a product as vile as that. My confidence in them is gone, and I would never take someone who vouches for that product or them seriously. Nor would I ever attempt to use a product that produce such a searing pain as that ever again. It can remain in my trash can. They also cant replace the coils since I tore them all a part to figure out what was going on.

This is not something I want to attempt to fix or anything anyone should. That smoke can not be safe and putting your self in the position to experience that over and over again makes absolutely no sense. I simply cannot afford another tank, and even if I could I still wouldn't be able to afford another mishap. I also will NOT buy a product and "hope" it works. When I buy something it better work nearly every time, and 4 out of 4 from 3 different batches tells me that is not the case. I don't have money to throw away like that, this wasn't a hobby, this was something to improve my life, and it failed.

Also if you took offense to anything I said, that's on you. I call it exactly how I see it and none of it was even directed at you.
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Oct 21, 2014
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